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Display Name Post: Sam Ritchie's (Extra Heavy) MMS Log        (Topic#38034)
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
08-06-22 08:54 AM - Post#920963    

I'm currently on day 10 of my first-ever round of MMS... but let me backfill this log for posterity and context.

I'm 35 years old and have had many athletic phases. From 10 to 22 I competed in flatwater sprint kayaking at the international level, always as a smaller guy (bodyweight under 165) with a very strong upper body and legs so weak that I would cramp doing lunges with 10# dumbbells.

I moved to NYC after graduating college and was horrified to find out how tough it was to exercise in a city. I receded into the weight room and took on the GOMAD diet and 20 rep squat program for something like 8 weeks, working my way from no leg strength up to 265 for 20 at a bodyweight in the mid 170s.

Since then the big phases have been

- ultra distance canoe racing (, 265 miles)
- CrossFit for an intense year in 2012, with an excellent coach that had been one of the top hammer throw athletes in the country back in her heyday
- ultramarathon trail running, racking up maybe 8 100 mile finishes (and a 200 miler!), some pretty fast.

My running body is maybe 155 without any real effort at weight loss, and I sit at 162# when the volume is lower. I've hung on to pretty solid strength over the years with periodic returns to a regular low-rep weight routine.


So why MMS, and why now?

My wife delivered our twin boy and girl this past May, taking any long runs off the table and nuking stretches of sleep longer than 2 hours. I spent a month answering "how are you?" with the usual "oh, you know, it's so hard, sleep sucks," before realizing how boring this was. Wouldn't it be more fun to say, "The twins are awesome, and I'm hitting PRs left and right, packing on muscle and the strongest I've ever been in my life!"?

The kids were sleeping a touch better in mid-June, so I started lifting again in the very early morning, first with a basic 5x5 program, and then plucking workouts from Jocko Willink's "Discipline Equals Freedom" book, along with some "BUDS Prep" sessions from a Stew Smith ( program I had completed back in college.

The Jocko workouts got me back into the high rep squats game, with simple workouts like

- 6 sets of max backsquats at bodyweight, 6 sets max front squat at 1/2 bodyweight,
- 8 sets back, 3 front
- 8 sets front, 3 back

These were HARD, but I was hitting numbers in the high 20s on backsquat for the first few sets, and eventually 150 total reps at bodyweight.

This was all great but I didn't have a structure or longer term plan. I started digging around my library, reading Dan John articles, and re-discovered MMS, with the scary-yet-TANTALIZINGLY CLOSE goal of the 50 rep set at bodyweight.

I read the book and decided to go all in. I had done a month already of high rep squats work, so I decided to start the program on week 3, skipping the "warm up" weeks at the beginning of the program. Maybe dumb, but I figured I could add two more weeks onto the end if it turned out that I had the courage to continue eating at a high level for six weeks (my biggest fear!)

Edited by Sam Ritchie on 08-06-22 09:48 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 5, 7.27 (day 1)
08-06-22 09:17 AM - Post#920964    

Bodyweight 167

BP: 2-3-5x3 @ 195
Bat wing: 24kg in one hand, 16kg in the other, 3 sets with each combo
Press: 2-3-5x3@24kg KB per hand
Bird dog: 3x6 reps, slow
Complex: 65#, 3 rounds of 5@each
Squat: 95x30, 115x30, 135x30


I had no idea how to calibrate the complex; for background, my overhead press has always been my weakest lift, so I decided to go pretty light. I also didn't realize at this point that the complexes are meant to be HARD, so I dogged it a bit.

In the past I've never been able to get a set of 5 presses beyond 120, even when benching in the mid 200s. Lack of overhead flexibility from the old paddling days. THAT SAID... I started playing the violin a year ago, and in late May decided that I was sick of how hard tight shoulders were making it to play well. I've been going HARD on shoulder flexibility for the last month and my shoulder blades can finally slot together. Spoiler alert, this makes a huge difference on presses.

I didn't go too turbo on bench press.

I was calibrated better on the squats from the past month, and decided that I would go a level UP and get the full 30 reps at 135.

These are full depth squats, in flat shoes. I have and love lifting shoes, but have been squatting without them at these high rep sets to make it harder on myself. I get the sense that this would be a bad idea if I were going for a 1 rep max, but I don't feel any stress on my feet, and my flexibility is good enough that I can hang at full depth for a long time.


