What Mr. Kent is doing now -
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Display Name Post: What Mr. Kent is doing now        (Topic#33627)
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
04-28-15 10:35 AM - Post#822529    

warm up
800m run
ballastic drills

suicides (on basketball court)

20 push-ups
6 DL (245#)
20 sit ups
stairs (6 flights, walked up two stairs at a time)
3 rounds
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
05-06-15 09:04 AM - Post#822824    

Good news is that I have been training, bad news is that I've been slacking on logging - last week at a glance:

barbell circuit

Shoulder press
Front squat
Bent over row

reps start at 10 per set, do each movement before moving onto next set, increase weight and decrease reps by 2 each round. rest 30-60 sec between exercises and 2 min between circuits. I didn't write down my weights. I remember ending at 185 on the front squat, and 305 on the DL

Mon - 5/4:
OHS - worked up to a 2RM, 135#
5 OHS (115#)
10 swings (2pd)
3 OHS (125#)
10 swings (2pd)
2 OHS (135#)
10 swings (2pd)
1 OHS (135#)
10 swings (2pd)

If anyone's been following, my training has become more random (although a crossfitter would call it 'constantly varied'), but my short term goal is to increase my conditioning and lose some body fat which I believe these workouts are helping to accomplish. I recognize the wisdom of adding regular strength training to this mix and continue to consider revisiting ES in my garage. That has not happened yet. I think a more impactful goal would be to first clean up my diet, but in due time.

Due to some upcoming life events I've decided to put the cardiac diagnostic testing at the hospital on hold. I'd still like to participate, but that's not the best way for me to spend $300 right now.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Edited by Mr. Kent on 05-06-15 09:04 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-22-17 05:47 PM - Post#847809    

Looking back at my training I realize my biggest struggle has been consistency. Particularly, being consistent with my training over long periods of time. I think that's part of the reason the 40 day program worked so well for me, it forced me to train a little bit almost every day.

While I haven't been logging my work here, I have been working out. Although, not consistently. For example, I'll go to my local crossfit gym 3-4 days per week for 4-5 weeks and then use work or other obligations as an excuse to stop going. Then I'll attempt to train at home where I have a fairly robust gym, but invariably average 1-2 days per week before I stop training altogether for anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. This cycle has been fairly consistent in the last few years as I transition away from any competitive pursuits.

I'm writing all this not to provide any excuses for myself, as I'm sure no one here really cares whether I train or not, but rather as a way to reflect on my exercise habits ('mining my journal' as DJ recommends) and see where I can improve.

As part of this inconsistency it's occurred to me that I've never truly been a beginner when it comes to strength and conditioning. What I mean by that is that I've never committed to lifting consistently over a period of time and measuring my progress as a beginner ideally would in the context of team and/or sport training. Even the periods of time in my life when I was lifting consistently it was usually through crossfit where they pride themselves on being 'constantly varied' so I was never truly able to complete a full cycle of time where measurable progress might be had. As I type this two things occur to me, I believe this lack of formal strength development is the premise of one of DJ's books (Intervention, maybe?), and secondly I also realize that strength can be built in a myriad of ways and that over time most human beings do develop a level of strength (barring total inactivity) without systematic work. I believe this is mostly what people refer to when they use the term 'old man strength'.

All of this is a long way of saying that I've recommitted to my strength, and more importantly my health largely through barbell training, but as anyone who reads this will see there are a few other modalities I'll use as well. I was going to post my last few workouts from this past week, but this introduction/review/ponti fication has become much longer than I anticipated so I will post my actual template and training at a later date.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Total Posts: 5140
03-23-17 09:30 AM - Post#847821    

The beginner's mind is a powerful tool and one we would all do well to adapt from time to time in various pursuits.

And consistency trumps all, at least in terms of health and old man strength, IMO.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
04-16-19 05:22 PM - Post#880976    

Hmm, two years since I've posted. This hasn't turned out to be much of a training log after all, but let's give an update for grins and giggles. Especially since things are looking up:

Took a good, honest look at myself and my fitness at the beginning of this year and decided to make some changes. My first goal consisted of doing a program. Didn't really care what I did, but I wanted to start and finish something objective. Decided to begin by regaining my strength through barbell lifts and settled on a 5x5 routine three days a week for a month. Glad to say I finished all 12 workouts in the 4 weeks. A few positives that came out of this:

1. Started and finished a prescribed course of action.
2. Kept a log and tracked my work, which led to
3. Objective and incremental improvements over the month. I don't have my log with me, but I finished the month by squatting 235 for five sets of 5. They were honest, strong reps and the month began with workouts at 205. Again, don't have my other lifts in front of me, but the squatting was indicative of my progress. And yes, most of this was regaining strength, but improvement is improvement.

During this month Dr. Ellington Darden released his Killing Fat book. I bought it when it was released in late January, and began the diet and exercise program in mid-february after my 5x5 experiment concluded.

The diet and workouts kick-started a re-commitment to having fitness be a habit and regular part of my life, although if anyone looks through my old posts I have been consistently inconsistent for most of my training life, but I can honestly say my mindset has shifted during Darden's program. I'm developing a much longer term perspective when it comes to my training and health. One in which diet is being monitored, and where my exercise is being managed with room for improvisation and adaptation.

