What Mr. Kent is doing now -
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Display Name Post: What Mr. Kent is doing now        (Topic#33627)
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What Mr. Kent is doing now
01-09-20 07:59 PM - Post#892387    

  • Mr. Kent Said:
So, had a New Year's Day baby!

Wow. Congratulations! How cool is that? :-)
I am glad that everyone is doing well.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

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01-10-20 09:38 AM - Post#892420    


10 minutes is enough to get you back on track....no need to make a big production out of it right now.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-12-20 01:12 PM - Post#892504    

Thanks for the well wishes. It's been busy and tiring, but obviously worth the effort.

I did get to train Saturday:

Get back ups - starting from right side, left side, on my back, and face down. One from each starting position, and then again with left hand on left knee and a final time through with right hand on right knee.

1-arm db press (50#) x 2,3,5, rest, 2,3 (15 total reps)
1-arm db row (65#) x 10,5 (15 total reps)
Goblet sqt/swing (32kg) x 3,10 rest after each sqt/swing pairing x 5 (15 sqts, 50 swings)

Some light stretches to finish

About 20 minutes total.

I think I'll do this 3 days a week (M,W,fri) and fluctuate the volume each session between 15, 20, and 30 total reps for presses, rows, and squats. And 50,75, or 100 swings. And if baby allows some 1/2 get-ups and deadlifts every other day (tu,th). That's the plan for now anyway.
Total Posts: 5576
01-12-20 05:38 PM - Post#892507    

Sounds good.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-14-20 04:19 PM - Post#892640    

Missed monday's session, but got it in today:

get back-ups
push ups x 5
air squats x a bunch

1-arm press:
45 x (5,7)- [this is 5L/5R, 7L/7R, then rest], (5,5), 50 x (2,1), (1,1), (2,1) [30 reps total]

1-arm row:
65 x (5,10), (5,5), 5 [30 reps total]

Goblet sqt/swing combo: 32kg x 10/15 (10 squats, 15 swings), 10/15, 10/15 (last set of swings was 24kg) - [30 total squats, 45 total swings]

about 30 minutes total

I think I'm pushing things a little too hard. Especially when you take into account the non-regular hours and overall sleep deprivation. All expected during this stretch though. But, the squats and swings really gassed me. I dropped down to the 24kg bell for the last set of 15. It felt ridiculously light, which was promising. My original plan was to get 75 swings in per workout, but it'll probably be wise to lower the weight here and there rather than just grab the 32kg bell every session. Live and learn...I guess it's a good sign that I'm back to forcing myself to dial it back rather than trying to find the motivation to train. The middle road is hard to find sometimes...
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-16-20 04:44 PM - Post#892776    

1/16 session:

get back-ups
a few straight leg sit-ups
six-point rocks/zenith reach
1/2 get ups (16kg), 3L/3R

swings(24kg)/push-ups x 5/5, 10/5, 15/5 (30 swings/15 push-ups total)

swings(32kg) 5,10,15
1-arm row (65#) (done in between sets of swings): 10L/10R,10L/10R

swings(32kg) 10,10,10
1-arm press (50#)- done in between sets of swings x 5L/5R, 5L/5R, 3L/3R, 3L/3R

goblet squats (32kg) x 5,5
1-arm press x 2L/2R

total reps:
60 swings (32kg)
10 goblet squats (32kg)
18 press (50#)
20 row (65#)

My original intent was to shoot for about 75 swings per session, and about 20-22 of everything else since this was a medium volume day, but the clock hit 30 minutes, and I felt that I was pushing myself a bit much so I cut the squats and presses short. All in all a good, repeatable workout which has been the goal. It was also a bit reminiscent of the 10,000 swing challenge in the sense that I mixed strength movements in between sets of swings although I have no plans on actually doing that workout, just to simply keep a reasonable amount of the fundamental movements while I'm going through this busy stretch of reduced sleep. All in all it seems to be going well.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-17-20 03:20 PM - Post#892823    

Sleep-deprived thoughts during this stretch:

I'm glad I prepared the way I did in the weeks leading up to having a newborn. Forcing myself to keep all training to under 30 minutes and just get in some fundamental movement patterns with varying loads and volume was exactly what I needed to practice. It seems to have mimicked the time and mental parameters that I have currently available as a new dad. Practice how you play, I guess.

Outside of patting myself on the back (but hey, it's my log I'll self-congratulate if I want to... and apologies to Lesley Gore) the other lesson that seems apparent to me, and this has been a slow developing revelation as I've read through Dan's books and tried to implement his approach to fitness is that training, particularly when one is solely focused on health and not preparing for competition really doesn't need to be a big production. A little done consistently really goes a long way. Particularly when diet/nutrition is also kept within sane parameters. I guess this is something I've been told over and over, but always had trouble implementing. I know Dan has written about this in a lot of different ways, but I'm proud to finally seem to be 'getting it' and putting it into practice. I am hopeful that I find the time and desire in the future for periods of intensity and focus (ie. a 'bus bench' program), but the vast majority of the time I'm convinced that one really ONLY needs the basics. And yes I know this has been said before, and probably in better ways, but if we need to do the important things everyday maybe we should also remind ourselves of the important lessons often also.
Total Posts: 7355
01-17-20 05:13 PM - Post#892825    

Sometimes even implementing a process, is a process. Way to keep at it.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-19-20 11:35 AM - Post#892872    

As always, thanks for the kind words Diablo. Appreciate the support.