Obviously this is the hard part! I basically ate constantly for the next three days. PBJ, chicken, veggies, cottage cheese, yogurt, berries, fresh fruit (not much of this), and six eggs and toast each AM. I'll add more detail here when I catch up on these posts.

Edited by Sam Ritchie on 08-06-22 09:18 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 6 7.30
08-06-22 09:23 AM - Post#920965    

Bodyweight 172.6

BP: 2-3-10@205, 2x2-3-5@210
Bat wing: 24kg in one hand, 16kg in the other, 3 sets with each combo
Press: 3x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Bird dog: 3x6 reps, slow
Complex: 100#, 3 rounds of 5@each
Squat: 95x10, 115x10, 135x50


I've been eating my mind out for a few days now, with nice results at the scale. I realized that the complexes are supposed to be heavier and bumped the weight up, still cautious as you can see but getting better.

I added a bigger jump in bench press too to try and find where I should be sitting.

I was proud of the squats here, with a full set of 50. All of the longer conditioning workouts I had been doing are helping me not redline too hard on the higher reps. I can't remember exactly but I think I made it to 30 and then finished out in sets of 5 with some breathing in between ("resting" with the bar on my back of course).

Edited by Sam Ritchie on 08-06-22 09:23 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 7, 8.2
08-06-22 09:33 AM - Post#920966    

Bodyweight 175.1

BP: 2@185, 2@225, 2@255, failed at 275, 1@262.5, 5@225
Bat wing: 24kg in one hand, 16kg in the other, 3 sets with each combo
Press: 2x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Bird dog: 3x6 reps, slow
Complex: 3 rounds of 5@each: 105, 110, 115
Squat: 95x10, 115x10, 135x10, 185x10, 3x5@205


Phew, eating remains tough but I've kept at it.

I haven't done much benching in years; my lifetime high was 5x5@265 back in college, with a max just shy of 300. I was happy to be able to dial in a probable max at this point, and I'm setting my double weight at 260 for the purposes of the next few workouts.

The complexes were aerobically tough, BUT I didn't feel the usual mobility limitations overhead. INTERESTING! I'll keep bumping this up and see what happens. I love the little tests that show up in this program, sloshing between squats and complexes / bench.

I forgot to note it in the last log entry, but I have been following the squat prescriptions for bigger kids, up at 185-205. This isn't a decision I've fully made, or one that I don't have some fear about... I have been feeling solid at strength endurance, but the program gets HARD and I haven't ever knocked out a set of 50 reps at bodyweight! Everything at the higher weight class has been doable so far, so I've been deferring the decision. The next workout is the crux. Do I attempt 50 at 185 or 205??

Edited by Sam Ritchie on 08-06-22 09:33 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 8, 8.5
08-06-22 09:47 AM - Post#920967    

Bodyweight 175.4

BP: warmup then 5x2@240
Bat wing: 24kg in one hand, 16kg in the other, 3 sets with each combo
Press: 2x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Bird dog: 3x6 reps, slow
Complex: 5 rounds of 2@each: 115, 125, 132.5, 140, 145
Squat: 95x10, 135x5, 185x3, 31/19@205


Bodyweight increase is slowing down a bit... I have been keeping up my eating, but maybe not at the insane levels of the first few days? I am constantly full and eating every two hours, but maybe I need to up my game. I did hit 180.5 two nights ago, a lifetime high!

The complex was the big shocker for me. I have never pressed 135, I don't think, or if I have it was desperate. Today, thanks to strength and the new shoulder flexibility, I didn't feel technically different at 145 then at 115... and the 145 presses felt really good, tough in the way that they are SUPPOSED to feel. I am still processing this self-image adjustment. Once I lock in this change I will no longer be able to complain that "my overhead sucks", and will have to buckle down and lift harder.

I got a good night of sleep, the twins actually slept through, and I decided to be brave and see what happens at the bigger weight. I got maybe 10 reps in before starting solid breathing between reps of a breath or two, and then increased to 3-4 breaths above 20 reps. I put the bar down at 31 because my lower back was starting to get really fatigued, just in the rest position at the top.

The cues that have been really helpful for conserving energy have been a huge solid breath and shrug up at the top of the rep to create tension, and then lifting my toes to double check that I'm centered on the way down. I was proud that all of these reps were full depth.

Bench press felt good and doable. This is a more familiar motion from "the old days"... but it is still great to feel strong and get that big bump.

