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Display Name Post: History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken        (Topic#18503)
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09-02-08 01:09 PM - Post#478867    

3 pages long so far, part 4 coming in October. I see a pic of Mr. Draper enjoying some Ice Cream at Dr. Kens... Yummy!

PL - Dr. Ken

EDIT 4/9/2019: Looks like Titan lost the website to a power company. You can see the original articles via webarchive (link below) or you can start from current and go back in time via the new Titan site, here:

https://titansupport.com/category/ken-leistner /

https://web.archive.org/web/20130912041314/ht tp://www.titanstrengthandpower.com:80/history_of_powerl...

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History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
09-02-08 01:19 PM - Post#478869    


Of course you all know that picture was faked. I mean, we were in the Leistner kitchen and some of us did eat ice cream. Just not the person in that photo.


Ed Stalzer
Total Posts: 970
Re: History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
09-02-08 07:38 PM - Post#478996    

Great article. I like the look on Dave's Face. It says "this is going to haunt me"
"my joints are squealing like a truckload of pigs on their way to the Spam factory."
Dave Draper

Tim Mendelsohn
Total Posts: 1557
Re: History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
09-02-08 08:18 PM - Post#479017    

  • Laree Said:

Of course you all know that picture was faked. I mean, we were in the Leistner kitchen and some of us did eat ice cream. Just not the person in that photo.

That's hilarious Laree,

I remember someone at the Santa Cruz Bash scooping out a big bowl of ice cream and offering it to Dave. He politely refused!

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Re: History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
09-02-08 08:37 PM - Post#479019    

  • Tim Mendelsohn Said:
I remember someone at the Santa Cruz Bash scooping out a big bowl of ice cream ...

Right! Reminds me of this shot:

Turnabout's fair play (that's Dr. Ken digging into the Marianne's).

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09-05-08 12:33 PM - Post#479889    

That dang ice cream in Santa Cruz....LOL....back then, that was a evil thing for me to eat, but I did along with some Lucky Charms at the breakfast buffet....I've lightened up since then...LOL:-)
Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated!!!

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09-05-08 03:46 PM - Post#479976    

dhartnet, thanks for posting that. Those articles are priceless.
"If a pig officially becomes a hog at 180 pounds, why do I tolerate weighing 195"??
zim 4/11

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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
09-05-08 06:20 PM - Post#480011    

Keep an eye on the history of powerlifting link because apparently he's going to keep writing.... says it'll be many installments.

Fun stuff!

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10-06-08 11:06 PM - Post#489409    

Is there any new writing out yet?
"If a pig officially becomes a hog at 180 pounds, why do I tolerate weighing 195"??
zim 4/11

Total Posts: 419
History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
10-09-08 04:52 PM - Post#490426    

Yes! Part 4 talks of the New Yawk scene, with an additional article about Bev Francis.

http://www.titanstrengthandpower.com/history_of_powerlifti ng_part_4.html

"A person should not believe in an -ism"

Ferris Bueller

All this chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter,'bout schmatte, schmatte, schmatte

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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
10-09-08 07:24 PM - Post#490472    

Real fun seeing a Leistner garage before all the clutter. :~)

Jim Higgins
Total Posts: 1847
10-09-08 07:57 PM - Post#490490    

Great article,
thanks for posting
"For sure, grit and spit will get you so far but it will also grind you down and leave you spent.
Good movement, superior movement, that is where grace and power live."

My 2011 Training Log

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10-09-08 09:28 PM - Post#490510    

More great stuff. Can't wait till next month. zim
"If a pig officially becomes a hog at 180 pounds, why do I tolerate weighing 195"??
zim 4/11

Total Posts: 552
10-09-08 09:53 PM - Post#490520    

What a great article by a gentleman with a sterling reputation.

If you like Dr Ken's writing along with that of Dave and Dick Tyler, then Randy Roach's new book will keep you up reading all night for a couple of weeks - Muscle, Smoke and Mirrors, volume 1, about 550 pages covering the things from the mid 19th century through the sixties - volume 2 is due out next year and covers the rest up to now.

