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Display Name Post: Doc Savage Training        (Topic#8511)
Total Posts: 51
06-22-06 06:23 PM - Post#213320    

my note on doc savage in the superman thread and then the VRT post reminded that savage was a vrt type guy (the site is loaded with his workouts as you go through it):


This exercise Doc Savage usually takes immediately on rising in the morning. Standing before an open window in shorts, feet wide apart and body relaxed, he breathes deeply and slowly eight or ten times.

Then, still relaxed, he reaches down to the right foot and, bending from the hips only grasps an imaginary hundred-pound weight. Slowly and without jerk ing, muscles tensed, the imaginary weight is lifted above his head. It is held there while Doc inhales and exhales deeply, having held his breath while lifting.

The weight is heavy, and requires tremendous exertion of every muscle of the body. Doc's legs are tense and quivering, and his back muscles stand out as they aid the arms and stomach tendons. This is accomplished by opposing the pull of the muscles with mental resistance.

After reaching the top of the lift, Doc sets the imaginary weight down beside his left foot, straightens up and relaxes.

Total Posts: 2406
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-22-06 07:04 PM - Post#213321    

The guy who did the Doc Savage covers was Steve Holland. My friend Bob Larkin who is an artist used him many times for different book covers. I don't know what he actually did for exercise at his prime, but back in the 70's he was a lot older than me (and still is) and I don't know what he is up to anymore. He looks like he could go on for a long time with his type of look.

Here is a little I got off the net.
"James Bama, the ultimate Doc Savage artist, drew the covers for the first 67 paperbacks for Bantam using Steve Holland as a model (Bama later went into fine art prints, several of which can still be found). Other famous Doc cover artists include Bob Larkin, Joe DeVito and the legendary Boris Vallejo."
Total Posts: 4826
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-23-06 10:23 AM - Post#213322    

You would think the Doc would know better than to lift weights holding his breath.

maybe that's why he always looked upset....
Total Posts: 51
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-23-06 10:53 AM - Post#213323    

maybe i should start holding my breath if he ended looked that good all the time. LOL :o)
Total Posts: 2406
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-23-06 10:59 AM - Post#213324    

He looks upset because that was his best shirt!
Jeff Preston
Total Posts: 170
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-23-06 11:25 AM - Post#213325    

The painting you showed in your intial post Edgar is indeed a James Bama illustration and is on the latest cover (great story on the inside) of Illustration Magazine

Steve Holland, Bama's model, also played "Flash Gordon" in the 1954 television series.
He passed away March 10, 1997

"It's not the destination but the journey"

Total Posts: 419
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-23-06 07:46 PM - Post#213326    


brucedl said:
The guy who did the Doc Savage covers was Steve Holland. My friend Bob Larkin who is an artist used him many times for different book covers. I don't know what he actually did for exercise at his prime, but back in the 70's he was a lot older than me (and still is) and I don't know what he is up to anymore. He looks like he could go on for a long time with his type of look.

Here is a little I got off the net.
"James Bama, the ultimate Doc Savage artist, drew the covers for the first 67 paperbacks for Bantam using Steve Holland as a model (Bama later went into fine art prints, several of which can still be found). Other famous Doc cover artists include Bob Larkin, Joe DeVito and the legendary Boris Vallejo."

Bob Larkin...I remember him from scores of Marvel magazines I used to collect as a kid in the 70's. He always did those painted covers. Mentioning that this Steve Holland was muscular and in shape reminds me of the fact that many of the famous fantasy artists are into bodybuilding, among them Boris and Richard Corben. I guess they figure if they're buff they can better understand the characters they draw.

"A person should not believe in an -ism"

Ferris Bueller

All this chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter,'bout schmatte, schmatte, schmatte

Total Posts: 2406
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-23-06 08:38 PM - Post#213327    

Bob Larkin is a good friend of mine and still does art work. He did the art work that I posted in my gallery and I was the guy he used for his model. For Doc Savage there is only one guy to use and that's Steve Holland.

Bob was in very good shape in the 70's. He's a good family man and really nice guy to know.

He did the art work for my avatar of Spiderman. I wish I still looked that good. Especially the hair color.
Total Posts: 2406
Re: Doc Savage Training
06-25-06 03:00 PM - Post#213328    

Here is a really good Doc Savage Bob did.
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