I tried to go up to my 32kg kettlebell for the one arm presses, but it's a bridge too far and I don't have anything in between. I could probably manage a negative here by getting the bell up with two hands.

Weight gain is slowing down, so I'm going to redouble my efforts here. I cooked a bunch of chicken and steak, and have been dutifully popping fish oil and drinking my protein scoops. I feel STRONG! And bigger. My running shorts are very tight (don't worry, I'm not running now :)

Oh, also, as I was sweating over going up in weight classes I was gratified to find this Q&A from Dan, noting that he's almost never had anyone ask about going up in weight. Weirdly this pushed me into doing it.

I'm close to the category boundary so it's not THAT brave. Hey, let me have my confidence booster!!

Edited by Sam Ritchie on 08-06-22 09:48 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
08-06-22 01:55 PM - Post#920975    

These are some good numbers, reports, and results. This is impressive!
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 9, 8.8
08-08-22 10:04 AM - Post#921016    

Bodyweight 176.4

BP: warmup then 5x3@240
Bat wing: 24kg in one hand, 16kg in the other, 3 sets with each combo
Press: 2x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Bird dog: 3x6 reps, slow
Complex: 3 rounds of 2@each: 145
Squat: 95x10, 135x10, 185x10, 205x5, 205x20


I've settled in on some nutritional staples like 6 eggs and toast with cheese, PBJ, roast chicken etc, and I'm using those as the bones of my eating and fitting in cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables and other incidental items around the mains. I can't say I'll miss eating like this when I hit the end of the program but I'm trying not to think of it as a big deal and just shovel in the food.

I tried a can of refried beans yesterday to get some calories, and that is NOT a winning strategy in a marriage.

The babies slept through the night last night!

Workout Notes

The bench press felt tough on each third rep but doable. Shockingly, I had never realized back when I was benching a ton in college how important it was to squeeze my shoulder blades together before unracking the bar. Probably because of the mess of knots under each blade from my paddling career.

Obviously it's a superpower and makes it easy to recharge at the top of a hard rep before descending again. Triples complete!

I still can't press the 32kg kettlebell but I gave it a go then dropped back to my old faithful 24kg.

The complexes felt good at 145 for everything and HARD for the presses. Still, I had good form, just a slow bar ascent on the second rep.

The squats feel solid still. I took a video of the set of 20 at 205. I can't figure out how to embed it but here's the link:

I haven't filmed myself in a long time and this was revealing. Some things I noticed:

  • excuse the shorts, I told my wife these were essential to max out squat performance and now I'm committed.

  • I thought I was keeping my wrists flat but I see that my left wrist has caved in.

  • My hips are coming up before my chest, which would explain why I'm feeling this extra pressure on my lower back at high reps.

  • I thought I was going down farther than I'm seeing here. I can hang out in a deep squat but I bet I'm at the edge of butt wink territory here...

Would love any other tips or corrections. I did some reps at 135 after watching the video and focused on leading up with my chest out of the bottom of the rep. Or maybe what I'm doing is fine and I shouldn't mess with it.

Edited by Sam Ritchie on 08-08-22 10:05 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 10, 8.11 - GOT IT!
08-11-22 10:57 AM - Post#921107    

Bodyweight 178.2

BP: warmup then 2x2-3-5@240
Bat wing: 24kg in one hand, 16kg in the other, 3 sets with each combo
Press: 2x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Bird dog: 3x6 reps, slow
Complex: 5 rounds of 2@each: 145
Squat: 95x10, 135x5, 185x10, 205x50


I got the big set! MAN, that was a tough one. More on that in a moment.

The eating part of this program has felt a lot tougher the past the past few days. I am staying on the path but it's a slog. I'm holding the line until the end, but I found myself letting the chaos of the twins' schedule get in the way of eating, probably on purpose a bit. But I'm still slowly climbing up in weight, so something's sticking.

OH, I watched a strict press technique video that made the very sensible point that you want your hands close enought that your forearms are vertical in the racked position. I had always set up in the clean position. I tried this new position on my "rest day", whoops, and got a 165 pound press, a PR and a bodyweight press at my bodyweight BEFORE starting this program. That doesn't quite count :)

I'm not flexible enough overhead yet and this was a wakeup call to really prioritize the dislocates, which I've done each day since.

Workout Notes

Bench press was hard on the 5 rep set, but felt similar to the 3 rep set last time. I made sure to take a slight rest in the locked out position after reps 2 and 3 in anticipation and this turned out fine.