1-handed swings (16kg) x 5L/5R
hip flexor stretch
six point rocks
1-handed swings (16kg) x 5L/5R
snatches x 5L/5R

Alternate Swings and strength movement:

Swings (24kg) x 10, 15, 25
1-arm press x (16kgx10), (24kgx5), (45#x5,5)

Swings (24kg) x 25, 15, 10
1-arm rows x (65x10), (24kgx5), (24kgx10)

Was going to do some kind of squat pattern, but decided to keep this one brief. I tweaked my back somehow. I don't think it was the swings since my hamstrings are sore this morning, and are usually after I swing with any appreciable volume. I won't rule out poor form, but I've been swinging without issue for the better part of 10 years. It's not bad, but something to keep an eye on. I might cut out the swings for the time being since it feels like it's my erector spinae on the left side a couple of inches above my butt. So, basically my "low back" on the left side. I've been meaning to do more crawling and try out loaded carries in place since my space isn't big enough for actual loaded carries for any distance more than a few steps. Adapt and overcome...
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-27-20 04:05 PM - Post#893237    

Looks like my last training session was 1/18 - that's a little too long. Had an opportunity to train last night, but the exhaustion was too much to overcome. I know, it's an excuse, but having a baby in the house feels like a battle of wills at times...

Had the urge to check in here and post some thoughts. I'll definitely be continuing the above training (swings, 1-arm presses, 1-arm rows, goblet squats, and mobility) as I notice a difference in my energy levels without them. It's really refreshing to see how much regular non-strenuous exercise can go to keeping one energized (and I'd say fit, although I have no recent blood-work to prove it). It’s been a good reminder that it doesn't take much to keep yourself moving well. I'd still like to add in some loaded carries and crawls.

And despite explaining how good the above program has been treating me I’ve recently read David Bolton's book "The Lost Secret to a Great Body" which has got me thinking deeply about trying a fundamental shift in my training. Yes, I’m reminded of the saying “it was so good I stopped doing it”, and I’ll do everything I can to resist scrapping what is working, but Bolton’s book is an intriguing examination of the old-time Physical Culturists and their dumbbell training routine (popularized by Eugene Sandow amongst others). It's really an excellent dive into the history of this style of training including the founding developers who came before Sandow, and also includes a convincing argument that this style of exercising may go as far back as ancient Greece. I won’t spoil the content by revealing it all here, but as I read and re-read the book I’m extremely tempted to transition to this manner of strength training. While I won’t rehash his material in its entirety I will offer glimpses of it if and when I progress through the program. I feel like that’s a middle ground where I can explain what I’m experimenting with, but while also honoring his intellectual property and not simply give away step-by-step instructions as he does in his book. So, that’s what’s been on my mind. It will probably be a few weeks before I’m ready to try it, but stay tuned if you’re interested.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-28-20 02:07 PM - Post#893283    

Got a quick session in today:

16kg kb (done as one continuous circuit):
1 get-up, press from standing, 1-hand swings x 5, 1 snatch, finish get-up (back to lying down) x 1L/1R

Marching in place with the 24kg kb


Swings (24kg) x 15, 15, 15, 15
1-arm press x 45x5 (these are 5L/5R), 45x5, 24kgx1,2, 45x5
Goblet sqt (24kg) x 5, 5, 5, 5
1-arm row x 24kgx10, 65x5, 65x6, 24kgx10

This was done as a circuit; set of swings, then set of presses, etc. 4 rounds total. Took about 13 minutes not including warm-up.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-29-20 12:45 PM - Post#893310    

Performed a 20 minute :30/:30 drill this morning:

1. six point rocks/zenith reach
2. bear crawl
3. march in place (24kgL/32kgR)
4. march in place (32kgL/24kgR)
5. swings
6. goblet squat
7. stepper

Going through this 3 times would have been 21 minutes, but I kind of lost track along the way. The original plan was to do 1-handed swings for step 5, alternating hands for rounds one and two (left hand the first time through, then right hand), and then do two handed swings on round 3, but I got mixed up and after doing my one handed swings with the left hand (16kg, btw), I did a set of :30 with the right hand, effectively adding two extra :30/:30's per round. The last round I caught myself and just did two handed swings with the 24kg kb.

Anyhow, counting errors aside it was a nice little session. It wasn't taxing, but challenging enough where I felt my heart-rate elevated. I wasn't gassed, but was working. I'll play around with this and maybe add more mobility work throughout the circuit. Starting with rocks and bear crawls was a good choice. The 'standing carries' were interesting, and I played around with taking 5 or 6 steps in the last round instead of marching in place since that's all the space I have for carries and the movement felt truncated. I thought moving forward was more taxing than simply lifting my knees, but only being able to take a few steps didn't feel like a true carry. So, marching in place it is for the time being. It was definitely taxing on the grip and I do think there is benefit, but I'd choose true carries if the option is available.
Total Posts: 5576
What Mr. Kent is doing now
01-29-20 09:00 PM - Post#893345    

  • Mr. Kent Said:
... having a baby in the house feels like a battle of wills at times...

Usually the baby wins...
..but will probably move out in twenty years... :-)

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
01-29-20 10:16 PM - Post#893347    

  • Mr. Kent Said:

....the other lesson that seems apparent to me, and this has been a slow developing revelation as I've read through Dan's books and tried to implement his approach to fitness is that training, particularly when one is solely focused on health and not preparing for competition really doesn't need to be a big production. A little done consistently really goes a long way. Particularly when diet/nutrition is also kept within sane parameters. I guess this is something I've been told over and over, but always had trouble implementing. I know Dan has written about this in a lot of different ways, but I'm proud to finally seem to be 'getting it' and putting it into practice. I am hopeful that I find the time and desire in the future for periods of intensity and focus (ie. a 'bus bench' program), but the vast majority of the time I'm convinced that one really ONLY needs the basics. And yes I know this has been said before, and probably in better ways, but if we need to do the important things everyday maybe we should also remind ourselves of the important lessons often also.

