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Display Name Post: Cardio/Conditioning        (Topic#38098)
Total Posts: 7319
11-14-22 06:50 AM - Post#923238    

So over the last month or little more I’ve been doing this routine for cardio/conditioning (or whatever you may want to call it) and I figured I’d share. The idea is to incorporate walking, or some other low impact cardio, and conditioning using KBs , or whatever you may want to use. This is the average routine I do

No rest between each (except sip on water)

2 min walk on treadmill at moderate pace (I use level 3)
Kettlebell swings, I use 24kg for 10
2 min walk on treadmill
Ball slams, I use 20lbs for 10

10 rounds
That equals about 40 minutes worth of walking, 100 swings, 100 slams. The swings and slams work very well for me but you can use whatever suits your abilities, goals ,etc.
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