Anyhow, that's the quick hits. I'll attempt to share more about the Killing Fat workouts as they've become somewhat of a cornerstone in my lifting lately. This board has always seemed friendly, but I'm almost nervous to report on what I was exposed to as Dr. Darden's prescription was heavily HIT influenced, and I've read how polarizing that methodology can be. But, I don't see too many fanatics in these electronic parts so I'm sure the conversation with stay civil and sane.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
04-29-19 12:41 PM - Post#881534    

I wish I had my training log with me, and I'll bring it later in the week, but from memory the last couple of weeks have been divided into 1. strength/muscle building and 2. aerobic days:

Goals have been 1. to increase strength and muscle mass, 2. increase 'heart health' (for lack of a better term), and 3. continue to lose fat. I realize that I've been chasing 'it all', but think that my plan has been working as outlined by body measurements and numbers in the weight room.

I've been continuing with the 30-10-30 workouts as outlined in the Killing Fat review post I started in the main flight deck. The modification of adding more squat work and pull-ups continues. Again, I'll bring my paper log in for reference, but these have been twice a week.

My aerobic days consist of the following circuit:

A. kb swings for :15 seconds of work followed by :15 seconds of rest. I go for 5 total minutes. I usually get 10 swings in every :15 second interval, so 100 swings for the 5 minutes.

B. Stepper (a bowflex max trainer M3 that my wife bought two and half years ago, and has used one time) - it's actually a nice machine as far as they go, but can't help but put in the personal commentary - 2 minutes, followed by :20 seconds of battle ropes - 5 sets

C. kb swings for :10 seconds of work (usually get about 8 swings in) with :20 of rest for 5 minutes.

All swings are done 2 handed with a 24kg bell (or 1.5 pood for the purists), and if you're counting at home the whole circuit takes approximate 25 minutes. It's all "non-panting" in that I have full control of my breath and usually have a light sweat going by the end of it.

I really like this circuit. I suspect that the swings are the most valuable part of it, and my heart rate gets up to around 140 bpm (per a 10 second carotid pulse check) following it which I think is an aerobic zone.

So, two days a week of 'cardio', usually in the morning before I shower. And two days of strength/hypertrophy training which varies a bit, but has been using extended sets with super slow negatives (the 30-10-30), and more traditional strength sets (usually 5's) the second day. I'll detail the strength work later in the week.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-01-19 09:52 AM - Post#881671    

5:00 kb swings (2 handed, 24kg), 0:15 work/0:15 rest. Completed 100 swings (10 every 0:15 work period)

65 x 10
75 x 10
95 x 8
110x 3,3,3

Pull-ups (done in between sets of pressing)

I alternate grips between pronated, close-grip, and supinated. This morning only pronated and close-grip

5:00 kb swings (0:10 seconds work/0:20 seconds rest) - 80 total swings (8 every 0:10 work set)
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-01-19 10:04 AM - Post#881672    

I realize that I've been extremely verbose in many of these posts. I'm glad to say I've been averaging 4 days per week of activity since ending the Killing Fat program, but I think the pressure I've put on myself to examine in detail what I'm doing results in my posting irregularly. Basically I'm saying that I'm going to cut it out.

I did have workouts Saturday 4/27 and Tu 4/30, but I'm not going to go back.

I will say that I've been playing around with doing 40 second constant tension sets, resting 30 seconds, and attempting to get 5 total sets. The idea came from a recent article on T-nation:
https://www.t-nation.com/training/the-new-40-3 0-5-method

Last night's training in part included:

bar x 10
95 x 10
135 x 8
165 x 5
195 x 5
225 x 5, 5
155 x 30-10-30

Leg extension
55 x (40, 30, 5) - sets of 40 seconds of tension, with 30 seconds rest. 5 total work sets.

There was a bit more to the workout, but wanted to highlight the negative/constant tension elements. The pumps are great and I'm seeing visible growth in the last few weeks. I like this paired with more traditional strength work later in the week. These past few weeks have become a park bench phase. I think I'll continue this for the next three weeks before I move to a bus bench inspired by pavel. I'll detail that as I get closer, but it's a heavy swing/press program three days a week.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
10-30-19 11:29 AM - Post#889685    

Yesterday I posted a fairly lengthy write-up detailing the next phase of my training, but it must have been eradicated in the server hullabaloo. Although, it's a blessing in disguise. Now, I'll be able to document what I do rather than what I have planned to do.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Total Posts: 5576
11-01-19 08:34 PM - Post#889763    

  • Mr. Kent Said:
Yesterday I posted a fairly lengthy write-up detailing the next phase of my training, but it must have been eradicated in the server hullabaloo. Although, it's a blessing in disguise. Now, I'll be able to document what I do rather than what I have planned to do.

Fair enough.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 7355
11-02-19 01:19 AM - Post#889769    

Perfect, I find that works well too. Although, it's good to set yourself up by typing/thinking it out loud. Looking good already! Press on!

