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Total Posts: 650
06-27-22 04:40 PM - Post#920138    

How To Reduce Overanalysis And Improve Your Workout And Dieting Results e-overanalysis-improve-re sults

  • Quoting:

While having a plan is of the utmost importance on your quest to achieving goals, it is also the most dangerous pitfall for an easily swayed mind. Most people won’t begin an exercise or diet program until they know that what they are going to embark on is the absolute best way to go about it. 99% of the time these are the individuals who either never commit to a plan for more than a few days, or they just never take action at all because they figure they will keep searching for a better way to do things.


What I’m suggesting is that you will benefit infinitely more from acting on a basic plan today than you will by idly waiting for the perfect methods indefinitely (because at the time of this writing, they aren’t out there, trust me). Doing the basics and learning the fundamentals provide the foundation for the rest of your life’s endeavours, no matter if it’s in school, work, relationships, exercise, diet, anything. Get good at the basics today and worry about improving and revising the next time.

John Christy, ‘Mid-Year Checkup’

https://physicalculturest ty-mid-year-checkup-hardg ainer-magazine-july-a...

  • Quoting:

...we will be about half way through the year. So it’s a good idea to take stock as to how your training is going so far, so that you make the rest of the year as productive as possible.

Total Posts: 1021
07-01-22 12:33 AM - Post#920217    

I like this observation. After having micro managed my workouts for the last few months, it is great to just walk in and workout.

No metronome, no stop watch, just pulling and pushing my body around.

" Most people won’t begin an exercise or diet program until they know that what they are going to embark on is the absolute best way to go about it. 99% of the time these are the individuals who either never commit to a plan for more than a few days, or they just never take action at all because they figure they will keep searching for a better way to do things."

I fish with someone described above. He will gripe about his weight. I suggest a low carb approach, or the No S Diet, and he lets me know what the "research" says about slimming. He never uses the research either. The same thing with exercise. I have to carry his gear to our fishing spot. He says he is out of shape, I give suggestions for exercise, usually walking. Without fail: Oh I cannot walk my hip is inflamed, I can't swim my shoulder hurts, I do not like lifting...

You name it!

Thank you for the post.
Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain

The world needs fewer business majors and more history majors. - Carl Sagan

Richard Sanchez
Total Posts: 4023
Reduce Overanalysis And Improve Your Results
07-04-22 08:33 PM - Post#920289    

For Me it's simply, where are the weights. And of course, the beautiful women always exercise right next to me when I'm injured and using baby weights.

Recently, I saw a friend in the Commercial gym walking around with a Walker since he had two knee replacements. Jeez. The strength it must take to do that. A decade earlier he was squatting ~500Lbs. I tried to lighten up his depressed spirits and we both had our workouts.


  • JonZ Said:
I like this observation. After having micro managed my workouts for the last few months, it is great to just walk in and workout.

No metronome, no stop watch, just pulling and pushing my body around.

" Most people won’t begin an exercise or diet program until they know that what they are going to embark on is the absolute best way to go about it. 99% of the time these are the individuals who either never commit to a plan for more than a few days, or they just never take action at all because they figure they will keep searching for a better way to do things."

I fish with someone described above. He will gripe about his weight. I suggest a low carb approach, or the No S Diet, and he lets me know what the "research" says about slimming. He never uses the research either. The same thing with exercise. I have to carry his gear to our fishing spot. He says he is out of shape, I give suggestions for exercise, usually walking. Without fail: Oh I cannot walk my hip is inflamed, I can't swim my shoulder hurts, I do not like lifting...

You name it!

Thank you for the post.

Wild Saddle™

Edited by Richard Sanchez on 07-04-22 08:37 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 1021
07-11-22 09:22 PM - Post#920388    

That is unfortunate concerning your friend.
Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain

The world needs fewer business majors and more history majors. - Carl Sagan

Total Posts: 29
Reduce Overanalysis And Improve Your Results
08-08-22 03:16 PM - Post#921025    

I've been so guilty of this myself. When I started lifting weights, I followed traditional barbell routines, especially Jim Wendlers 531 and it's variety of templates. I would jump from template to template for any number of reasons, none of them good. Eventually I came across the below article by Stan Efferding. It's completely changed the way I think about training, now I gravitate towards much simpler, minimalistic type routines.

This article has been around for a while, so I'm sure many have seen it, but for those who haven't, it's worth a look. t-grow-in-the-gym/63930/

Edited by JoshV on 08-08-22 03:17 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 928
Reduce Overanalysis And Improve Your Results
09-20-22 12:39 PM - Post#922053    

A quote from Carl Jung comes to mind:

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

I believe that too many people are running on faulty mental scripts. Their lives are rooted in what they think they cannot do, rather than what is possible.

I think we all fall victim to status quo keeping, in some way or another. It is up to us to take stock and make course corrections as needed. This is often uncomfortable, yet certainly worth it.

Stay Health, Stay Strong

Edited by Traveler on 09-20-22 12:41 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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