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Display Name Post: Single ring pull ups        (Topic#37788)
Total Posts: 3611
09-25-21 02:20 AM - Post#913553    

I’ve had my share of MAPS over the years (not helped by having plenty of scar tissue in my elbows as a result of a dislocation and 2 decades of arm bars) so I thought I’d share my success with single ring pull ups.

I grab the bottom of a single ring with both hands (palms facing me) and pull to my sternum so I can touch my chin to the top of the ring.

Been doing 3-5 sets x 3 days per week for a few months without any issues.

YMMV but could be worth a try.
Total Posts: 24932
Re: Single ring pull ups
09-26-21 10:09 AM - Post#913564    

  • AusDaz Said:
I’ve had my share of MAPS over the years (not helped by having plenty of scar tissue in my elbows as a result of a dislocation and 2 decades of arm bars) so I thought I’d share my success with single ring pull ups.

I grab the bottom of a single ring with both hands (palms facing me) and pull to my sternum so I can touch my chin to the top of the ring.

Been doing 3-5 sets x 3 days per week for a few months without any issues.

YMMV but could be worth a try.

Whoa! Have your gunz gotten huge? (That's all that really matters in life anyway.)
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Jordan D
Total Posts: 771
09-28-21 03:17 PM - Post#913605    

Great move.

Sounds close to a lot of Ido Portal’s thoughts on upper body pulling, that once we can get 5 reps, we should be working on hanging, rope climb, and one-arm progressions that respect elbow/shoulder integrity instead of fighting it.
Steve W.
Total Posts: 181
09-29-21 07:12 AM - Post#913611    

Never really thought of doing this, but now I'm curious to try it.

Would it be significantly different than doing close grip chins on a fixed bar?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice, there is.

Just because it happened to you doesn't make it interesting.

Total Posts: 5140
09-29-21 09:04 AM - Post#913613    

  • Steve W. Said:
Would it be significantly different than doing close grip chins on a fixed bar?

I would think yes because the ring can move, so you're still not locked into a single position for your hands, and your arms relative to your hands.

Back in the day, I used to train at a gym where Steven Low (of Overcoming Gravity) used to drop in from time to time, and he advocated for the one-ring muscle-up. Never got one of those, but one-ring pullup I might could do LOL.

Total Posts: 3611
Re: Single ring pull ups
09-29-21 09:36 AM - Post#913618    

  • AAnnunz Said:
  • AusDaz Said:
I’ve had my share of MAPS over the years (not helped by having plenty of scar tissue in my elbows as a result of a dislocation and 2 decades of arm bars) so I thought I’d share my success with single ring pull ups.

I grab the bottom of a single ring with both hands (palms facing me) and pull to my sternum so I can touch my chin to the top of the ring.

Been doing 3-5 sets x 3 days per week for a few months without any issues.

YMMV but could be worth a try.

Whoa! Have your gunz gotten huge? (That's all that really matters in life anyway.)

Not huge but it hasn’t hurt!
Total Posts: 3611
09-29-21 09:37 AM - Post#913619    

  • BrianBinVA Said:
  • Steve W. Said:
Would it be significantly different than doing close grip chins on a fixed bar?

I would think yes because the ring can move, so you're still not locked into a single position for your hands, and your arms relative to your hands.

Back in the day, I used to train at a gym where Steven Low (of Overcoming Gravity) used to drop in from time to time, and he advocated for the one-ring muscle-up. Never got one of those, but one-ring pullup I might could do LOL.

A bit different because (for me at least) the ring places your hands at a more natural angle
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