Right. And thank you for writing it.

DD probably felt that he repeated himself, DJ does for sure, and any good teacher must develop an immunity against repetition in hope that someone sometime somewhere will hear and implement what they know and teach. They should never quit cuz good things remain good and sometimes one needs to hear it many many times. :-)
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-30-20 03:33 PM - Post#893383    

Thanks for dropping by, Pink!

Today I was a little sore, but figured a quick session would do me good:

front squat (bar) x 10
bear crawls, a bunch. I have limited floor space, but can go for about 20 feet. I improvise by crawling backward to the starting point and also crawling side to side.
stepper 2:00

Felt warmed up enough to jump into the circuit of:

1. front squat (95) x 10
2. ball slams (50# ball) x 10
3. stepper 2:00 (easy-ish pace; enough to get my heart-rate back to an aerobic zone (ie. the 'talk test')
4. front squat (125) x 8
5. ball slams x 10
6. stepper 2:00
7. front squat (125) x 8
8. ball slams x 10
9. stepper 5:00

During the last 5:00 on the stepper I varied the tension and pace. Heart rate was ~150 at the end of it; breathing a little heavy, but controlled. If I had to guess I'd say at the threshold of being anaerobic.

Overall, I rested a little bit between movements, but didn't completely recover. Whole session took about 20-25 minutes.

And I've made a decision to stop reading fitness related articles and instruction. I have a habit of voraciously consuming information if I'm interested in a topic. This habit usually has been an asset, but has just as often hindered my progress as I overload myself with information to the detriment of actually doing the thing I'm researching. Particularly as the advent of the internet has taken place during my early adulthood. The prompt for this decision occurred during the formulation of today’s session. As I was thinking over what I was going to do and formulated the circuit in my mind I had a flash of memory from some long forgotten article. I remember the author stating that there was a difference between ‘training’ and ‘exercising’, and that those who simply exercise don’t make progress since they haphazardly move their bodies without overarching goals or direction. As I looked over my workout I wondered if I was only ‘exercising’ and not moving toward a larger goal. And then I realized that advice was misguided. I can’t remember who wrote the article, but I do know it came from an online magazine whose name prominently displays an anabolic hormone, and prides themselves on their no-nonsense, dedicated approach to a relentless pursuit of muscle. And while I’ve found some value in the information on that site I remembered that I have to keep in mind my goals. Or, as DJ has advised to learn to ‘keep the goal, the goal’. So, some fundamental movements done regularly with enough load to challenge, but not so much that recovery is itself a challenge seems to go a long way to keeping myself fit for the tasks of my life, and my overall health markers in good parameters. I’m still meaning to run some tests to measure against later in the year, but as my time becomes more constrained I’ll need to plan the testing day carefully. But, for now I’m feeling good and I’m doing well regardless of how much I can deadlift.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-02-20 06:11 PM - Post#893602    

Efficient one today:

Six point rocks/nods

Complexes (8 reps)
Front sqt
Back sqt
Good morning
4 sets - bar, bar, 65, 65

20 minutes including warm-up
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-03-20 10:36 AM - Post#893629    

Inspired by Dan's recent post on complexes I've decided to add two days of conditioning per week and revisit their use. I don't have any desire to do any focused O lifting, but the complexes felt good yesterday, and seem to fit into my goal of workouts shorter than 25 minutes. Between those and some regular easy-ish strength training with a focus on the fundamental movements I think I'll have most everything covered for the next few months as my sleep and schedule remain more erratic than I'd like. In an ideal world I'd be able to walk regularly in addition to the other stuff, but until the baby gets a touch older and the weather warms up it looks like the walking will have to wait.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-05-20 10:16 AM - Post#893731    

Tu 2/4:

had a lackluster warm-up. Tried some crawls, six point rocks, marching in place, hung from the pull-up bar a little. Looking back I actually got some quality movement in, but at the time I had trouble mentally engaging. I'll take this as a good sign in the sense that when I don't feel like moving, I can benefit from some simple progressions and get myself going.

After about 5-7 minutes of the above I did a version of the humane burpee:

15 swings
5 push-ups
5 goblet squats
5 rounds, all with a 24kg kettlebell

The entire workout took about 25 minutes. The swings were strong, and I took my time with each set of squats and push-ups with a focus on keeping tension throughout each rep and making each set as 'smooth' as possible. Overall, it just felt refreshing. Complexes later today.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-05-20 02:56 PM - Post#893741    

Ironic that I just lauded my ability to get myself going physically when the mind doesn't engage immediately because this afternoon I had the exact opposite experience. Just felt tired mentally and today I fiddled around with similar movements from yesterday to try to get going (bird dogs, six point rocks/nods, bar hangs, crawling). Then I picked up the barbell and started to go through the same complex from Sunday...but everything in my body just felt tired and joints were a touch achy. Can't really explain it other than some poor dietary choices yesterday. Anyhow, I continued with the mobility work (some of DJ's 'standing pharaohs' and some other twists) and called it a day. Hope to hit the complexes again tomorrow, but we'll see how I feel.

