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Display Name Post: The problem with....?!        (Topic#37393)
Total Posts: 709
09-19-20 04:19 PM - Post#902561    

Hey all

During lockdown here in the UK I have had friends discover a love of running, cycling, walking. A few of my former rugby buddies have taken this time of uncertainty and are back in so what better shape, after a few years of neglect.

Now, I am biased and when asked what I would recommend for them (most with little or no equipment available) I suggest OS. Daily resets and loading of resets if and/or when appropriate will bring most people great results.

A couple have gone a little ‘off piste’ and revisited the training staples from our pre season rugby days.
One has re-embraced shuttle runs.

Another - squat thrusts and the occasional tire flip (tire available at the rugby club, but obviously not at home).

And the third - burpees.

They asked my opinion on them. I spoke about pro’s and con’s, but in reality, they are enjoying moving, getting outside and reliving times of fitness ‘success’ from years gone by, so....

It got me thinking about some of these old movements that optimise all things basic yet don’t get much press time.

What is wrong with the shuttle run
The squat thrust .... and it’s vilified cousin
The burpee??

Have you any guilty pleasures of movements or anything you just don’t like? This could be enlightening haha?

Total Posts: 510
09-20-20 08:23 AM - Post#902576    

I don't recommend windmills and bent press to others but I enjoy doing them.
Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
09-20-20 04:25 PM - Post#902599    

I live 400 yards from one of the clubs that co-founded the RFU. I really ought to ask them if they have some tires the local runners could flip and drag to enliven our winter interval sessions. They have all the toys - I see them out there sprinting with parachutes!

It would be a great sport if I could do it without all those 'bigger boys' crashing into me.
Total Posts: 854
09-21-20 05:08 PM - Post#902641    

I love jacking my heart rate up. Snatches, Kettlebell complexes or chains, running. The A+A, Maffetone stuff is not for me. I'm sure it works maybe, but I don't feel like I've trained unless I'm out of breath.

JameJ, I'm opposite of you no windmills or bent press
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