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Display Name Post: CA's Workout Log        (Topic#37260)
Chris Adams
Total Posts: 13
06-04-20 04:39 AM - Post#898760    

I thought I would start a workout log on here.
I'm 37. 5'11 and weigh 90kg.

Some lifts I've done in the past year
Squat 230kg
Low handle trap bar deadlift 232kg x 7
Bench press 130kg

I'm not squatting right now. Just have no interest in it right now and will be doing trap bar deadlifts, leg press, glute ham raises, RDL's and maybe some dumbbell split squats for my lower body. Maybe I'll be interested in squatting again some time.

I really want a 140kg bench press. I've always struggled with my bench.

I need to up my cardio and mobility work. I've become lazy with it. I'm hoping this log will pressure myself into doing it more.

Thursday 4th June

Trap bar deadlift
192kg x 10

Leg press
230kg 20-16-14 (2 minutes rest between sets)

Glute ham raises
3 x 10

Trap bar deadlift is far from my best, but it's going back up quickly.
Chris Adams
Total Posts: 13
Re: CAchr('039')s Workout Log
06-06-20 06:23 PM - Post#898833    

Not squatting lasted a week! It was meant to be an upper-body workout, but decided to squat

Saturday 6th June

160kg x 10

140kg x 8
160kg x 10

Glut ham raise
3 x 12

Machine row
40kg 3 x 12

My squat isn't close to my best, but I'm pretty happy with it considering all that's been going on recently. It hasn't dropped too much.
Chris Adams
Total Posts: 13
Re: CA Workout Log
06-07-20 04:17 PM - Post#898853    

Sunday 7th June

Bench press
100kg x 9
90kg 4 x 8

Close grip bench press
80kg 3 x 8

DB row
45kg 5 x 10

Lateral raises 3 x 12 (super sets)
Push downs 3 x 15
Chris Adams
Total Posts: 13
Re: CA Workout Log
06-10-20 08:11 AM - Post#898984    

Tuesday 9th June

Trap bar deadlift
202kg x 10

30 minutes on the exercise bike.

That's all I did. I hurt my back earlier in the day so I didn't want to do anything else.

Last week I did 192kg for 10 reps, so I'm happy with 202kg. It's not a PR, but not far off. I think my best is 12 reps and 212kg x 10.
Chris Adams
Total Posts: 13
Re: CA Workout Log
06-12-20 05:45 PM - Post#899104    

Thursday 11th June

180kg x 6
160kg 2 x 6

Bench press
110kg x 6
100kg 2 x 6

Dips - 3 x 15
Glute ham raise - 3 x 12

Prone row - 70kg 5 x 8
Curls - 30kg 3 x 12
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