Inspired by the discussion on Original Strength from another thread I broke down and ordered Tim Anderson's book. I was trying to piece together the resets and movements from the discussion here and some light research on the interwebz, but it seems like it's a quality book and something that I'll want in my library, and more importantly in my fitness routine. So, hopefully it will be worth the money, but as always time will tell the tale.
Total Posts: 5576
02-05-20 05:41 PM - Post#893754    

Which of his books did you order?
Check some vids he has on You tube, it might show a little more than the b/w photographs.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
What Mr. Kent is doing now
02-05-20 06:13 PM - Post#893755    

  • Mr. Kent Said:
.... I had a flash of memory from some long forgotten article. I remember the author stating that there was a difference between ‘training’ and ‘exercising’, and that those who simply exercise don’t make progress since they haphazardly move their bodies without overarching goals or direction.

As I looked over my workout I wondered if I was only ‘exercising’ and not moving toward a larger goal. And then I realized that advice was misguided. I can’t remember who wrote the article

Not sure if it was just one article. I heard it many times here and there, and also from some folks who are into Crossfit...

Exercise is OK. Many people exercise, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with it. They are not exactly interested in knowing their VO2 and how fast they can bike 100 miles and they will not register for a ski run or a triathlon....

I know people that exercise because it is not difficult and their heart rate doesn't increase so much. They couldn't care less about a kettlebell, because they want to play pétanque.

One is not a better person when one has a measurable and achievable goal but if you do have a goal you will know when you reach it /or not. The question is more about why you want to reach it.

I do not think I will ever throw discus. I do not have to, really.....but I never thought I would deadlift either. And why squat at all?

The 'why' suggests the 'how'....and then all kinds of people have all kinds of opinions and experiences.....so what? :-)) One can sit still and meditate and be happy, too.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-06-20 11:11 AM - Post#893792    

Hey Pink,

I ordered his 2nd edition (or updated version if you prefer) of the Original Strength book. I think it's titled "Pressing Reset".

And I agree with you wholeheartedly, and I'm not sure I really made myself clear in the earlier post. I DO NOT agree with this mentality of periodized, customized training programs for everyone. Some people just need to move a little bit in order to maximize their health markers - exercise is fine and good in and of itself. As an aside this brings to mind "Hoover Ball" which was invented my President Hoover's personal physician to keep him in shape. Just throwing a weighted medicine ball over a volleyball net in the context of a game was enough to help his weight and overall health. You're right that this sentiment of 'train or die' (and I exaggerate the aggressiveness of the message) seems to be more common over the past ten years. I was guilty of it myself when I found weightlifting. I found myself trying every program and lift that had crossover to the field of play. At the time I was playing a competitive sport and had the attention of a butterfly when it came to training. I wish I would have understood the power of choosing and the discipline of sticking with one thing back then (or to quote DJ - everything works).

Don't get me wrong, parameters and structure are good particularly if one is to keep up with fitness throughout their life, but setting goals as if we're all professional athletes seems to cause more people to abandon the pursuit entirely rather than making it enjoyable and repeatable. Just imagine if there were as many techniques and tools to brush your teeth! Dentists would be even wealthier than they are now as I'm guessing most people would just drop it rather than trying to choose the latest and greatest gimmick to maximize dental health.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-11-20 12:52 PM - Post#894047    

Tue 2/11:

crawls, rocks, bar hang

swings x 15,15
Push up x 5,5
Goblet Sqt x 5,5

bar hangs x 15 sec,15 sec

Was going to do 5 full rounds of swings, push-up, goblets, but felt totally distracted today. It felt like my brain had not woken up at all. Although the movement did feel good. Hope to keep this as a minimum going forward.

And I'm inching closer and closer to trying the WATCH protocol based on Professor Attila's material. More on that once I get some workouts under my belt.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-12-20 08:23 AM - Post#894088    

Wed 2/12:

felt a bit smarter to add the crawls and rocks to the humane burpee so that the entire thing becomes one big circuit:

crawl (ending up at kb)
swing x 15
push-up x 5
six point rocks
goblet squat x 5
bar hang x 15sec

did three total sets with a 24kg bell. Originally was going to do 5, but felt pretty good after 3. Whole thing felt like mobility work. Again, the goal is just to move a little bit everyday for now.
Total Posts: 5576
What Mr. Kent is doing now
02-13-20 10:48 AM - Post#894139    

  • Mr. Kent Said:
Again, the goal is just to move a little bit everyday for now.

That is good enough. :-)
On better days you can push more and on the lower energy days just go through the motions with an absolute determination.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-17-20 11:46 AM - Post#894312    

Sunday 2/16/2020:


humane burpee (24kg):
swings x 15
push-up x 5...1 (reduce rep by 1 each set)
goblet sqt x 5...1
bar hang x 10-15 sec

complex (8 reps)
Hang Clean
front sqt
back sqt
good morning
bar, 65, 85

The set of 85 was really challenging from a cardiovascular standpoint. Although, from a strength perspective getting all of the reps wasn't too tough. I'm not sure if I could have gotten a second set of 8 for the presses had I done another round, but I figured it was better to end one set early rather than push unnecessarily.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-19-20 05:40 PM - Post#894458    

Repeated Sunday's workout today, but changed the reps on the complex:


humane burpee (24kg) with bar hangs

complex (6 reps)
Hang Clean
front sqt
back sqt
good morning
65, 95, 95

I was pleased to hit all the presses. I racked the bar after the front squats in the last set and took a few breaths, about 10 seconds rest total before I got back under the bar for the presses, back squats, and good mornings.

