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A 08-18-19 12:57 PM - Post#886422    

I've had a look at this and I have some feedback and questions (I apologize in advance):

Is the idea that people would transfer their workout logs to this site?

If so, I would like to enter more detail, such as intensity: Pounds or kilograms (all my weights are in kg), distance (for carries, yards or meters), band resistance (like Iron Woody band blue), etc.

If you could enter intensity, some cool things could be generated automatically, like charts to show your progress (if not now, maybe later).

Programs I would like to see are Dave Turner's beginners Olympic weightlifting program and Mass Made Simple Lite (the "reasonable" version of MMS that I might be able to do).

If you could choose your lifts for the Park Bench program, that would be brilliant.

I would like to see how many Squat, Hinge, Push, Pull, Carry and other movements I've done daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.

Does the website keep a history of what I've done?

40 Day Program seems to end at Workout 30.

It would be great if Big 21 would calculate the weights for you, i.e., you enter the starting weight for each lift and it fills the numbers for you for the entire program.

Can you choose the 40 Day Program lifts? It seems you "have to" do Bench Press. I would like to be able to choose the lifts.

Exercise is misspelled as Exericse on right side menu (Exercise Selection when you choose 40 Day Program).

In other words, I would need more freedom and detail to be able to transfer my workout log to this site. I'd also like the ability to enter notes on workouts ("Didn't get much sleep last night", etc.).

I haven't used any online training logs for this reason, they are too limiting and don't offer much compared to my current workout log. At minimum, if you are paying for it, you'd like a history of what you've done and graphs to show improvement / lack of progress over time.

One thing I do use is Apple Health app (on iPhone), which just shows how much I've walked each day / week / month / year. If similar charts were generated for Hinge, Squat, Pull, Push, Carry, 6th movement automatically by this website, it would be a great start.

If Dan John or one of his certified experts would offer lifting technique / programming advice, that might be worth paying for. You'd need to be able to upload videos of your lifts, etc.

Happy to contribute more, and I apologize if I come across as a dick, but I hope some of this is useful feedback.

If the purpose of the website is something completely different, or the free version doesn't include all the bells and whistles, then please ignore the above.

Thank you, I will continue exploring it.
My workout log
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