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Display Name Post: Go To "Punch-the-Clock" workouts        (Topic#37240)
Arsenio Billingham
Total Posts: 159
05-18-20 01:08 PM - Post#898199    

Woke-up this morning with zero motivation, but knew I needed to do "something" physical, if for no other reason to keep myself sane. Ended up doing one clean, one press, one squat (alternating sides)with my 24kg, resting as needed. I like this because you can basically just keep doing "one more" set and, before you know it, you've done a ton of work in a short amount of time without noticing.

I felt a lot better after finishing and it made me curious - what are some of the workouts everyone else does when they don't feel like workout out?
Total Posts: 709
Re: Go To "Punch-the-Clock" workouts
05-18-20 01:37 PM - Post#898201    

Great session.

I try and make sure that I do a few things everyday....

Walk - (I live near woods, have a dog and a 6 year old haha).

More gait pattern work - prone flutters ie lying on stomach with arms out - lift right arm and left leg, lower to floor and switch. Easy to knock out 100 or so reps.

Some kind of rotational pattern - ground based rolling, side plank clams etc.

Upper back movement - prone T's, Y's.

Given life just now, if that was all I did then I feel ok. I try and 'lift' twice a week.


Jordan D
Total Posts: 771
05-18-20 02:08 PM - Post#898202    

30-minute walk and/or a 15-minute OS routine and/or 10 pullups.

Total Posts: 1179
Re: Go To "Punch-the-Clock" workouts
05-18-20 03:15 PM - Post#898203    

  • Arsenio Billingham Said:
Woke-up this morning with zero motivation, but knew I needed to do "something" physical, if for no other reason to keep myself sane. Ended up doing one clean, one press, one squat (alternating sides)with my 24kg, resting as needed. I like this because you can basically just keep doing "one more" set and, before you know it, you've done a ton of work in a short amount of time without noticing.

I felt a lot better after finishing and it made me curious - what are some of the workouts everyone else does when they don't feel like workout out?

That session sounds familiar

For me:
C+P+FSQ as a BB complex
KB swings + loaded carry

On the endurance side, a 40-50’ run or 60-75’ bike.

What I like to call “momentum” workouts. Enough to keep the training momentum going but without causing much fatigue.
Jort Kramer
Total Posts: 566
05-18-20 03:31 PM - Post#898204    

I really like cleans and snatches on a timer. For example: 8 clean doubles or triples on a 2 minute timer. So every time the timer hits 0:00, 2:00, 4:00 6:00 etc you do a double or triple (or single or whatever).

Total Posts: 709
05-18-20 03:34 PM - Post#898205    

I also like Heavy Hands sessions just now. In, 100 reps of one of the movements and thats it.

Total Posts: 24932
05-18-20 03:50 PM - Post#898207    

Drag a sled for twenty minutes while doing chest presses, overhead tri extensions, rows, curls, and/or face pulls.
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Total Posts: 334
05-18-20 04:53 PM - Post#898209    

32kg A&A snatches

Other days are double kettlebell clean and jerk. Also double KB swings, farmers walks, and pushups. Any combination of those movements.

I've found that quality time day in and day out on the park bench has me a lot closer to the bus bench when I'm ready to spend some time there.
Just my 2¢

Total Posts: 5439
05-18-20 09:03 PM - Post#898212    

A+A snatches for 20-25 mins. I was using the 24 and recently started on the 32 but tweaked my trap.


Slow circuit on the minute:

Min 1: 10 swings
Min 2: 5 goblet squats
Min 3: 10 pushups

Repeat for 6-10 rounds


5-8km easy run

Total Posts: 273
05-19-20 03:27 AM - Post#898220    


Total Posts: 7319
05-19-20 07:28 AM - Post#898226    

TGUs with Waiter Walks
Jump rope/KB swings combo
Jump rope with squat(a.k.a full) clean and press
Total Posts: 357
Re: Go To "Punch-the-Clock" workouts
05-19-20 11:17 AM - Post#898236    

  • Arsenio Billingham Said:
I felt a lot better after finishing and it made me curious - what are some of the workouts everyone else does when they don't feel like workout out?

If I really don't feel like working out, I take it as a sign that I need a day off! That said, some days I feel funky and not quite up to it so I just start...my warm up is easy, circular joint mobility stuff, based off Scott Sonnen's Intu-Flow and a few active stretches (NOT passive stretches). By the time I finish that I usually feel "on" and if not, I just go for a walk or even like down for awhile.
Total Posts: 84
05-19-20 02:14 PM - Post#898239    

Chop a tree, then light walk 20-30 min or just Netflix... :)
Total Posts: 2265
05-20-20 08:32 PM - Post#898270    

My training log

Total Posts: 87
05-21-20 05:34 AM - Post#898275    

This, too, shall pass

Total Posts: 854
05-21-20 06:58 AM - Post#898279    

Yoga with Adriene daily
Clean Press Squat Row Ladders 1,2,2
Jump rope
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