Marty Gallagher writes on John McCallum's Fountain of Youth - home Home
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Display Name Post: Marty Gallagher writes on John McCallum's Fountain of Youth        (Topic#37299)
Total Posts: 650
06-29-20 03:31 AM - Post#899741    

Marty Gallager has written a great article in December 2019; at this Link

  • Quoting:
Naturally a man in his 50's, 60's or 70's cannot be expected to match strength levels exhibited in their prime strength years, the 20's and 30's. Here is the motto for the over 50-trainee: we can always improve on our current self – that is enough, that is profound.

Total Posts: 24932
Marty Gallagher writes on John McCallumchr('039')s Fountain of Youth
06-30-20 09:07 AM - Post#899780    

Good article. Have always been a big fan of Marty and have been greatly influenced by The Purposeful Primative. John and his views on carbs fall short (no mention of their value as energy source), but their other views are spot on for most older iron athletes. Thanks for posting.

Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Edited by AAnnunz on 06-30-20 09:08 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 7755
07-01-20 03:20 PM - Post#899820    

That was a real treat to read. Thanks!
Life's too short to worry about longevity.

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