Part of me wants to put a bit more 'bus bench' in my training and get some structure week to week rather than winging it. The upside is that I'm taking almost every opportunity to train, but it's basically been a mish-mash. I suppose I should just look on the bright side that my diet has been good and training regular with a new baby in the house.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
02-25-20 11:31 AM - Post#894753    

Had workouts Fri (2/21) and Sun (2/23), but my log's not with me. It was a bunch of stuff.

Today (2/25):


Circuit of:
swings (32kg) x 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
Press x 85x8, 100x5, 115x5, 110x5, 110x5
Stepper 1min, 1min, 1min, 1min, 1min
1-arm db row x 24kgx18, 24kgx12, 60#x10, 60#x10, 60#x10

Went through 5 times while changing the press and pull weights. I know I'm mixing vertical pressing and horizontal pulling, but don't tell the fitness police.

The entire session with warm up was 46 minutes. A bit longer than I wanted to be, but good overall

notes (and yes, I'm stealing this format from Diablo): I've been trying to incorporate more OS resets into my warmups. Not quite done with the book, but these have been going well. As I do more of them I'm considering making them a staple outside of training. Probably when I'm watching tv, just do 5-10 minutes of mobility. Just a preliminary thought. I don't think it was the resets that added time to today's workout, but if I can do them at another time of day I'm thinking it may help to keep the other elements of training focused.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-02-20 02:49 PM - Post#895007    

Sunday 3/1:

I had about 20 minutes to train and hit the complexes again. I got too cute though...my idea was to pyramid the reps. Instead of doing sets of 5, I tried doing the complex with 1 rep. Then again with 2 reps, and a third time with 3 reps of each exercise. I thought the early sets would serve as a warm-up and by the time I did a set of 5 reps and back down to 1 it would be a total of 25 reps of the complex. It didn't go great. After the set of 3 I felt that it was harder to focus through the small sets in addition to them not really feeling like much. After the set of 3 I did two more sets of 5. I think I'll stick with the standard approach of performing the complex with the bar and then adding weight. Complex was:

Front Squat
Back Squat
Good morning

Performed sets of 1, 2, 3, 5, 5 all with 95#. It was more than nothing.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-04-20 08:46 AM - Post#895102    

This morning had a quick one:

kb around the back (took a 16kg and passed it from right to left behind my back a few times, then switched directions)
kb halos

Humane Burpee (24kg)
swings x 15
push up x 5...1
goblet sqt x 5...1
bar hangs ~20 seconds (dead hang for 5 seconds, active hand for 5 second, repeat)

and that was it, about 22 minutes total. I had thought about throwing in some complexes; plan is to move to reps of eight and once I get to three sets of 95 pounds, move back to reps of three and try to get three sets of something more than 95.

I'm liking the HB as a standard, and the complexes every few days for conditioning. Would like to add some regular strength work, but keep reminding myself to prioritize my goal of regular training and good health. I realize I shouldn't drive myself crazy trying to maximize every marker of fitness that exists.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-09-20 11:42 AM - Post#895322    

Catching up with my log:

Friday (3/6) - tried the WATCH db protocol based upon the old-time strong men (Professor Attila and Eugene Sandow primarily). I'll write more on this in detail once I get some sessions/weeks under my belt. It's interesting and I think has great potential. It's a departure from progressive weight training though. I know there's a Sandow thread elsewhere on this board. I may chime in there once I get acquainted with the system enough to have some results and feedback to discuss.

OS warm-up/resets

HB (24kg)
swings x 15
push up x 5
Goblet x 5
3 rounds (45 swings, 15 pushups, 15 Goblet sqts)

Complex "A"
Fr Sqt
Back Sqt
Good morning
8 reps per movement
65#, 85#...thought about a third set, but stayed conservative

Monday 3/9:
OS resets/warm-up

HB (24kg)
swings x 15
push up x 5
Goblet x 5
3 rounds (45 swings, 15 pushups, 15 Goblet sqts)

Squat: 95x10, 125x10
Press (1-arm db): 50#x2,3 (2L,2R,3L,3R, no rest); 55#x2,3
Row (1-arm db): 60x10, 65x10

Did this circuit style with about 30-40 seconds rest between movements.

I like the OS stuff and the humane burpees as a staple to serve as both warm up and preserve/maintain my minimums. If I only did the RESETS and humane burpees (w/ bar hangs) I'm sure I'd feel great. As is, I'm feeling good, but those two elements specifically seem like excellent minimum programming for me.

And today's session has me thinking Easy Strength again...although I am hesitant to deadlift, which is strange because I really like the lift and used to not be able to get enough of it. But my gut feeling at the moment is to stay away. The two sets of presses and rows felt so good though that I can't help but consider a cycle of ES. And it would fit great with my current time constraints. The more I think about this, the more I like the idea. Especially with 1-2 days of complexes I think I'd have myself a fairly comprehensive program. And although I'd like to try the WATCH db stuff, it might be best to start a new program when I have more time since I'm not sure how steep the learning curve will be. And as with all new things since I have no idea what the pay-out versus time investment will be (although I guess I could have just said ROI), it might be best to play it safe with ES and some conditioning since I know what I'll get with those elements.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-10-20 08:10 AM - Post#895350    

Tue 3/10:

OS reset/warm-up

5:00 stepper
swings x 15 (24kg)
4 sets (20 min total stepper, 60 swings)

Wasn't feeling the weights today, decided to get some movement on the stepper and with swings. Kept my HR between 140 and 155 (measured after each 5:00 portion)
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-12-20 08:53 AM - Post#895454    

Had an evening session last night (Wed 3/11):

OS reset/warm-up

complex "A"
Row, Clean, Fr sqt, press, back sqt, good morning:
8 reps: 65, 95

and then explored some of the strongman db work. Didn't go through the whole series, but attempted to continue learning the procedure. I'll detail this more as I work through it.

