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Display Name Post: Birthday Grip Strength Challenge        (Topic#38010)
Total Posts: 85
06-18-22 01:49 AM - Post#919999    

Once again it was my birthday and that means it's time once again for my birthday strength challenge. This year was a grip challenge. I wanted to see how long I could hold 434 lbs up before my grip gave out. And to make things more interesting I've never attempted this so I had no idea how it would go. How did I do? Watch the video.

"Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn." - Arnold

Total Posts: 334
06-19-22 03:33 PM - Post#920010    

Good stuff, Scottie!! I always enjoy your Birthday Challenges.
Just my 2¢

Total Posts: 410
06-19-22 05:20 PM - Post#920013    

Very impressive Scottie.
Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
06-20-22 07:30 AM - Post#920019    

Very nice - I love Birthday challenges!
Total Posts: 85
06-20-22 11:54 PM - Post#920038    

Thanks for the kind words everyone.
"Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn." - Arnold

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