I still can't one arm press the bigger bell, so stuck with my 24kg. The babies woke up at this point so I brought the bell upstairs and bottle fed the babies between sets.

Complexes were hard but doable with the technique focus on presses of tight butt and head pushed through as early as possible. On the first set I tried to adjust my hands closer, then farther apart for the back squat... NOT a good plan, I think, since it breaks the flow so much.

For the back squats, I tried to absorb my technique points from last time. I stayed centered over my feet and focused on a slight lead with my chest out of the hole (knowing that this would cancel the butt movement vs actually causing me to lead).

On my warmups I brought my hands out an inch or so on each side to take some pressure off of my wrist... but for the big set decided NOT to do this and focused on squeezing my shoulderblades together tightly before racking. I AM SO GLAD I DID THIS.

I engaged in some serious self negotiation. Just get to 30 then re-evaluate. The first 20 reps went about like the previous workout. Then singles with a breath or two up to 27... at this point my lower back was feeling good, thanks to the technique tips. I REALLY focused on getting my hips forward during the "rest", and the bar sunk quite deep into the rack position.

at 31 my back was good, and I wasn't in aerobic distress, so I imagined the shame of writing that in this report and knocked out reps to 35. Well, at that point I had to get to 40. Now my forearms were falling asleep and I had to be quite precise about each rest. At 40 I renegotiated. I could just FINISH this thing out and not wonder anymore... my technique got a little sloppy since I could see the finish and felt an urge to rush reps. I kept it in check; I knew if I slipped deeper into the rack position I might have to quit, so stayed tight there and just dealt with my tingling forearms.

Good full depth the whole way, I'm proud to say... and I got a full dose, racking after 50 and lying down in solid, lovely aerobic distress.

The full set took ~4 minutes!

I'm happy I boosted up to Heavy MMS! I feel a MILD temptation to go up another weight class... but this is probably not helpful for the goals of this program.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
08-14-22 07:15 PM - Post#921185    

Four minutes...yup.

The point about the forearms falling asleep...yeah, I don't miss that (I have the same issue).
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 11, 8.14
08-16-22 10:25 AM - Post#921208    

Bodyweight ??? (no scale in Telluride)

BP: 2@215, 2@235, 2@275, failed at 295
Bat wing: 5x10s@24kg
Press: 2x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Complex: 1 round 5each@115, 2 rounds 5each@145
Squat: 95x10, 135x10, 185x10, 205x35, 205x15


We took the twins and our 3yo on the road this week, with an eight hour drive from Boulder to Telluride in a van we borrowed from a friend. We're out here for a week, and I'm doing my best to keep up the calories... but with no help with the kids it's full on all week, basically just eating and tending to family, with the two lifts thrown in.

We traveled on the 12th, and I spent all free time blocks on the 13th assembling and mounting my wall-mounted squat rack that's been sitting here at the cabin. My brother in law and I got it all done before bed and resolved to meet at 7am.

Workout Notes

Last time I tried 275 a few workouts ago it was comical, and I dropped the weight down onto the spotter arms almost immediately. This time, I knocked off two reps with no ceremony. Unfortunately I don't have any plates smaller than 10# here, so I had to bump up to 295, just shy of my max when I was 21 years old on the USA Canoe Kayak Team... and failed the rep, no chance. I'll pretend 280 was my max double for continued programming.

We're up at 10,000' here at the house, and the complexes felt solidly AEROBIC for the first set at 115. On the 145, I managed three strict presses on the first set, and then had to back off the push presses to get the cycle done. I should have backed off to 135 but stayed heavy and had to push press my way through.

At this point Tilda (newborn) joined us in her bouncer. I used to need hardcore music to get myself psyched for squats. Now I squat to the sound of crying babies... does it get more metal?

I felt tired on the warmups, but by the 185 my legs felt grooved in. I got to 12 reps at 205 with a good rhythm, then my internal negotiations started, not a good sign. I don't have spotter arms here, and even though you don't really FAIL a rep in this workout, this was a tasty excuse not to go too deep in the hole. I worked up to 25 before my spotter had to pick up the baby and left me solo.

In retrospect I probably felt the same as when I tagged the 50 last workout, but in more aerobic pain. I pushed past 31, got to 35 and decided that it would be "safer" to fail here. SHAMEFUL!

I finished out my final 15 with no ceremony.

