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Display Name Post: New and fun        (Topic#38079)
MAC 57
Total Posts: 48
10-15-22 01:18 PM - Post#922587    

New to me anyway. I tried this at the park today and really liked it:
crawl x 5:00/Hang x 1 - 2 minutes
Walk x 5:00/Hang x 1 - 2 minutes
March x 5:00/Hang x 1 - 2 minutes
Maybe add
Carry of some sort x ?/Hang x 1 - 2 minutes
Swings x ?
It felt good. It is a new category I am calling:
AMRAYW which is "as many rounds as you want."
It seems like this would function as a warmup or a cooldown or a stand alone.
Total Posts: 379
10-15-22 01:24 PM - Post#922589    

Think I did this... ah, intuitively... after one of my infamous* nights on the tiles back in the day

*© Mrs Matt_T
Total Posts: 57
10-18-22 05:15 PM - Post#922654    

That would be fun outside in your yard or park, it could be like 30/30...the length of the intervals could be 30 seconds 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 whatever you wanted. blowing it out further..if i had a backpack loaded with books and a speed sled and maybe a sandbag or med ball could do something like the could also add one set of swings after each a grip killer

Bear Crawl then hang
Walk w/pack then hang
Sandbag bearhug carry then hang
Walk w/pack then hang
Drag sled (ala Knees over toes) then hang
Walk w/pack then hang
Waiters Carry with Backpack then hang
Walk w/pack then hang
Knees over Toes Walking Lunge then hang
Walk w/pack then hang
Sandbag throw or slam or something then hang
Walk w/pack then hang

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
10-19-22 09:27 AM - Post#922676    

Crawls and hangs: money. Nice work here.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 2360
10-19-22 09:33 AM - Post#922678    

  • Dan John Said:
Crawls and hangs: money. Nice work here.

Crawls & Hangs on odd days.

Carries & Cleans (or swings, or snatches) on even days.

That could be the basis of a nice minimalistic program.
"I think we often spend too much time focusing on max fitness
and not nearly enough on maintaining our minimums.
It seems we need to think sustainable rather than obtainable.
Meaning whatever we do today, we can do it again tomorrow.
Never taking so much from ourselves that we can't."

Dan Martin

MAC 57
Total Posts: 48
10-19-22 10:16 AM - Post#922681    

What I love about this forum is that each post is like planting a seed. You put it in the ground and in a few days the seed starts growing and in a little while it produces the most marvelous fruit.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
10-19-22 01:52 PM - Post#922692    


The other great part of this group is our mutual patient waiting for Dan Martin's book...and forum.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 173
10-20-22 01:54 AM - Post#922699    

  • Dan John Said:

The other great part of this group is our mutual patient waiting for Dan Martin's book...and forum.

I've heard it's just a matter details left before the book is published.
Total Posts: 57
Re: New and fun
10-20-22 08:00 AM - Post#922701    

What i added to my random hangs throughout the day which could work for this "new and fun" idea is every time you hang try to do pullup/chinup(s) and then hang without letting if you can do 1, do 1 and then dead hang...i did it to try to build up my pullup/chinup numbers while still getting in the hanging benefits.
Brian Hassler
Total Posts: 616
10-20-22 11:51 AM - Post#922704    

  • Dan John Said:

The other great part of this group is our mutual patient waiting for Dan Martin's book...and forum.

I'm most excited for the forum, as I'm just *dying* to ask Dan Martin what he thinks about Simple and Sinister.

I'll see myself out, now...
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
10-21-22 03:47 PM - Post#922738    

Brian H,

A+ level of sarcasm.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

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