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-04-19 10:09 AM - Post#889837    

This weekend's transition into park bench training coincided with my finishing Intervention which seemed to be a bit serendipitous. It's (finally) dawned on me that I'm a part of *everyone else*. Sure, I was athletic in my youth, but I am no longer competing nor do I plan to compete in any sports. With that in mind I've begun to simply focus on quality movement. I have a structure, but there's room to play within it based upon how everything feels that day in addition to changing time constraints.

this weekend's sessions:
Session 1 (friday):
naked get-ups
bear crawls
humane burpees (1-arm swing, goblet squat, pushup) sets of 2,3,5 (2 swings, then 2 goblet sqts, then two pushups, then back to swings for 3, then 3 squats, etc) - couple of sets (of 2,3,5) at 35#

overhead squats:
bar x 10
95 x 5
95 x 8

back squat:
135 x 10
175 x 10, 10

and that was it. some warm-ups and a little bit of strength

Session 2 (saturday):
similar warm-up as friday

"20 minute drill"
(adopted from: https://www.otpbooks.com/dan-john-training-pro gram-design-everybody-els e/)

1a. Bench x 120 x 10,10,7
1b. 1-arm row (65#) x 10, 10, 10
2a. Leg curl x 42.5 x 10, 10, 8
2b. Leg extension x 67.5 x 10, 10, 10
3a. 1-arm db press x 45 x [2,3,5], [2,3,5], 5
3b. Lat pulldown x 105 x 10, 10, 8
4a. db curl x 20 x 10,10
4b. 1-arm db tricep extension (behind head) x 25 x 10,10
5a. Side plank/crunch (Set up on side for a side plank, but lower my hip to the ground and extend then into up into a plank) x 8L, 8R, 8L, 8R

Was going to do the ab wheel, but I was beat and the entire circuit had taken me 39 minutes. I like this style of training, and for clarification the couplets go back and forth, so it's one set of benches, then 1-arm rows, then back to the second set of bench, and after three total sets of bench and row move onto leg curls and extensions, etc. It was surprisingly tiring, and I like the inherent ability to track progress. For example, I can repeat the same circuit in less time, or I can aim to complete all three sets with 10 reps and then increase load. And the couplets lend themselves to substitutions. If I'm feeling good I can swap out squats for the leg extensions/curls, or squat and leg curl as a couplet.

The plan is to do two circuits a week and two strength sessions. Long term goal is to overhead squat 185 x 10. And that's about it, focus on quality movements and get the work in.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Total Posts: 403
11-04-19 11:33 AM - Post#889844    

  • Mr. Kent Said:

overhead squats:
bar x 10
95 x 5
95 x 8

This is one exercise I tried years ago and it ate me alive. I have not done it for a log time but always think of the gas it takes to do it.
Nice work
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-05-19 09:21 AM - Post#889889    

This morning I went down into the home gym and did the following:

1. half naked get-ups (get-ups without weight to a kneeling position): 3L, 3R
2. humane burpees with 35#:
10 (1-arm) swings
5 goblet squats
5 push-ups
10 (1-arm swings)
4 goblet squats
4 push-ups
and continued down to 1 squat and 1 push-up. The entire session took me about 15 minutes. I can't understand why I didn't start my day like this years ago...but better late than never. Might add this or that as I go along, but long term plan is to begin M-F this way.

I'm still planning on keeping the strength work in, and I like those circuits (the "20 minute drill"), but this is a great way to get some movement in before I get in the shower.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-06-19 11:34 AM - Post#889959    

PM session:

half get-ups with one press in the kneeling position:
25# - 3L/3R
16kg - 2L/2R
24kg - 1L/1R

bar x 10
95 x 10
115 x 5
My wrists are the weak link right now. I'm not sure if it's anatomically possible to keep a neutral wrist position during OHS due to the mechanics of keeping a bar overhead, but everything else feels good. I'm open to suggestions in case anyone can offer help.

135 x 2
185 x 2
225 x 2
255 x 2
295 x 2
I was pleased that I was able to get all of these with a double overhand grip. The second rep of 295 started to leave my hand, but I completed the set. I'll credit the 1-arm rows I've been doing to the increased grip strength. I'm going to try to add some focused grip work throughout the week, but need to figure out an easy way to do that.

Total time: 25 minutes.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-08-19 10:19 AM - Post#890049    

Thursday PM:

1. 1/2 get ups (plus 1 press from kneeling):
25# - 3L/3R
16kg - 3L/3R
2. 1-arm swings (16kg)
5-10-15-15-10-5 (switched hands each set, but did all 60 without rest)
3. Goblet squat x 10

225 x 5
255 x 5

1-arm press
45# x 5L/5R
24kg x 5L/5R

1-arm row
32kg x 5L/5R
32kg x 5L/5R

2 handed swings
24kg x 15, 20

about 30 minutes total
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-08-19 10:45 AM - Post#890050    

Friday AM:

1/2 get ups:
25# x 3L/3R
16kg x 3L/3R

then I did some push-ups, inverted rows, and squats, but I did them in a continuous fashion resting between 5 and 10 seconds between reps. So, it'd be 2-3 reps, rest 5-10 seconds, 2-3 reps, etc.

push-ups: 40
inverted rows: 40
front squat (95#): 22

I got the idea from a T-nation article:
https://www.t-nation.com/training/how-to-train -to-be-unstoppable

and the theory is to train your body to be able to produce force repeatedly for a long period of time while avoiding fatigue. I'm wondering if this could be a way to accomplish what Easy Strength does in a shorter time frame. The loads weren't much today, but I'm thinking of trying to gently nudge them up over time. The concept strikes me as similar to ES in that you're completing the reps while minimizing muscle damage. Or for the biochemically minded: staying within the Alactic (ATP-PC) pathway, but avoiding the glycolytic and the associated metabolites which come with that style of sustained, repeating anaerobic efforts.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-14-19 03:00 PM - Post#890347    

Last friday's rows turned out to be ill-advised. My golfer's elbow has returned...

luckily 1-arm dumbbell rows haven't been bothering it, so those will be making a return to my sessions.