All in all a pretty efficient session. Thinking about changing up the complex this weekend. Considering the following: snatch, OHS, press, back sqt, good morning. I realize I'm dividing my time by trying to learn the Atilla/Sandow protocol while still getting in brief/efficient sessions. I'll try to steer myself back into familiar territory with ES as I noted a few days ago, but when I start experimenting it's hard to stop myself. Unfortunately, with time being so tight right now I realize I don't have the luxury of learning something new when it comes to training. Wish I had been more disciplined when I was younger and had more time...but I suppose almost everyone can say that. Se la vie
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-16-20 12:05 PM - Post#895657    

Ended up taking the last four days off. No excuses, but I'm starting to feel the lack of movement.

This morning I went through some OS resets, and had 50# loaded on the db so did 2 sets of 5 presses (with each arm).

Just something to get back in the habit of moving. I'm sure I'll be inspired to do more at the next session.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
03-20-20 11:56 AM - Post#895862    

Started with OS resets/warm-ups

kb circuit:
1-arm swing x 5
clean x 5
squat (rack position) x 5
snatch x 5
press x 5
Left side, rest 30ish seconds, right side
5 sets total each side with a 16kg kb

I performed 3 sets left and right of the above, and heart rate started to get up there, so I took a break and did:

1-arm row (65#) x 10
1-arm db press (50#) x 5

2 more circuits each side, and then:

1-arm row (65#) x 10
1-arm db press (50#) x 6

Overall, I pushed it a little bit, but it felt good overall. I think I saw this as "1 kb hell" somewhere else on this board, but with a 16kg bell it felt pretty good. I think I'm a little de-conditioned due to poor sleep and training fasted this morning probably also contributed, but overall I kept it in check and wasn't sucking air, although it almost got away from me. A lesson to keep in mind, I suppose.

Edited by Mr. Kent on 03-20-20 11:57 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-22-20 07:34 PM - Post#895976    

Sunday 3/22:


1. "1 kb hell" (1KbH)
1-arm swing x 5
clean x 5
squat (rack position) x 5
snatch x 5
press x 5
16kg x 1L/1R (the entire sequence left side, then right side)
2. goblet squat 24kg x 5
3 1KbH x 1L/1R
4. goblet squat 32kg x 5
5. 1KbH x 1L/1R
6. Press (1-arm db) 50# x 5L/5R
7. 1KbH x 1L/1R
8. Press (60#) x 1L/1R

I have to say I was proud of myself that I kept all the kb circuits to 16kg. I was tempted to see what the 24kg bell would feel like, but I realized that would probably be more strenuous and anaerobic then I'm aiming for at the moment. The last press of 60# I kind of did for grins and giggles, but was glad to see it go up. It wasn't easy, but I wouldn't call it a grind either. Might just bump up some of my db pressing to 55# from here on out.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-25-20 09:30 AM - Post#896085    

Tuesday 3/24


kb circuit (16kg):
1-arm swing x 5
clean and press x 5
squat (rack position) x 5
snatch x 5
once through left side, once through right side

then a Humane Burpee (24kg):
swings x 15
push up x 5
goblet squat x 5
bar hang
5 times through (75 swings, 25 push ups, 25 goblets total)
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
03-30-20 09:34 AM - Post#896266    

The last few sessions have been OS warm-up/resets and humane burpees. I've also been experimenting with the strongman dumbbell protocol, which I'll write about in detail later. Outside of that I'll probably slow down on posting here for a little while as work is pretty busy (we're essential services). Stay safe, and stay strong everyone. Hope to check in soon(ish)
Total Posts: 5576
04-01-20 10:04 AM - Post#896343    

Take care. Joy to your baby.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
04-28-20 03:08 PM - Post#897402    

Thanks Pink!

Doesn't feel like a month has passed. Training has been going well, but due to a sleep regression had to take the last week off. I realize that's an excuse, but being woken up after three hours of sleep (twice) during the night stole my motivation to train. On the positive side the lesson that came out of it is that it's infinitely better to do something rather than sleeping for another 90 minutes, even if I don't feel like it. Case in point, I was able to get this in today:

1. kb circuit (16kg):
snatch x 5
press x 5
1-arm swing x 5
clean x 5
squat (rack position) x 5

2. Humane(ish) Burpee (24kg):
swing x 15
1-arm row x 10,8,6,4,2
Goblet Squat x 5, 4, 3, 4, 5
Push-up x 5,4,3,2,1
five total rounds (75 swings, 30 rows, 21 sqt, 15 push-ups)

and 3 - 30 second bar hangs mixed with OS resets for a cool down

This felt great. I was breathing a bit from the pace (and probably also from having had a week off), and it underscored the importance of getting the work in. I'm thinking of doing this every other day and a mish-mash of other stuff on the days in between (loaded carries, maybe higher volume/load lifting, focused ab work, whatever strikes my fancy really). Whatever it ends up being I feel that I need to get back to embracing the 'little, often, and over the long haul' mantra. More of a reminder for myself than anything really. Well, and a public thanks to the members of this board and especially to Dan and Dan Martin for the Program Minimum where a lot of this originates from.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-01-20 07:53 AM - Post#897489    

