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Display Name Post: Science is Catching Up        (Topic#37445)
Vinny Tanner
Total Posts: 1281
10-29-20 07:09 PM - Post#904083    

I read this and I couldn’t help but think of Dan’s broken wrist workout from 2004...

16 years later, science is “proving” what we already knew! 22112555.htm
Our tuition was received in the cold school of experience.

Total Posts: 185
10-29-20 07:19 PM - Post#904084    

I graduated from college 40 years ago and distinctly remember one of my physiology profs talking about this approach being used in therapy then.
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10-29-20 08:10 PM - Post#904089    

I have a similar story from the mid 90s. Dave had a massive shoulder surgery that included a torn biceps repair, which was encased in a full cast shoulder to wrist. Within days, Dave, of course, got back to training everything upper body, only one-sided. The famous surgeon said his four-week recovery was equivalent to about eight weeks, cut the cast back off after his residents had replaced it and told Dave to keep doing whatever he was doing, that he didn’t want physical therapy messing up his progress.

Andy Mitchell
Total Posts: 5269
10-29-20 08:54 PM - Post#904091    

A legend
Nice legs-shame about the face

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
Science is Catching Up
10-30-20 10:26 AM - Post#904114    

I am glad Laree shared that.

This actually goes back to some of the earliest research on lifting.

See attached.


Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Edited by Dan John on 10-30-20 10:27 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
Re: Science is Catching Up
10-30-20 05:16 PM - Post#904133    

In the 1980s in college I read a similar story of a Russian athlete - jumper or sprinter I think, cannot remember - who broke a leg and kept working the other one.

It would be kind of interesting and fun if a bunch of people tried max-strength lifting with one arm and hypertrophy with the other. I do remember a tennis player, Slobodan Zivojinovic, who was famously lopsided...
Total Posts: 7755
Science is Catching Up
10-30-20 05:35 PM - Post#904134    

I am looking to get funding through the university system to break 12 people's right arms
and have them exercise their left ones.

Honestly, I'm not too concerned with the exercise end of the study.
Life's too short to worry about longevity.

Edited by Neander on 10-30-20 05:35 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 357
Re: Science is Catching Up
10-31-20 10:27 AM - Post#904150    

  • Neander Said:
I am looking to get funding through the university system to break 12 people's right arms
and have them exercise their left ones.

Honestly, I'm not too concerned with the exercise end of the study.

Your review board will probably like it better if you allow for Southpaws and break their left arms instead
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