Inadvertently have had a light week:

Tuesday AM:
some 1/2 get-ups
some 1-handed swings
goblet squats
my log's not with me, and I can't remember exact loads and reps

Thursday AM:
16kg - 1/2 get ups
10 swings
5 goblet squats
5 push ups (descend by one rep each round)
5 rounds (total of 5 get ups, 50 swings, 25 sqts, 15 push ups)

As I feel my way through something sustainable the 1/2 get ups, and 'humane burpee' ladder/circuit are great warm-ups. This will likely be a staple and will try to lift keeping to the guidelines of 10-30 total reps.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-18-19 10:32 AM - Post#890471    

Friday (11/15):

forgot what my warmup was

1A. Bench 120 x 10, 10, 7
1B. 1-arm row 65 x 10, 10, 8
2. Squat 120 x 10, 155 x 10, 175 x 10
3A. Lat pull-down 105 x 10
3B. 1 arm press 45# x [2,3,5]

and that was it

Not sure if many people are interested in this log, but thought I should mention that I'm planning to take a break from posting all my training. I appreciate the community here, but it's starting to feel like double duty as I've been good about tracking and planning at home. I'll pop in from time to time, and wouldn't be surprised if I end up posting more than I'm planning on, but for now I'm not planning on documenting every session here.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-19-19 09:36 AM - Post#890519    

six-point rocks
bear crawls

half get-ups (plus presses from kneeling):
25# - 5L/5R
16kg - 3L/3R
24kg - 1L/1R

1-arm rows
24kg x 10L/10R
30 swings - 24kg (2 handed)
Rows - 65# x 10L/10R
20 swings (32kg)
rows - 32kg x 5L/5R

and then some stretching

I'm trying not to over-analyze my training, but part of me thinks I maybe should have added a few more movements. I had envisioned doing pushes and squats in addition to rows and ending up around 100-200 total swings, but I feel good about spending 25 minutes moving this morning and won't worry too much about having total balance right now. Part of being on a park bench, I suppose.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-21-19 10:01 AM - Post#890597    

general movement for warm-up:
high knee marches
bear crawls
couple of minutes on the stepper

1. press 45# x [5,5] (this was 5 reps left arm, 5 reps right arm, then 5 more left and right. So, a total of ten reps with an amount of rest it took to press with the other arm)
2. swings 24kg x 30
3. press 24kg x [4,4]
4. swings 32kg x 20
5. press 24kg x [3,3]
6. front squat 95 x 10
7. swings 24kg x 30
8. front squat 125 x 5
9. swings 32kg x 20
10. front squat 150 x 5

and then called it a session.

Today represents a lot of progress for my pressing. the 24kg kettlebell felt smooth. I love the reps, switch hands, reps, switch hands format, and credit it for increasing my press thus far. Definitely going to keep it up. I've just started "Can You Go?", and am thinking of steering my training into a bit more bus bench territory. I just want to make sure I'm hitting all of the movements in a balanced way, but we'll see how things play out. The front squats felt solid and makes me remember the Easy Strength format fondly.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-22-19 09:45 AM - Post#890624    

Friday morning - 11/22:

warm up
naked get ups x 2L/2R
march in place
1 handed swings - 16kg x 15

With a 24kg KB:
1A. Goat bag grinds x 1...5
2B. Goblet squats x 1...5

1 rep of goat bags, then 1 goblet squat, then 2 reps of goat bags, 2 squats, etc. up to 5 reps each (15 total reps with each movement). I haven't done the goat bag swings before. It was okay. I have pretty solid hinge technique, and I was careful to push my butt back and go slow on these, but I found it a little difficult to keep the weight against my chest. All in all it did get the blood pumping.

2. Front squats: 95 x 8, 125 x 8,8
3A. 1-arm press: 45 x 8L/8R x 3 sets
3B. 1-arm row 24kg x 8L/8R x 3 sets
Pushes and rows were super-setted.

Finished with a set of ab wheel roll-outs x 8

Entire session was less than 30 minutes. I'm thinking of testing my sorta maxes after Thanksgiving and just going full Easy Strength for the next few months since the baby will be here soon. Pleased with my pressing today and the front squats were easy-peasy. Felt like a tonic day, really.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-25-19 04:20 PM - Post#890771    

Saturday 11/23:

humane burpee (16kg) warmup:
10 swings
5 goblet squats
5 push ups
5 rounds (reduced push ups and squats by one rep each round)

1A. Bench 95x10, 120x10, 130x8
1B. 1-arm row 24kgx10, 65x10, 32kgx8
2A. 2-handed swing (32kg) x 10, 10, 10
2B. Goblet squat (32kg) x 10, 10, 10
3A. 1-arm press 45# x 5, [2,3]
3B. Lat pull-down 95x10, 110x10

Ab roll-out x 8

The swings/goblet squats were particularly gassing. I've really enjoyed these circuits.

I'm thinking about trying a tabata front squat tonight since Thanksgiving is this week; would like to burn a little extra fat.

