Wanna Play -
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Display Name Post: Wanna Play        (Topic#37802)
MAC 57
Total Posts: 48
10-18-21 01:58 PM - Post#914041    

Hi Everyone,
I am beginning the process of creating a 50 Mile March training plan that I hope will result in being able to do the march in 6 months. I thought posting it here might get me some victims and provide valuable feedback as I refine the training. The original order by Roosevelt stipulated that the march take place over 3 days and does not exceed 20 hours total.
I think it might be fun and it would be good to have other people doing it to see how this plan works and allow me to tweek it over time. I am not charging anything for this I just need some playmates. If you want to take a look at the training send me an email at 50milemarch@gmail.com and send you the plan.
Jordan D
Total Posts: 771
10-19-21 09:26 AM - Post#914053    


6 months you say?

I like the sound of this.
Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
10-19-21 11:36 AM - Post#914056    

I remember doing the Presidential 50 mile hike back in the 60s. A bunch of we teenagers did it - wasn't that big a deal to do at around age 16? or so. Took most of a day. I wore Chucks as shoes (all I had) and had some pretty sore feet I remember. Can't imagine it now in my 70s.
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