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Display Name Post: Consistency of body composition        (Topic#37668)
Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
04-30-21 05:44 PM - Post#910028    

First day in the gym for 4 months!

They have a machine called 'boditrax' which I had never noticed before. You stand on 4 metal pads, hold two handles, and it measures impedance. They hook this up to a fancy app and graphs, and claim to tell you how much bone, muscle and fat you have in some detail. e.g. if you have more muscle on one leg than the other. Apparently I'm all bone (3.2kg), muscle (60.5) and fat (12.5kg), with zero brain or other organs.

I'm well aware these things depend a lot on hydration, and are based on averages and age, and the actual numbers should be taken with a pinch of salt. But I wonder if anyone else has tracked themselves over time, or found any more value in it than a simple height-to-waistline ratio? Are numbers consistent and repeatable? If so trying to hang onto the lean muscle mass number might be a good goal..

It's a very nice machine and app - remembers your figures over time.

Edited by Old Miler on 04-30-21 05:45 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 357
Re: Consistency of body composition
05-01-21 10:35 AM - Post#910039    

There's a company, InBio, that makes a range of very similar sounding machines. Of course the algorithms that analyze the impedance with are key... but they have had theirs 3rd party, independently tested and shown to be within 3% of DXA scan. I contacted the company and they sent me a couple studies attached below. Also they pointed me to local machines that would test me at no charge.

All that is a roundabout way of suggesting contacting the BodiTrax company and seeing what you can get from them.


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