Best/Favorite Double Kettlebell Program - home Home
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Display Name Post: Best/Favorite Double Kettlebell Program
A 04-16-20 09:17 AM - Post#896938    

Thanks for starting this one, Jim -- looking forward to the responses.

Not really a "program" per se, but most of my training is based around double KBs using two main movements (long cycle clean and jerk and front squat) and Bryce Lane's 50/20 idea. For anyone not familiar with it, the goal is to get 50 reps in 20 minutes. Bryce's original article suggested if you can't get 30 the weight is too heavy, and if you get more than 100 it is too light. Since KBs are a fixed weight, I usually just start with 30 (10 sets of 3) and try to keep going till I get 100 (10 sets of 10) in the 20 minutes. I'm in my 40s now so I progress VERY slowly (on purpose) -- I just try to add one rep per week, so a pair of KBs can keep you going for a good long time.

Edit to note that I just use the total rep guide for the C&J, and only do half as many with the squat with double KBs. I do the same number of total reps of squats, but the second half are done with a single KB for various reasons, not the least of which is that I like to walk a lot and end up with chafing issues if I do too many squats. :-)

(So for example, this week is 8 sets of 4 and 2 sets of 5 in the C&J -- 42 reps. That means I try for about half that many in the double KB squat -- like 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, or something -- then do the other 20 or so reps as single-side front squats to get to the same 42 reps. Goblets done in warmups don't count for this.)

Edited by BrianBinVA on 04-16-20 10:04 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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