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Jake Steinmann
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Jake Steinmann
04-28-19 12:25 PM - Post#881482    

I’ve now read through the book once (mostly...I skipped a couple of the appendices that were reprints from other sources), and listened to the audio. (The audio is totally worth it, especially for the surprise guest star)

I really like this book. I expect it will get a lot of flack on two fronts. First, it’s not much in the way of a “do this” book. There’s not a lot of set/rep schemes, programs, and training templates. Personally, I am fine with this, as I have enough programs to literally last me a lifetime. I really don’t need ANOTHER book full of training programs.

Second, it will get some flack because “Dan John just says the same thing over and over”, which...I mean, there is some repetition from previous books, but there’s also a lot new here, and some of the repetition is expanded or explain much more thoroughly than in previous books.Again, I personally don’t mind re-reading things, so...meh.

Personally, I really enjoyed it. I enjoy stories, which this book is full of, but there’s also something about this book that, for me, invited a … I was going to say dialogue, but maybe soliloquy is a the more appropriate term. I found myself putting down the book, or stopping the audio to reflect on my own 10 commandments, or how my experiences matched up with Dan’s. I could probably write a whole book of me responding to each chapter with my own thoughts. I really like that...I like books that make me think and reflect. I’ve gone through a lot of lifestyle changes in the last two years, and this book is really valuable in helping me reflect on where I want to take my training, among other things. And that is worth more to me than another pile of sets and reps.

Really valuable book, for those willing to invest the time with it.
Nullius in verba


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