Closing in on fifty years in the Irongame, I must confess to being a sucker for historical works. There just aren't enough of them to suit my tastes. Roach's work staggers my imagination - his range of coverage is so thorough.

I think of Dr Ken in that respect - he's in the book, by the way, along with Dave. Both bodybuilding, powerlifting and chiropracty were looked on as strange, certainly marginal for much of the 20th century. And they had there roots in Physical Culture, a movement stressing prevention of illness through healthy living (diet, working out, etc), and were ruthlessly persecuted by the cartel of monopolistic interests in orthodox medicine (disease and emergency oriented), pharmaceutical corporations, insurance companies, and the Food and Drug Administration as security police for Big Pharm and Big Food (denatured, unhealthy stuff). That makes Dr Ken a heroic pioneering figure in much of his life. How fortunate we are that he, Dave, and others are keeping our history alive and passing its torch of wisdom and lore to succeeding generations. It doesn't get much better.

Marianne's ice cream - jeez, it's been 16 years since I left the Bay Area, Marianne's doing fairly well then while much of Santa Cruz was just rebuilding from the Loma Prieta earthquake. That's incredible ice cream.
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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
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Re: History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
01-03-09 02:09 PM - Post#515407    

Great read, thanks Laree.
What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach.

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Real Email Address: ld@davedraper.com
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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
05-31-09 09:03 PM - Post#556425    

We seem to have gotten a little behind -- part 12 just went up. Here, let's catch up:

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Full listing of Dr. Ken articles on Titan Strength

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05-31-09 10:25 PM - Post#556437    

Thank you Laree, I love these writings. I grew up going to the old downtown YMCA back in the days when all us guys had to swim nude, and the weights were in a little room in the basement. Off limits to us little kids! I really don't think todays generation can even start to imagine what the 60s gyms were like. Almost lost to time I think. zim
"If a pig officially becomes a hog at 180 pounds, why do I tolerate weighing 195"??
zim 4/11

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05-31-09 10:47 PM - Post#556445    

I wish Doc knew where Utah is.
Mark it Zero.

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Real Email Address: ld@davedraper.com
Homepage: davedraper.com
(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
06-01-09 10:32 AM - Post#556528    


Me, too!

Tim Mendelsohn
Total Posts: 1557
06-02-09 10:41 AM - Post#556793    

I love Dr Ken's writing style. He really takes you on a journey through his writing. Very visual. Thanks for posting!
Total Posts: 552
Re: History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
06-08-09 11:56 PM - Post#558318    

  • Laree Said:

There's a great close up of Bill March doing a limited range curl in one of the old York power racks - one with a far smaller footprint than today's knock-off designs, and with far closer spacing of the pin holes.

I wonder if anyone has one or knows the dimensions - for the simple reason that I want to build one!!!

Thanks and best
Total Posts: 552
06-09-09 12:01 AM - Post#558319    

  • zim or sarah Said:
Thank you Laree, I love these writings. I grew up going to the old downtown YMCA back in the days when all us guys had to swim nude, and the weights were in a little room in the basement. Off limits to us little kids! I really don't think todays generation can even start to imagine what the 60s gyms were like. Almost lost to time I think. zim

Right on! When I first walked in the San Jose YMCA in 1960, a fairly new building, I could have been in heaven for just that weight room. After high school, three of us went on to develop a garage gym in Sunnyvale - Bob's Garage. Bob went on to set the last Olympic press record in the Pan Am Games in 1971 with 418. That simple little garage was soon being visited by outstanding lifters and bodybuilders - John Gourgott, John Corvello, Craig Whitehead, Mike Dadigan and many others.

I doubt youngsters today could imagine Gold's from the late 60s through the 70s, or other 'state of the art' gyms of that time. Thanks to the Nautilus Quick Fix gyms of the late 70s onward, the age of the machine came to be - along with the age of physical decline.