Anyhow, I'm finishing up "Can You Go" and have started to take myself through DJ's assessments. Will report back later in the week.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
11-26-19 09:53 AM - Post#890789    

Had some trouble getting moving this morning. Putzed around the gym for a few minutes with arm swings, marching in place, bird dogs, and then

humane burpee (16kg):
1-arm swings x 10
5 push ups
5 goblet sqts
reduced the push-ups and goblets by 1 rep each round

then some hip flexor stretches, more bird dogs

then 5 goblet sqts: 24kg
hip flexor stretch
5 goblet sqts: 32kg

and a 2 minute plank test...this was tougher than expected!, but I'm proud to say I finished it. So, I guess I'm strong 'enough' in that sense. I appreciate DJ's assessments, of course, but I still can't shake the feeling that I want to get stronger. I really don't know why, I don't really have a need to pull 500#, but a big deadlift still appeals to me. Guess I can't fully shake the competitive mindset even though I'm not competing in anything. Nor do I have plans to participate in any sports. Maybe this desire is simply indicative of my proclivity to set goals. Not sure if this is universally a human trait, or something particular to my mindset, but I'll be mindful to keep this in check in the sense that I won't start trying to chase a bunch of things all at once. As I type this, I realize a trainer would probably be good to keep me doing the things I need. Although I know I won't go through the trouble of finding one right now. Mental note: consider finding a trainer.

As I look back over my logs the last few weeks I'm glad to note more consistency and good, quality movement. So, that's something to build on.

Even though I had some trouble starting today, I felt great once I was done even though this morning's session felt more like a thorough warm-up rather than anything challenging.

I'm strongly considering doing the classic conditioning in X moves for the next month, and then we'll see. The baby should be here right around then and I have half a mind to do ES (inspired of course by Dan's latest clarification of the program a few days ago on these boards) after continuing to build on this base I seem to be laying down.

Overall, I feel very good physically and I realize I might be venturing into the territory of overthinking/over-plannin g.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-03-19 11:04 AM - Post#890977    

Trained Wednesday evening, and took the next four days off. I don't have my log with me.

Monday 12/2:
warm-up; get back ups from front, back, right, left starting positions, and then with right-hand on right knee and left hand on left knee. VERY underrated sequence.
humane burpee w/ 24kg kb

1A. Bench - 100x10, 120x5, 140x10
1B. 1-arm row - 65x10, 32kgx[3L/3R,3L/3R], 65x10
2. Goblet Squat - 32kg x 15, 1 min rest, x10
Ab wheel x 8

Tuesday 12/3
a bunch of mobility work
15:00 minutes on the stepper. I challenged myself to breath through my nose and keep the heart rate around 145-150. I think that was more challenging than just 'going for it'.

Strongly considering starting a cycle ES...we'll see.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-03-19 03:48 PM - Post#890990    

Quick poll for anyone who may be reading: If I do run Easy Strength for 40 days should I post it here in my log, or start a dedicated 40 day log in the DJ Deck?
Total Posts: 7355
12-03-19 09:05 PM - Post#891002    

Better response on the DJ Deck. Even then, a lot of those dudes don't engage like you'd like. I think the inner trainer in them tries to shy away from being wrong, giving wrong advice, give advice without knowing enough, give free advice. Also an element of elitism or some similar thing. They mean well though, they're cool dudes. Times I've posted I've hardly gotten shit out of them. But since you have an ES 40 question it might be easier for you to get some good stuff from them. Also, do a quick search in regards to your question first on the board just in case they've covered it. If you find something quote it and ask for clarification. That'll bring them out of their shells.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Total Posts: 7355
12-03-19 09:06 PM - Post#891003    

Great looking work, btw!

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-04-19 09:49 AM - Post#891022    

Thanks Diablo.

I don't have any specific questions necessarily, but people seem to enjoy when anyone undergoes one of these programs and documents it. I may just split the difference and log it here, but make an announcement in the DJ Deck. Or maybe just a cut and paste and log twice. I'm finding it difficult to log electronically in addition to my normal paper tracking, although I very much enjoy the community here.

Anyhow, I appreciate your input.

And today was a day off, training wise. But, if I find some time tonight I may get a quick session in. Low back's been a little tight.
Total Posts: 7355
12-04-19 01:55 PM - Post#891034    

For sure, man.

Yeah, log here. Then you in work on your program, and you have a question about how it's supposed to go, then go to the forum with it.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-05-19 10:17 AM - Post#891054    

1/2 get ups with a press at the top: 16kg 3L/3R

10 (1-handed) swings - 16kg
5 goblet squats
5 push-ups
3 Rounds

Front squat (1 min. rest between sets)
95x8, 125x8, 155x4
(felt a little heavy, could have gotten a fifth rep @ 155, but wanted to keep the reps snappy)

15 swings (32kg)

Bench (1 min. rest)
95x8, 125x8, 140x6

15 swings (32kg)

1-arm press (45#)
5L/5R (very easy)

Getting closer and closer to pulling the trigger on just doing ES

Edited by Mr. Kent on 12-05-19 10:20 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-10-19 11:03 AM - Post#891237    

Tue 12/10:

Kneeling (six-point) rocks
Arm swings
1/2 get-ups (no weight) - 5L/5R

1A. Bench - 100x10, 125x10, 140x10
1B. 1-arm row - 24kgx10, 65x10, 65x10
Goblet squats in between 1A and 1B; 24kg x 10, 10

Diet was pretty much crap over the weekend, and had trouble getting going this morning. A bit of improvement on the bench, but it was more taxing than it should have been.