Good rest for the rest of the day, except for a (required!) hour long mountain bike ride with my 8yo nephew, where I towed him up the initial huge climb with a rope we rigged up. This is a aerobic smasher, but even with him in tow my new strong legs felt awesome. And I still have an aerobic system, even up at 180#.

One more workout here at altitude then home for the final two. I'm amused that I feel relief that I'll "only" have to squat 50 reps at bodyweight vs 205 for the next two sessions.

Edited by Sam Ritchie on 08-16-22 10:26 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 12, 8.17 (got the 50@BW)
08-17-22 07:17 PM - Post#921249    

Bodyweight ??? (no scale in Telluride)

BP: 5x3@255 (went up to triples)
Bat wing: 5x10s@24kg
Press: 3x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Complex: 3 rounds 3each@145
Squat: 95x10, 135x5, 185x50


The last few days have been slower on food intake but still good. I've been in bed from maybe 9:30 until 7 each night, but the night includes at least 1 1 hour bottle feeding period, sometimes 2 but no longer 3. I have given up on trying to get anything "done" for myself, like music practice, in the evening once the kids are asleep (beyond 9pm), but if I wake up at 5 and feel rested I'll get up and get some solo time in. At altitude this usually doesn't happen.

Funny thing about going to the heavier version of the program, I was looking forward to this "light" day of merely 185 in the squat. That's a good psychological trick to get you started but reality sets in after a dozen reps... more below.

Workout Notes

I felt good at the 275 double, so without small plates I decided to go straight to TRIPLES at 255... and this went well! I felt really good. I think I'll do 2-3-5 next time then re-test the hard double for the final workout (if I don't keep going for another two weeks).

Back in college, I worked my bench up to 5x5@262.5, and have a max lifetime PR of 297.5 (doh!!). I think I can bash through that limit during this push, or maybe on the next.

I focused on good tight core in the kb presses and used these as the clever mobility warmup for the complexes that they are. So good.

On the complexes, I was very proud to get all 3 rounds with fully strict presses, after my shameful push press phase last workout. On the second rep I realized I wasn't actively tightening my glutes as I'd practiced, and that fix helped me finish everything out.

Then in for the squats. Warmups felt good, and I launched into the set of 50 quicker than with the heavier weight. Still, by 15 things were tough. I got to 30, added deliberate breathing to 40, and could smell the hay at 42.

I reflected at this point on Dan's comment in "Never Let Go" that you can ALWAYS do 1 more rep in this workout, and realized that I was being a bit of a diva with the hard breathing. What if I just chilled out and pretended it was an easy 8 left on a tough day? I reset my breathing to normal and got a few more "casual" reps down, then finished out with moderate class and no huffing and puffing.

I did happily collapse, of course, and was in ROUGH shape for the next 10 minutes. 50 reps is tough! It's especially tough at 10k' above sea level.

2 more sessions to go. We're home in Boulder tomorrow, so I'll get a day of recovery after the drive before the next session. Then a good block at home before the final workout.

Or should I keep going and add 2 weeks on, following the template, since I skipped the beginning...

Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 13, 8.20 (got the 50@BW)
08-20-22 02:01 PM - Post#921328    

Bodyweight 178.0

BP: 2-3-4(+fail)@255, 2-3-3@255
Bat wing: 5x10s@24kg
Press: 3x2-3-5@24kg KB per hand
Complex: 5 rounds 2each@145
Squat: 95x10, 135x5, 185x3, 205x10, 185x50


Back in Boulder! We traveled all day on the 18th and spent yesterday attempting to unpack. I pushed PBJ and cottage cheese... the latter had frozen in our cooler on the way home and still hasn't thawed in the fridge, so was more like a cottage slushee. I'm trying to hold the line on food but it's TOUGH!

I woke up this AM feeling not great, tired with some digestive issues that had me in the bathroom a few times. I took my two scoops of protein and fish oil and headed out for a 6:30am start.

Workout Notes

I was all prepared to fly through these reps, but my shoulders felt worked even after warmup and the first set of 2 was hard. I failed on my fifth rep of the 5... but I was proud to get that far! That's what I get for skipping the doubles last workout and going straight to triples. That rep to failure made the next 2 and 3 tough. I legitimately went for it on the last set, but that 3rd rep was slowwwww and very tough, so I racked rather than try for a negative 4th rep.

