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Display Name Post: Bob Gajda        (Topic#37902)
Adam S
Total Posts: 629
01-26-22 04:33 PM - Post#916430    

I am seeing reports on the web that Bob Gajda passed away about ten days ago. Perhaps from complications of Parkinson's. I am not sure they are true. There is a funeral home obituary in Illinois for someone with his name, but I don't know if it's the same person. There's a YouTube tribute video by "Golden Era Bookworm," which is generally a reliable source of information.
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01-27-22 04:44 PM - Post#916497    

Definitely true per Terry Strand, who was one of his closest friends. The funeral is this Saturday.

Terry posted more about Bob in his Chicago Iron group if you happen to be on Facebook: 29

Quoting Terry:
"Sadly, a great and fine man and healer passed last night at 82. Bob Gajda felt ill as he was about to receive some physical therapy, and was taken to the hospital on Friday, sedated and intubated. He had been very frail for six months, then it got suddenly worse. He was suffering from persistent atrial fib, pneumonia, and recently diagnosed Parkinson's. His heart stopped twice in the hospital, and he went to meet his Maker in whom he believed.

"Those who knew Bob need no explanation as to how great of a champion, and more importantly a human being, was Bob. He was a modern day Saint Frances in my viewpoint. Quick math divulges that in his 40 years in physical rehabilitation he took care of well over 100,000 patients that he helped recover from traumatic injuries and surgeries."

Here's an interview with John Balik, who's working hard to archive material from that generation of iron pioneers.

Text interview here: ew.htm

And Bob's path to the Mr. Universe:

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