After finishing Can You Go I realize that my most immediate need is body comp if the 2:1 height to waist ratio is to be achieved (and I believe that is a good standard). So, after talking/thinking about it for a little while I'm going to do ES (and I'll copy and paste in a separate Easy Strength log for anyone who might be interested). Reason being is that I want to hold (if not improve) my strength as I work on getting away from being a "3" (if you're familiar with Dan's Venn Diagram - these are the folks whose body composition needs improvement). I might be another number, but for someone who falls into the category of being 'everyone else' (rather than being an athlete; active, aging, or otherwise) my strength and mobility are pretty good. Regardless, ES fits my personality and the 15-20 minute workouts should leave extra time for some inefficient exercise. Unfortunately, I realize that diet is the biggest factor here, but I don't want to bore folks with food logs. I'll be tracking waist measurement and we'll see how it goes.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-11-19 09:38 AM - Post#891275    

Easy Strength!

I'll be cutting and pasting most of these workouts in a separate log in the 40 day section of DJ's deck, but I plan to put more commentary and ideas as they occur to me here.

Crawled around the gym as a warm up. Not only on all fours, but also put my arms over my head and rolled from front to back, left to right, right to left. I don't have enough space for somersaults or cartwheels, but after finishing "Now What" I'm trying to get on the ground more. It was surprisingly refreshing. Then,
1/2 get ups (25#) (I also add 1 press from kneeling) - 3L/3R

Swings - 24kg x 15 (I know Dan recommends 'serious' swings, and 24kg isn't tough for me, but thought I'd start conservative)
Goblet Sqts - 3
Swings - 32kg x 15, 15, 15, 15
Goblets - 3,3

I squatted right after the swings, and I was able to keep a good 'pop' with the 32. I have a 40kg kb, which I hope to graduate to through the 40 sessions, but the 32 feels good for now. And was surprisingly a bit tiring. I'm going to allow myself some leeway with the goblet squats in terms of set/reps/and load, but plan to stay conservative overall. Goal is to simply preserve the movement/pattern.

Pull-ups - 2,2,2; goal was 10 reps, but these need work.
Press - 45# x 5L/5R, 50# x 5L/5R - presses felt really good

Deadlift - 225x 5,5

waist: 38.75" (goal is 34.75"...seems like I should be posting a food log instead)

Approximately 20 minutes not including warm-up

And it should be noted that these sessions will serve as a minimum for me. I know I have to add some movement outside of the strength work in order to meet my goal of shrinking the waist measurement (ultimate goal is a 2:1 height to waist ratio), but I think this will serve as a good base.

Edited by Mr. Kent on 12-11-19 09:41 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-13-19 11:29 AM - Post#891380    

Simple Strength (apologies to Dan; I'm now calling it simple strength rather than easy strength; potAYto, potAHto, I guess...) Day 2

Had a PM session yesterday due to some morning meetings. I was not motivated at all going into the gym, but I figured I could do the couple sets per exercise.

swings (24kg) x 40, 20, 15
I didn't warm up much, and my hamstrings were sore so I went with the 24 instead of the 32 'bell. These went well.

1-arm db press: 50x 5, 5 (each set was 5L/5R)

Pull-ups: 3, 3, 2

Deadlift 225 x 5, 5

Ab wheel x 5, 5

After day 1 I wondered if I should take a few warm-up reps with lighter weights as 225 actually felt a touch heavy, but I felt pretty good after the swings. The first set felt great, so I just kept the weight there. Entire session took about 20 minutes

And I can't help but wonder about the 60-80% range that I've seen discussed over the years (for ES). 225 is 60% of 375, and 80% (of 375) is 300. While I'm REALLY trying not to overthink the program and just do the 10 reps by feel each day; using this rubric I can expect to pull around 375 if I'm able to stay in this range. And if the 245-325 pound range feels good, then I should (theoretically at least) be pulling 405 as max/near-max. Ok, I'll drop that now, but since it crossed my mind thought I'd mention it since the ES program seems to have been very much discussed/debated over the years.

Edited by Mr. Kent on 12-13-19 11:31 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-17-19 09:40 AM - Post#891482    

This weekend somehow got away from me...no training for 4 days (F, Sat, Sun, Mon). There were reasons, but I'll avoid venturing into the realm of making excuses. I'll just use it as a good reminder that I have to be vigilant with my fitness. Maybe I should take a page from Bill Belichik's playbook and adopt the mantra No Days Off...

Anyhow, today I got in a little mobility to get back into the habit of being in the gym in the morning:

6-point rocks
arm to zenith 5R/5L (forgot what these are called)
bird dogs

1/2 get ups: 16kg 3L/3R (plus press from kneeling)

1-arm press: 50# 5L/5R, 5L/5R
swings: 24kg x 15, 5

Just an easy day to get things moving. Am considering calling my next strength day as day 1 of 40 and hitting 'reset' on my ES cycle. I'm probably overthinking this though.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-18-19 09:46 AM - Post#891514    


six point rocks
zenith reach (from six point stance)
1/2 get ups (16kg) plus kneeling press; 3L/3R

24kg x 15
goblets x 5
32kg x 25, 15, 20
goblet squats x 3,3,3
did 1 set of goblets after each set of swings

1-arm press: 55# x [2,3], [2,3]- this was 2L, switch arms 2R, then switch again 3L, and one final switch for 3R. So, 5 total reps per arm per set, and then rested after each arm got 5 total reps. I suppose you could say I did a "you go, I go" with each arm.

