How much am I hindering myself by changing my workout frequently? - home Home
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Display Name Post: How much am I hindering myself by changing my workout frequently?        (Topic#36990)
Total Posts: 123
12-01-19 11:27 PM - Post#890932    

Great posts. Yeah I think I was just stuck spinning my wheels and unsure if I needed a change. So I went and got a barbell and a few hundred pounds of weight, gonna try to grab another hundo and make my choices ever more complicated. Macgyver has been my workout mantra a long time so we will see. Maybe I will try to get yoked. Lol. Time to try to figure a way to mix kettlebells and barbells.
Total Posts: 1479
How much am I hindering myself by changing my workout frequently?
12-03-19 03:16 AM - Post#890961    

  • nickbroken Said:
Time to try to figure a way to mix kettlebells and barbells.

Try this: Twice a week, do a quick warmup, preferably including some shoulder rolls, then Southwood-ish training (push press, power cleans, front squats; bar starts and finishes each set on the ground, so you need to clean it at the beginning of each press or squat set; multiple sets of five). Go heavy (80% to 85%) once and medium (70%) once. Progress the intensity very slowly over a long period of time.

Do the DMPM (see sticky for details) after each session as a finisher. Also do the DMPM once a week as a standalone session. You can do it more often if you don't practice another sport.

Once a month, kill your Southwood-ish training and do deadlifts instead. If you do your deadlifts with a trap bar, through in some heavy trap bar loaded carries afterwards.

Train for three to five weeks, then do a deload week. Another version of the DMPM would be good on the basis that a change is as good as a rest. Rinse, repeat!
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Edited by RupertC on 12-03-19 04:33 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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