I hear tell youngsters now equate training and fitness with those wii things. Jeez, gimme a break.
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Real Email Address: ld@davedraper.com
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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
Total Posts: 7180
History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
09-19-09 12:51 PM - Post#578810    

History of Powerlifting, Weightlifting and Strength Training - Part Fifteen
Today...give all that you have.
For what you keep inside, you lose forever.
~Owen Marecic~
Steve's athletic-art.com
IronLoft Training

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Important Notice About Eleiko USA and Dr Ken Leistner!
10-21-09 02:41 PM - Post#585105    




Eleiko Powerlifting and Weightlifting Set Giveaway Contest - Titan Strength and Power Official Eleiko USA Distributor

WIN a Complete Gladiator Eleiko Powerlifting Set or an Eleiko 190 kg Weightlifting Training Set.
Both Valued at Over $3,500!

Eleiko USA is now Titan Strength and Power.

Same Great Company. Same Eleiko Products.
To celebrate our new name we are giving away a�complete Gladiator Eleiko powerlifting set or an Eleiko 190 kg Weightlifting Training set. Both valued at over $3,500, That's right, absolutely FREE!

Schools, gyms and institutions welcome to enter!

Click Here to Enter Contest.

Contest ends February1st 2010
Winner will be announced on www.titanstrengthandpower.com on February 14th. Now that's a sweetheart of a deal!
Be sure to update your bookmarks! After February 2010, www.eleikousa.com will be retired! The new website for the official Eleiko Powerlifting distributor for the USA is www.titanstrengthandpower.com

Titan Strength and Power

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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
11-21-09 12:10 PM - Post#590964    

Thanks, Clay. The links above are updated.

Now it's on with the show!

Dr. Ken's History of Powerlifting, Part 16

Dr. Ken's History of Powerlifting, Part 17

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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
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07-26-11 11:01 AM - Post#699829    

I tried to cut and paste the series into Word, so I could read it at home, but no can do
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07-26-11 01:10 PM - Post#699844    

I'm happy to say I ate the ice cream
It don't matter

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07-27-11 12:41 PM - Post#699966    

Everytime I see something on the history of Power lifting I think of Peanuts West.
It don't matter

Jack C
Total Posts: 2683
07-28-11 01:24 PM - Post#700050    

A really great series of articles.

I wonder if the rack pictured was constructed using channel steel?

Most of the modern ones are made of square tubing.


Total Posts: 7180
11-04-11 11:23 AM - Post#711522    

Part 26
Today...give all that you have.
For what you keep inside, you lose forever.
~Owen Marecic~
Steve's athletic-art.com
IronLoft Training

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History of Powerlifting - Dr. Ken
11-04-11 11:31 AM - Post#711524    

Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Today...give all that you have.
For what you keep inside, you lose forever.
~Owen Marecic~
Steve's athletic-art.com
IronLoft Training

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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
11-04-11 04:42 PM - Post#711553    

Thanks, Ty, and WOW did we get behind!!

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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
04-02-12 02:00 PM - Post#729113    

Updating again, got behind again...

Part 42

Part 43

Part 44

Part 45

Part 46

Part 46 includes a bit about Dave and Leroy.

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04-02-12 05:27 PM - Post#729141    

Thanks, Laree.
Peace ~ Bear

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Homepage: davedraper.com
(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
06-02-12 04:52 PM - Post#735648    

Parts 47 and 48 -- part 48 tells of the end of an era, RIP Powerlifting USA.

http://www.titanstrengthandpower.com/history_of_powerlifti ng_part_47.html

http://www.titanstrengthandpower.com/history_of_powerlifti ng_part_48.html

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Primary Training Purpose: Fitness and strength beats aging badly
Real Email Address: ld@davedraper.com
Homepage: davedraper.com
(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
08-22-12 06:55 PM - Post#743880    

Thanks, Ryan!

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Real Email Address: ld@davedraper.com
Homepage: davedraper.com
(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
12-07-12 05:59 PM - Post#755613    

Thanks, Ryan!

I wonder when he had time to get that done. They've been triple-overtime helping people after the hurricane. But then, Doc Ken doesn't sleep, so he gets more done than the rest of us.

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Real Email Address: ld@davedraper.com
Homepage: davedraper.com
(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
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03-07-13 09:30 AM - Post#764274    

Thanks again, Ryan!

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