Ab-Strap Rope Tucks -
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Display Name Post: Ab-Strap Rope Tucks        (Topic#37390)
Jack C
Total Posts: 2683
09-18-20 01:12 AM - Post#902526    

FWIW, I connect ab-straps to an overhead pulley and find that leading with my elbows instead of hands gripping ropes gives me a more ab-centered exercise.

The ab-straps were an old unopened gift. Fun to find new uses for old things, especially if you've never used them.

Total Posts: 7755
09-20-20 01:56 AM - Post#902575    

It always makes me real happy to hear about someone finding some new way to have fun lifting, Jack.

Thanks for that!
Life's too short to worry about longevity.

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