pullups x 3, 2

deadlift 135x3, 185x2

I just couldn't get going today. The deadlift sets were meant to be warmups for a bigger working weight, but I just didn't have the motivation. So, I called it a day.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-19-19 11:13 AM - Post#891557    

started the morning with what's quickly becoming my standard mobility moves:

six point rocks
nods/chin tucks
zenith reach

1/2 get ups: 16kg x 3L/3R

1-arm press 55x[2,3],[3,2]
pull-ups x 2 - cut these short due to ongoing elbow pain

1A. bench 120x10, 130x10, 7
1B. 1-arm row 65x8,10,10
2A. Leg ext 75x12,12, 80x12
2B. Leg curl 45x10, 50x8, 45x10
3. 1-arm press 55x1L/1R/1L/1R/1L/1R (3 total reps per arm)
4. swings 32kgx 25,25,15,10
5. Goblet squats x 5 (32kg)

I've decided to stop my 40 day/ES cycle. I just don't feel like dead lifting right now. Can't really say why as I usually love that lift, but I'll follow my instincts and not push it. Additionally (and maybe more importantly) ES really isn't what I need most right now. I need inefficient exercise to meet the goal of shrinking my waist/losing fat. Well, that and a good plan in the kitchen, but I'm only recording my training here. The thing I like about ES is the high frequency as it keeps me in the gym regularly, which is something that works for me.

In addition to the high frequency of ES I also like the idea of doing 75 swings each session and about 15 squats. So, I'll be keeping those too, although I fell a bit short on the squats today. I had also thought about doing 1-arm presses and pull-ups as a staple, but my elbow just isn't in good enough shape to accommodate the pull-ups. So, I'll plan to inch up my 1-arm press strength as an antecedent to most if not all workouts.

I want to try the :30/:30 for X minutes format (30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest for a pre-determined amount of time, but 30 minutes is basically the standard from what I know), but I realize I need some more tweaking/set-up as I had to abandon it this morning. Instead of timing my exercises I resorted to super-sets, but will think further on how to best accommodate the :30/:30 format given my space and equipment limitations. So, a lot of learning and items to consider following today's session, but I did get some quality work in which is always the goal.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-23-19 11:35 AM - Post#891711    

Kind of a lazy warm up today. Just walked around, put some weights away did a few six point rocks and air squats. Then a :30/:30 circuit -

1. Swings (32kg) x 20
2. Bench (135) x 10
3. 1-arm row (65) L x 13
4. 1-arm row (65) R x 13
5. Goblet sqt (32kg) x 8
6. Hip flexor stretch right leg down x :30
7. Bench (135) x 8
8. Hip flexor stretch left leg down x :30
9. 1-arm row (65) L x 10
10. 1-arm row (65) R x 10
11. Swing (32kg) x 20
12. 6 point rocks/zenith reach x :30
13. Goblet squats (32kg) x 8
14. Swings x 10
15. Ab wheel x 3
16. Side plank/crunch Left (touch left hip to floor and raise to plank) x 10
17. Side plank/crunch right x 10

Today got me closer to doing a true :30/:30 although I didn't go for a full 30 minutes. This was surprisingly tiring and by the time I got to the swings at round 14, I started to lose track of rest periods (that is, I was too gassed to start the next round after :30) and decided to just get my ab work in. I'll continue to tweak this so that I'm balancing my movements and managing fatigue.

I'm finding that it's taking a bit of work to develop sane, repeatable training sessions while at the same time adding in enough of a challenge to increase the qualities that I want to improve (burn off some body fat, increase strength and work capacity), but all in all I feel good about the work I am getting done.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-24-19 10:10 AM - Post#891744    

six point rocks
kb snatches (16kg) x 5L/5R x 2
1-arm swings (16kg) x 5L/5R x 2
air squats

Swings (32kg) x 15
goblet sqts x 5 (decrease reps by 1 each rnd)
push up x 5 (decrease reps by 1 each rnd)
Stepper x 2:00
5 rounds

This turned out to be an augmented "humane burpee", and I still debate whether or not the stepper is worth the time, but overall I was able to breath through my nose, my swings were snappy, and my heart rate halfway through the session was around 140. Not sure if that's quite high enough for aerobic development, but it feels good to start the day with some basic movement.
Total Posts: 5576
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-25-19 05:20 PM - Post#891791    

Interesting to read about your experience with 40 days/ES this time. Sometimes we think one thing but the practice leads us in another direction. For better or worse, it's all part of a process.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-25-19 05:22 PM - Post#891792    

What is your goal for 2020?
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 7355
12-25-19 11:08 PM - Post#891800    

Good stuff you put together there. Nice work, the :30 :30 sounds punishing

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
Re: What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-28-19 03:25 PM - Post#891898    

  • pink.pixie Said:
Interesting to read about your experience with 40 days/ES this time. Sometimes we think one thing but the practice leads us in another direction. For better or worse, it's all part of a process.

Yeah, at this point I'm not looking at my training through the lens of a 40 day cycle right now. That was the goal, but it's definitely been augmented. And I agree 100% with your assessment as to how one thing leads to another (path).

What I am trying to take from my attempt at the 40 day cycle is the spirit of ES, in that I'm attempting to keep my training to frequent, brief sessions with minimal strain. I missed three days over the holiday, but got some work in this morning (which I'll type up below). My purpose in doing this was born from the practicality of having a new baby in the house. I figured I should learn how to stay fit with sessions lasting less than 30 minutes since I know I'll have to get my exercise in when I can with a newborn in the house, and I know that I won't be able to afford to be sore, tired, or otherwise beat up from my efforts in the gym. Also, by making training a (near) daily habit I also figured I would improve my consistency, which is something I've struggled with over the years.

