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IOL rocks!
Posts 410
07-12-22 12:28 AM - Post#920394    

  • Justin Jordan Said:
Yeah, also: the no overweight people thing is a myth.

People were overall less fat, and a lot less were seriously obese, but the first Atkins book came out fifty years ago, and it sold millions THEN.

Before that was the Drinking Man's Diet, Fletcherizing, you name it. Heck, Banting's Letter On Corpulence, To The Public, sold 63,000 copies in England, in 1863.

Don't get caught in Golden Age fantasies.

Hi Jordan,

I was referring to as a whole not as individual cases as you pointed out.

I deal in facts and facts alone. I am sure there were some pockets of society carrying a few extra kilos back in "the golden age" but as a whole they well and truly have our generation covered in regards to lean body mass.

I have seen, read and researched more than enough to come to this conclusion. I am definitely not caught up in any "golden age' fantasies.

P.s my mother bought the Atkins diet book back in the late 1970's, early 80's and she wasn't even Fat. Never really has been.

It sounds strange, but, people buy these kind of books even though they don't necessarily need to read them. Not sure why my mum ever bought that book. Catchy marketing? who knows.

Andrew Gunn


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