Exercising one arm has double benefits in rehab -
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Display Name Post: Exercising one arm has double benefits in rehab        (Topic#37448)
Total Posts: 357
10-30-20 10:03 PM - Post#904144    

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/2010 22112555.htm

Exercising one arm has twice the benefits

Date: October 27, 2020
Source: Edith Cowan University

New research has revealed that training one arm can improve strength and decrease muscle loss in the other arm -- without even moving it. The findings could help to address the muscle wastage and loss of strength often experienced in an immobilized arm, such as after injury, by using eccentric exercise on the opposing arm.
Total Posts: 20705
10-31-20 10:57 AM - Post#904151    

The more exercises you can do with one limb the better. If I had a training life do-over, I would have spent more time using one or two dumbbells.
Mark it Zero.

Total Posts: 7755
10-31-20 03:30 PM - Post#904154    

From a lot of the "older" lifters I've listened to,
Dumbbells are their fountain of youth.
Life's too short to worry about longevity.

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