As a relevant aside, I've begun reading "The Lost Secret To A Great Body" which was recommended in another thread on Sandow. It is an EXCELLENT history of the early developers of Physical Culture and the methods they used popularized by Sandow and others before him. The author does a convincing job of tracing the origins of physical culture, and more importantly interpreting the light dumbbell protocol. Essentially he makes the case that their techniques have been widely misunderstood by modern trainers and argues that their system in its original format has much more value than it is given credit for. I do plan on attempting this at some point, but when I'll be able to experiment with it remains to be seen. Probably once the baby is sleeping through the night.

In the meantime I have been enjoying the aforementioned frequent, brief sessions of basic human movements with the periodic addition of a circuit (the :30/:30) or some other challenge.

Which brings me to my goals for 2020 - I would love to achieve a 2:1 height to waist ratio. I also want to evaluate some measurable standard of health and fitness, but first I'll need to decide on some tests to benchmark against. Height to waist ratio is good, and I know Dan likes farmer's walks for distance in addition to the standing long jump, but I don't have the space for a long farmer's walk in my home gym. So, I probably measure my standing long jump and begin tracking my morning resting heart rate. Max deadlift might not be a bad one either. Again, I'll have to settle on a few tests, keep working the basics, and then test again in 3-4 months. That's the short term plan. The long term plan is to develop a consistent training template which will keep me in good health, strength, and body composition with minimal need for recovery.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-28-19 03:46 PM - Post#891900    

Sat 12/28:

six point rocks/nods
Hip flexor stretch/reach

3 rounds of
air squats x 5
1-arm kb swing (16kg) x 5L/5R
kb snatch x 5L/5R (plus one press after the final snatch)

1. Bench (135) x 9,8,6
2. 1-arm row L (65#) x 13,10,10
3. 1-arm row R (65#) x 13,10,10
4. six point rock/zenith reach
5. Goblet squat (32kg) x 8,8,X
6. side plank/crunch L x 10,10,X
7. side plank/crunch R x 10,10,X
8. Swing (32kg) x 15,15,15
9. Ab wheel x 6,5,X
10. living pharaoh/standing thoracic stretch

The idea today was to pick a circuit of 10 movements and run through it 3 times for a total of 30 minutes at :30/:30...and that didn't quite happen. I ran out of gas after the second time through (which is why there are "X"'s listed for some of the third rounds). After going through it twice at the :30/:30 pace I turned the clock off and got through the bench and rows for a third set each, and then did one final set of swings. I think adding a few more correctives/stretches into the circuit will help to prevent the build up of fatigue and make the session more manageable overall.

Edited by Mr. Kent on 12-28-19 03:46 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 5576
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-29-19 10:23 AM - Post#891919    

Thank you Mr.Kent for your reply. Congrats to a new baby. I guess that you need to take 'baby steps' now(our intended) and keep your training doable and practical. ;-) Keeping it simple and get it done. It is 'a nourishment' for yourself so that you can be your best in life and a gift to others.

Can you post the tests that you decide to do, meaning what you want to measure and why and then when you'll plan to check it again ( all in line with SMART goals). That will help you to stay accountable.

Where could you find 15 m for farmer's walks? I use the green carpet at my gym...better than nothing..I just turn at the end and count the turns. DJ reminds people about the fact that you also need to walk the same distance back, so the distance doesn't need to be too long. Albeit, five meters is too short. ;-)

Could you walk outside?

Very best to you and your family in 2020!
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
12-29-19 12:30 PM - Post#891924    

I'll absolutely be planning to post my testing in this log. I should mention that the baby isn't here just yet, so if I disappear off the boards for a few days it's because we're in the hospital. It's literally any day now.

To answer your question Pink, while my home gym is pretty well equipped and I have enough space for pretty much all manner of weight lifting, and a bit of space for some groundwork I really don't have any room at all for farmer's walks. That's one test I'll just need to work around. I could go outside, but right now it's not really worth the effort to get equipment up from the basement to the outdoors.

Thanks for the kind words. All my best to your and yours in the New Year.

And Diablo, thanks for dropping by.
Total Posts: 5576
12-29-19 03:05 PM - Post#891930    

Aha, good luck with the baby transition. :-)
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 7355
12-29-19 07:21 PM - Post#891941    

Oh, joy, I have a new year's baby myself, congratulations ahead of time.

That's beast of a workout, nice one, man.

Shooting for Bodyweight OHP myself, probably the only one I care to push myself towards. Happy PR hunting this 2020 season

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
12-30-19 01:08 PM - Post#891979    

1 humane burpee today:
32kg kb
swings x 15
goblet squats x 5...1 (one less rep each round)
push-ups x 5...1 (one less rep each round)
5 total rounds (75 swings, 15 sqt, 15 push-ups)

Had trouble getting moving this morning, and I probably should have crawled around and done some 'get back ups' as those always help, but I just didn't. I also probably should have gone with a 24kg bell, but no harm done today. It was something, and I'm trying to get a minimum of 75 swings in a day, so hit that mark.

Edited by Mr. Kent on 12-30-19 01:08 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-09-20 02:49 PM - Post#892373    

So, had a New Year's Day baby! Everyone's doing well, but am still getting used to/developing a schedule. Haven't trained since we went into the hospital on 12/30, but am hoping to get a session in today.
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