Thursday (4/30):

1. kb circuit (16kg):
snatch x 5
press x 5
1-arm swing x 5
clean x 5
squat (rack position) x 5

2. Humane(ish) Burpee (alternate rounds between 24kg and 32kg)
swing x 15
1-arm row x 10, 8, 6, 4
Goblet sqt x 5,4,3
push-up x 5,4,3
four total rounds (60 swings, 28 rows, 12 sqt, 12 push-up), had to skip the goblet squats and push-ups in round four due to time constraints.

and two bar hangs x 30 seconds

this is enough for now. When possible I'd like to crawl a bit more since my back feels great afterwards. I've recently realized how optimistic I've been when evaluating how much time I have for fitness. I find myself mentally planning more to do ('well, I could add this and that', etc) and being tempted to begin some kind of bus-bench program. But, I have to remind myself that this simply isn't the time. It's funny how many mental checks I've had to perform recently to just stick with the diet of swings, goblets, rows, and squats. Specifically, as the weather's been getting better I dream of adding in a sled day at the park (pushes, drags, etc), but again it's just not the right time.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-04-20 09:53 AM - Post#897630    

Sunday 5/3:

1. kb circuit (16kg):
snatch x 5
press x 5
1-arm swing x 5
clean x 5
squat (rack position) x 5

This was supposed to be a warm-up, but the baby refused to nap, so this was all there was Sunday.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-04-20 03:17 PM - Post#897641    

1. kb circuit (16kg):
snatch x 5
press x 5
1-arm swing x 5
clean x 5
squat (rack position) x 5

2. A. crawl (baby)
B. Swing x 15 (24kg)
C. crawl (leopard)
D. Swing x 15 (24kg)
E. Farmer's walk (24kg L/32kg R)
F. Swing x 15 (32kg)
G. Farmer's (32kg L/24kg R)
H. Swing x 15 (32kg)
I. Goblet Sqt x 10 (32kg)
J. Swing x 15 (24kg)
K. Goblet Sqt x10 (24kg)

Today felt really good. This only took about 20 minutes total and was an excellent reminder to simplify, simplify, simplify! I was starting to get hung up on making sure I hit a certain volume in addition to getting in all of the human movements each training session when I realize that sometimes enough is really enough. Especially with everything going on right now (new baby, erratic sleep schedule, being an essential worker, etc).

Anyhow, the goal right now to to keep moving regularly. Time enough for specifics once the world settles back toward predictability. I do like the idea of getting outside for conditioning and sled work eventually, but time will tell when that will be.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-13-20 10:34 AM - Post#897969    

Finally got back to it this morning:

dead bugs
straight let sit-ups
dead bugs

A. 16kg KB:
snatch, press, sqt (rack position)
2,3,5 (2 of each exercise, then 3 of each, then 5) Left and 2,3,5 Right
B. Farmer's walk (24kg L/32kg R)
C. snatch, press, sqt x 5L,5L,5R,5R
D. Farmer's walk (32kg L/24kg R)
E. snatch, press, sqt x 5L,5L,5R,5R
F. Suitcase carry (to put kb's away)

A little disappointed that I haven't had any dedicated movement in over a week, but as a good friend of mine always advises: 'be like a cornerback and have a short memory. Move on to the next play'

This circuit definitely got the heart rate up. And my right shoulder is having issues. It's been slowly creeping in for the last couple of months, but I can't press the 16kg bell without pain. I've tried all the standard stability re-hab; band pull aparts, "W's", face-pulls, but it's still nagging. So, I skip all pressing on the right hand for now. Push-ups are ok, but probably inadvisable since they don't feel good. It's frustrating, but I'll manage. And for anyone truly interested I feel a dull ache when I extend my arm out to the side. The pain in in the anterior portion of the joint and becomes sharp when pressing a load overhead.

Other than that things are going well. And after reading an article by McKean (On Constant Weight Training) as suggested by Dan I'm tempted to load up a barbell and the adjustable dumbbells and just used a fixed weight for a few movements to contrast these circuits. So, some strength, some metabolic conditioning. We'll see; the park bench is very big for me at the moment.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-15-20 08:07 AM - Post#898055    

Th 5/14:

Crawls (about 60 feet)
swing (24kg) x 15
straight leg sit-up x 15
swing x 15
lying hip stretch
swing x 15
side bends x 20 each side
swing x 15

Deadlift 205 x 5,5
press 45x5, 52 (24kg)x5
row 65x5L/5R
curl 25x5L/5R, 5L/5R

Tried to get back to some ES here. After seeing a video posted elsewhere on the board from a power lifter nicknamed 'the ant' (sorry, can't remember his name) who's about 135 pounds and is on video lifting 600 for 5 reps I tried to take his advice on DL technique. The biggest change is keeping my knees behind the bar and shins vertical as I push my hips back into the hinge/starting position. It feels like my hips are as low as they were before, and I have a little less knee bend as opposed to when I used to set up with my knees over the bar. It does feel like it's easy to turn it into a stiff-leg if I'm not careful since in feels like I'm more bent over, but I'll stick with it and really work on hip drive/pushing the floor away rather then trying to 'stand up from the hips' as you do in a stiff-leg version of the lift.

