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Display Name Post: Peloton        (Topic#37578)
Roger Clarvin
Total Posts: 72
02-12-21 02:16 PM - Post#907721    

My wife wants to get back in shape after having kids and a few of her friends are into Peloton, so we are getting one of these things. For whatever reason she is not interested in my garage gym, which is basically a DMX video.

Anyone used one?

Do any of the classes lend themselves to Maffetone-style easy cardio or is it all balls-to-the-wall mentality? Or do you just slow down and do what you want in terms of heart rate? Never done any spinning.

Will the classes be too douchey and for me to stand? Seems very...neoliberal.

(Of course I am being very positive about it and supportive of my wife.)

Edited by Roger Clarvin on 02-12-21 02:16 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 142
02-13-21 12:51 PM - Post#907766    

Yes, my wife has one that I started riding last March during lockdown. Check out the power zone endurance rides with Matt Wilpers for Maf’esque training. Matt is a former D1XC runner and decent road cyclist too. Those sessions crossed over pretty well for me on longer hikes (20+ miles) in the fall and current backcountry skiing.

Roger Clarvin
Total Posts: 72
02-14-21 02:25 PM - Post#907800    

Thank, will peep.
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