Draper on Cigarettes

Iron Online Stop Smoking Archive

You wondering what Dave thinks about your smoking habit? It's harsh...

You won't like what I have to say. Nothing personal, but the smoking habit diminishes a person's potential in every aspect of living.

Short term is essentially long term.

Aside from all the bad statistics, cigarette smoking ages the smoker. The body and face don't have a chance. Also, those persons who submit to smoking and continue to smoke share a common nature that is evidenced in flawed self-respect and a weakness in self-control -- short-term or long-term.Training right and eating right travel in the exact opposite direction.

The deleterious effects of smoking go into immediate effect.

The cigs eat up the muscle-building B-complex in the body, wreck the immune system making it work harder to maintain simple disease resistance, eat up the lungs and drastically limit the absorption and distribution of life-giving oxygen to the cells throughout the body (muscle repair, energy, detoxifying). The arteries and blood passage-ways are impaired and blocked by ingredients absorbed from cigarette use. They contribute to heart attacks and stroke.The stomach's health and its digestive processes are compromised, interrupting the absorption of proteins and vitamins and minerals.

The cigarettes are a real poison to the system; they placate the mind when it should stand on its own strength; they're addictive and 10 becomes 20, and they cost hard-earned bucks. They're a tough habit to break and I've had to break many. The longer a person gives into the weakness, the more disagreeable it becomes and the more difficult it is to escape.

I can't imagine a person who smokes having a great day.

God's speed... Dave

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