Missing Days of BB Enthusiasm -
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Display Name Post: Missing Days of BB Enthusiasm        (Topic#38134)
Total Posts: 438
01-19-23 02:40 PM - Post#924372    

Recently I retired from the working world. I now I have more time for the gym. YEAH! Funny how the weights feel a little bit heavier.
I have followed DaveDraper.com for 16+ years and gained quite a bit of knowledge.
I want to express how much I miss the enthusiasm Dave brought to the site. We had quite a cool bunch of folks contributing to the body building discussion.
My question is, "where did you all go?" From what I read, it appears about five people are doing all the contributing to the forum.
I hope to see this forum have a revival. I hope you are all doing well.
Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters.

Total Posts: 890
Re: Missing Days of BB Enthusiasm
01-20-23 03:15 AM - Post#924383    

Still here, still doing a bit, and wishing you well from across the pond!
Power is nothing without control!

Total Posts: 1461
01-20-23 06:25 AM - Post#924384    

I never liked Facebook etc, still prefer ye olde forums.

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 26002
Country: Z
Show User Page
(Blog, Gallery, Shoutbox & Buddies etc...): No

Last Login IP:
Last Online: 06-15-23
User ID: 3
Login Name: ldraper
Date Agreed to Rules: 12-09-10
Country: Z
Occupation: Website work
info_have_been_training_since: 12-31-79
Primary Training Purpose: Fitness and strength beats aging badly
Real Email Address: ld@davedraper.com
Homepage: davedraper.com
(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
01-20-23 01:21 PM - Post#924391    

Agreed! For weight training groups (and most other groups probably), the early 2000s were the heyday. We have a rich history here!

Total Posts: 12221
01-22-23 08:40 PM - Post#924428    

For me? Life.

Was going at it pretty good till 2014... then we moved... I stopped teaching fitness classes and got into a rut.. on my couch. And I kinda lost my jam and I was dealing with a few issues (I've gotten help with that).

But, I go to the gym pretty regular and am getting back on the old fitness train. Emphasis on 'old.' haha

Still Lots to Learn
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Life's short, take lots of pictures.
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It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small. - Neil Armstrong

Total Posts: 846
01-22-23 08:51 PM - Post#924429    

I love to talk training
my training mixes powerlifting and bodybuilding,yoga and running
Total Posts: 5576
02-03-23 05:00 PM - Post#924668    

Well Spark,
ahem.... Godspeed to you now when you have more time- the gym is calling you. Never too late for that.

But let's see- 437 posts against Laree's 25999 (as it shows today).DD's watching you from iron heaven. Make it happen during the last month here on IOL or elsewhere. Drapers did what they could.
And personally I'll be always grateful for that.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

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