Ab wheel question -
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Display Name Post: Ab wheel question        (Topic#37449)
Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
10-31-20 03:50 PM - Post#904157    

How do you guys do ab wheel for Easy Strength? On my knees it's way too easy without high reps - and on my feet 2x5 is max effort territory. Weight vest helps but isn't ideal - ideas anyone? I alternate weeks of ab wheel and hanging knees to nose with ankle weights? Thoughts? All my other lifts look like little girl stuff but I seem to have good abs?
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
10-31-20 05:03 PM - Post#904159    

To make it harder, we slow down. It's not meant to be very much, by the way.

The Push, Pull and Hinge are the meat and potatoes.

The other stuff is complementary.

I think, anyway.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

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Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
Re: Ab wheel question
10-31-20 05:03 PM - Post#904160    

How do you do them? I can do kneeling, or standing as far as a pushup position, but nowhere near 'all the way' like this guy (see his last exercise)

I get more out of side planks personally. It took a while but now I can rest on one elbow and my lower foot, while raising the upper leg repeatedly
Total Posts: 2360
Re: Ab wheel question
10-31-20 05:09 PM - Post#904161    

  • Chris Rice Said:
How do you guys do ab wheel for Easy Strength? On my knees it's way too easy without high reps - and on my feet 2x5 is max effort territory. Weight vest helps but isn't ideal - ideas anyone? I alternate weeks of ab wheel and hanging knees to nose with ankle weights? Thoughts? All my other lifts look like little girl stuff but I seem to have good abs?

Have you give crawling a try?

In my opinion, crawling makes almost any other ab exercise obsolete.
"I think we often spend too much time focusing on max fitness
and not nearly enough on maintaining our minimums.
It seems we need to think sustainable rather than obtainable.
Meaning whatever we do today, we can do it again tomorrow.
Never taking so much from ourselves that we can't."

Dan Martin

Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
Re: Ab wheel question
10-31-20 05:23 PM - Post#904162    

  • iPood Said:

Have you give crawling a try?

In my opinion, crawling makes almost any other ab exercise obsolete.

Maybe I have not pushed it enough. Crawling makes everything work, but I tend only to do it when weather is dry. The ab wheel is a tension challenge for the abs and everything frontal. So for me, it fits well in an 'Easy Strength' session.
Steve Rogers
Total Posts: 6158
10-31-20 08:53 PM - Post#904174    

You could use band assist make the standing ab wheel roll outs easier.
"Coyote is always waiting, and Coyote is always hungry."

Total Posts: 5576
Re: Ab wheel question
11-01-20 02:49 AM - Post#904175    

Are you asking how to best bridge the gap between too easy and too difficult?
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
Re: Ab wheel question
11-01-20 09:01 AM - Post#904179    

  • pink.pixie Said:
Are you asking how to best bridge the gap between too easy and too difficult?

Jordan D
Total Posts: 771
11-01-20 09:51 AM - Post#904180    

Do them standing, and measure your distance off from a wall. Don’t roll out to full Superman position. Stop just short of where it gets difficult. Increase the distance as per general Easy Strength progression. Works like a charm. Did so for me at least. YMMV.

Getting up to like 10 reps in the full standing ab wheel rollout, at a respectable body weight, to me that’s the ultimate trunk stability standard. And not at all necessary or advisable!
Total Posts: 357
11-01-20 10:01 AM - Post#904181    

I have been doing them one arm on my knees for awhile. I cheat using other arm kept under shoulder as stabilizer and that makes single arm a bit easier. Working towards one arm/one knee version.
Total Posts: 1179
Re: Ab wheel question
11-01-20 10:24 AM - Post#904182    

  • Old Miler Said:
  • iPood Said:

Have you give crawling a try?

In my opinion, crawling makes almost any other ab exercise obsolete.

Maybe I have not pushed it enough. Crawling makes everything work, but I tend only to do it when weather is dry. The ab wheel is a tension challenge for the abs and everything frontal. So for me, it fits well in an 'Easy Strength' session.

Crawl in place. I picked it up from MTB strength coach James Wilson, who DJ has mentioned before. I do bear and crab crawls in place. The bear crawl works well. Assume the position, lift an arm and leg and rock forward like you were taking a step, then rock back. Alternate.
Ramtrick Swayzbo
Total Posts: 146
11-01-20 05:30 PM - Post#904187    

Put a weight plate on your back and and do them. I started with 10kg and worked up to 3x5 with 20kg. Always done at the end of a workout. It gave me a new definition of trunk stability / tension. Important to keep your back flat throughout, even between reps at the top. It gets shaky at the bottom.
"A sunset fixes everything"


Total Posts: 1479
Re: Ab wheel question
11-02-20 07:19 AM - Post#904191    

  • Chris Rice Said:
  • pink.pixie Said:
Are you asking how to best bridge the gap between too easy and too difficult?


Try hand walkouts https://www.t-nation.com/training/tip-do-hand- walkouts-for-ab-strength
Check out my critical-thinking blog at sharpenyouraxe.substack.com

Total Posts: 2770
Re: Ab wheel question
11-02-20 10:29 AM - Post#904199    

Ross Enamait has a video about Standing Rollout Progressions With a Ramp.

I've used a ramp for quite a while now to do standing rollouts. Depending on the angle, you can start very easy and then progress by making the ramp lower and lower. My kneecaps didn't enjoy Kneeling Ab Wheel rollouts, so Ramp Rollout was a great find for me.
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Total Posts: 20705
Re: Ab wheel question
11-02-20 11:31 AM - Post#904204    

I have an ab wheel confession. Last summer when I suggested a two exercise basic program of ab wheel and the two-hand swing I did more than just suggest it, I followed the program.

Two days a week, sometimes three I got after it. Between the two exercises I got a pleasing "pump" in my torso. Not being satisfied with everything going well I decided to tinker with the routine. Do more exercises? No...Do more work by adding sets? No, those two exercises don't really need that. How about just doing those two exercises with more intensity? Sure, I can do that, so I did.

I worked my swings. Heat to the meat and locking out my lats and abs at the top. But what about the ab wheel? I tried to push that wheel through the floor as I pulled it back. First few workouts went well. Good pump, felt fine. As with anything training related the harder I went, the harder I could go. After three weeks it felt like someone was using a mallet of my shoulders. Only now has the dull ache subsided. YMMV (I went back to the DMPM!)
Mark it Zero.

Total Posts: 24932
11-02-20 12:27 PM - Post#904209    

I do the ab wheel on my knees. Like other ab movements, I prefer high reps. Usually shoot for 2x20.

The hanging leg raise is probably my favorite ab destroyer. Feet to bar for me, but your knees to nose with ankle weights looks like a winner, too. I'll definitely try them. Thanks, Chris!
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Total Posts: 296
11-02-20 05:45 PM - Post#904224    

Ross Enamait has a lot of info about using and modifying the ab wheel, if I remember correctly. He is also a beast at it, so it might be fun in any case checking him out. His book about bodyweight training is on special offer for a dollar or so at the moment as well.
Total Posts: 357
11-03-20 10:30 AM - Post#904239    

  • AAnnunz]I do the ab wheel on my knees. Like other ab movements, I prefer high reps. Usually shoot for 2x20./quote Said:

Same here. On my knees I do 2 sets, each set at the moment is 10 reps of one arm and opposite side knee using the "empty" limbs as little as possible for balance and a wee cheat, then immediately 15 reps with both arms/both legs. I flair the angle to maybe 30-45 degrees from directly above shoulders to get more of the clavicular head of pecs involved. And oddly, my goal is 2X20 as well.
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