KB presses also felt awkward, and it took a few sets to remind myself to rotate my shoulderblade back. When I do that well, the bell stays in the right place and doesn't roll over to hit bone. This is good feedback.

Complexes were also hard! I got the first three sets with a strict overhead press, then failed the first press on round 4 and backed off to push presses. Ouch.

Luckily my squat is grooved in now and felt great on the warmup, even with these ill omens leading up. The 205 set of 10 was tough but made the beginning of the 185 feel good.

It really made a difference being down here at 5k'. I was able to rest in the top position, especially with tight glutes to keep my lower back from fatiguing. I experimented with how long I was holding my breath... a long hold on the way up makes the squat more elastic but is way harder aerobically. If I sacrifice some tension for better breathing cadence, which I can do at this weight, then the higher reps become very manageable.

I finished out not feeling that bad here, but of course you can't avoid the rippling, not-quite-cramping discomfort after you unload the legs on a set of 50. I'm going to focus hard on stretching and recovery over the next couple of days to get myself physically prepared for the gut shot of 50 at 205...

I'm also thinking I'd like to test my deadlift and squat 1 or 2 rep max after this program, maybe with a buildup of a few weeks. Gotta get some numbers established before the mass drains off.
Sam Ritchie
Total Posts: 11
Workout 14, 8.23 (52@205)
08-23-22 01:38 PM - Post#921375    

Bodyweight 179.4

BP: 2-3-5@255, 2-3-4(+fail)@255
Bat wing: 5x10s@24kg
Press: 2@24kg, 2@32kg, 3-5@24kg; 2-3@32kg, 5@24kg
Complex: 3 easy rounds 2each@115
Squat: 95x10, 135x5, 185x3, 205x52


I went to bed at 10 last night and the babies obliged with one 1hr feeding. I stayed in bed until 7am, got Juno off to her first day of school, then back home for the final session.

I decided to repeat the 2-3-5 on the bench press and it felt more secure this time around. The 5th rep was quite hard, and the 2 after it felt hard as a result. I was in good form for the 3. The fourth rep on the final set was again VERY tough, but I was game to try for a miracle and lowered for the 5. I got it up about an inch then settled it onto the spotter arms and wiggled out. Two more reps than last time at a big weight! I'm quite happy.

Bat wings were good, then one arm press. Just for fun I tried the 32kg... I kept my feet together and butt tight and the bell went right up overhead with both hands, weaker on the right side. Another PR! I got 3 reps on the left side with the second set and then failed the first on the right side, so dropped back to 4. Yes, I know the instructions say to start on the weak side, but I was too nervous to go L-R-R-L so stuck with my pattern, to my detriment, it seems.

Nice and casual 115 on the complexes. Overhead press felt easy, which is again a lovely change for me at this weight. This program has bucked my self conception as "bad at overhead" work, and reset my comfort level.

I used the squat warmups to refresh my rack position, get centered over my feet and dial in my breathing. I fidgeted around before the final set for a few minutes, then set up my goofy "Til I Collapse" Eminem track that brought me through Super Squats all those years ago and got after it.

I am REALLY proud of this set. I was aerobically controlled the entire time, and spent the 3:30 set managing:

- Proper entry into the squat
- my tension; more tension makes for an easier pop at the bottom of the rep, but my sweet spot had me doing a weird braaaaaap R-rolling move on the way up to let air out, don't ask me how that started...
- forearm fatigue. The rest at the top now feels great, EXCEPT for the forearms. Readjusting these is a big mistake, since it kills the tension of the rack position.

The set wasn't easy by any means, but I was controlled and almost casual up to rep 35. I had a rep at 40 that was wiggly and felt relatively hard out of the bottom position, and fixed that RIGHT away out of fear.

I hit 50 feeling aerobically okay and decided to keep going, to hit a PR and not worship the 50 too hard. Two reps of this and I'd "made my point" at 52 total, and racked the bar.

MAN, the lower half of my quads really smart after this.

Oh, I was literally dreaming about farmer carries last night, and after a 5m break took my 24kg pair for a walk around my house.

Parting Thoughts

I'll do another post with my thoughts on progress and the full program, but I wanted to throw out a THANK YOU to Dan for all of your writing and passion for the community you've built and fostered. I first read "Never Let Go" back in, I think, late 2015, and started flossing regularly as a result of that book :) I hope I can follow along with the graceful example you've set for us with your own life and teaching.

More soon, thank you!
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