Whole session took about 20-25 minutes.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-17-20 09:04 AM - Post#898142    

Sat 5/16:

swing (24kg) x 15
suitcase carry (24kg L)
swing x 15
suitcase carry (24kg R)
swing x 15
straight leg sit-up x 15
swing x 15
side bends x 20 (each side, 40 total)

Deadlift 205 x 5,5
Press 45#x5, 52x5; Right hand-20#x8,8
1-arm row 65#x8,8; right hand-45#x8,8
curl 25#x5,5

Then 10 minutes on the stepper.

It looks like I'm trending toward a full-on ES cycle, which suits me just fine. The warm-up is where I'm finding is the best place to enjoy some flexibility and variation. As you can see it's mostly carries, correctives (including OS stuff), and abdominal movements in addition to getting swings in. And in case anyone is wondering the 'side bends' are done with light weight in each hand (5lbs usually) and I tense the oblique while bending. It's almost like a 'moving isometric' if that isn't too much of a contradiction.

60 swings seems to be the sweet spot for me, although I know Dan has recommended 75 per session. Potayto, Potahto I guess. Although I feel confident that I'll stick with a full ES cycle, if I accumulate at least 10 sessions I might start posting this back over in the ES log I began back in December. Honestly, I'm just thinking (well, typing) out loud here. But, folks around here (myself included) generally seemed jazzed to follow along when people go through and complete programs.

On the injury front the right shoulder is still iffy. And while I'm really not qualified to offer a diagnosis to myself I do wonder if my bicep tendon is the culprit since 1-arm rows on that side aggravate it at the top of the movement (when my hand is closest to my chest with the weight). In a rare moment of discretion I've found that using much lighter loads for my right side seem to help. The 20# presses felt fine for 8 reps which is what I'll stay with.

And it's probably worth mentioning that an alteration I'm adding is that instead using the guideline of 10 reps per workout for the pull (1-arm row) instead I'm going to add volume and work up to one set of 15. I don't know why, but pulling exercises seem to lend themselves better to higher reps in my experience. Although, I'm fully aware that adding 50% more volume for that one movement may prove to be too much. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll alter my thinking and drop it down to a single set of 10 while inching the load up. Beauty of the park bench I suppose.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-17-20 04:25 PM - Post#898162    

Sun 5/17:

Swing (24kg) x 15
Goblet sqt (24kg) x 10
Swing x 15
Swing x 15
Goblet x 10
Swing x 15
Straight leg sit ups x 15

Deadlift 205 x 5,5
Press 45 x 5,5 (20x8,8 right)
1-arm row 65x10, (45x10 right)
Curl 25x5,5

And that's it - I'm pretty much full on into an easy strength cycle. With that in mind I'm curious to see how far I can push up my deadlift and press specifically. Especially since I'm only pressing left handed which is my non-dominant hand (well, I am pressing with the right but only with marginal weight due to the previously mentioned mystery ninjury). And for anyone not familiar a 'ninjury' is an injury that creeps up like a ninja with no warning and no explanation. Hopefully, it will disappear into the darkness in the same way it arrived.
Total Posts: 5576
05-18-20 05:07 AM - Post#898177    

  • Mr. Kent Said:

.... as a good friend of mine always advises: 'be like a cornerback and have a short memory. Move on to the next play'.

Ah, that is a good piece of advice.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
05-20-20 04:09 PM - Post#898267    

Wed 5/20:

crawl (about 60 feet)
swing (24kg) x 15
goblet sqt x 10
swing x 15
suitcase carry (24kg L)
swing x 15
suitcase carry (R)
swing x 15
goblet sqt x 10
straight leg sit-ups x 15
side bends x 25

Deadlift - 205 x 5,5
Press 45x5, 50x5 (right arm 20#x8,8)
1-arm row 65x12 (45x12 Right)
curl 25 (1-handed) x 5,5 (10 reps per hand)

and then 10 minutes on the stepper.

Loving the ES cycle, but a part of my brain wants to turn this into some kind of bus bench experiment and follow the M,T,W,F,Sat cycle that Dan's laid out elsewhere. It's not so much the days as it is the rep scheme; for example, I think the 5-3-2 day is recommended after two days of 5,5 and before a day of rest. My issue is that with the baby, my work, and the general uncertainty of the world right now I have no idea when I'm going to be able to get a workout in. Although, as I type this it makes me realize that I really should be embracing the spirit of Easy Strength and push the weights when it feels like I can. So, maybe this can/should serve as a mental recalibration...I'll make this 'easy' and just go with it without a specific goal in mind (well, other than to simply get stronger).
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
What Mr. Kent is doing now
05-22-20 02:07 PM - Post#898347    

Fri 5/22

March In Place (24kg L) x 30 sec
swing (24kg) x 15
MIP (24kg R) x 30 sec
swing x 15
bar hang x 30 seconds
swing x 15
straight leg sit ups x 10 (plus some slow dead bugs)
swing x 15
side bends x 20 per side

Deadlift 205x5, 235x3, 255x2
Press 45x5, 50x3, 55x2 (20x8, 25x6, 25x6 - Right hand)
1-arm row 65x15, 24kgx8 (right)
curl 25x5 30x5
ab wheel 5, 5

Good session today. I broke up the sets of dead lifts with presses in between. Everything felt light. Right shoulder still has issues, but the 'rehab' weights I've selected don't actively bother it. So, hopefully that's progress. And when I say everything felt light, all of it did! I realize these aren't world beating loads, but the 55# db went up easily under control. I'm sure I could have gotten five reps, but just did the two. Other than that I realize this is likely a boring log to read, but I take that as evidence that I'm making progress. A little, often, and over the long haul...and all of that.

Edited by Mr. Kent on 05-22-20 02:09 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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