Owning the weight -
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Display Name Post: Owning the weight        (Topic#37657)
Total Posts: 264
04-21-21 05:35 PM - Post#909795    


How do you know when you “own” the weight?

I’m asking about kettlebell weight. Is it 40 reps 2/3/5 consistently session after session. Or something like 4x10, 5x8, 2x20 or 3x15 or something else like you will know it when it happens.

Would like to ask on the side when sprinting backwards how should you fall if it happens? I know nothing about falling.

Much respect for your opinions,

Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
Re: Owning the weight
04-21-21 05:45 PM - Post#909796    

  • William2 Said:

Would like to ask on the side when sprinting backwards how should you fall if it happens? I know nothing about falling.

Onto soft grass, with your pals laughing uncontrollably...
Total Posts: 510
04-22-21 07:05 AM - Post#909808    

I think I "own" a weight when the lift has become routine for a few weeks or a month and does not cause soreness and I am completely confident that I will complete the lift. I actually feel a bit bored as I approach the bar. The number of reps is not a consideration for me.

Falling backwards, bend your knees fast and get low then go with the flow. Also, go to a local judo or aikido club and ask if you can attend for one month and only learn and practice break falls after that you'll be good enough to take any fall.

Good luck,
Total Posts: 264
04-22-21 02:55 PM - Post#909827    

Thanks Jim to “own” a weight has never been in my vocabulary but something learned from functional fitness folks also thoughts about learning to fall. Hope to be 64 in August.

Wish you much success in your fitness goals,


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