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Display Name Post: ES4FL kettlebell and barbell        (Topic#37785)
Total Posts: 254
09-20-21 05:54 AM - Post#913440    

I’ve been using ES4FL using predominately the kettlebell as the tool. I want to go back to using the gym ( justify my monthly membership) and there’s no kettlebells in the gym I use. For 3 days a week I will use KB and then on the gym days sub out for dumbbells//barbell and then treadmill for the walk.
Would this work ok or would it be better just to stick to the kettlebell.
Thanks guys
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
09-20-21 09:35 AM - Post#913446    

I think that switching up tools is always a good idea. I just got back from a short trip and I just used my glute loop and felt great.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 47
09-20-21 10:05 AM - Post#913450    

I alternated the standard Clean and Jerk with the Double KB Clean and Jerk for the first 10 or so workouts I did of the ES4FL OL program and it seemed to work just fine, for what that is worth.

If you are doing the ES4FL with the deadlift and press variations, something I have noticed in the past is my body seems to appreciate when I alternate pressing variations. A month doing a normal barbell overhead press then a month doing one arm KB presses keeps the shoulders somewhat fresh, and my stalling points get heavier and heavier. Alternating them day to day is probably a good idea along that same vein.
Total Posts: 379
09-20-21 10:10 AM - Post#913451    

I'm led by the weather, as I'm tall.

Raining? KBs (no chance of putting plate loaded bar through ceiling)

Fine? Go outside, load up bar.
Arsenio Billingham
Total Posts: 159
ES4FL kettlebell and barbell
09-29-21 02:18 PM - Post#913625    

I was actually toying with something like this. I've been doing the following every day (based on something that Taranenko74 posted last year):

- pullups 3x3
- kb c&p 3x3 per side
- 1-legged skater squat 2x5 - Mike Boyle considered this essentially a one-leg trap bar deadlift.
- ohs with a broomstick 2x5

I drive past my gym on the way home from dropping my son off at school. On days I don't have early morning meetings I could pop-in for 15 minutes and use some double kettlebells, trap bar, etc. My back feels pretty good so...

Edited by Arsenio Billingham on 09-29-21 02:18 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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