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Display Name Post: Training is getting more difficult        (Topic#37259)
Richard Sanchez
Total Posts: 4023
06-02-20 11:40 PM - Post#898726    

I miss my gym but I am beginning light lifting in a home gym. I still see the gym as too risky (assuming they have re-opened).

I think the gym business will be back in a big way but I think gyms will be smaller in the future as being jammed packed is just no longer seen as acceptable even after things are back to normal. Although it will cost more, and I am OK with it. For now it's my home gym.

Wild Saddle™

Total Posts: 7755
Training is getting more difficult
06-03-20 01:47 AM - Post#898728    

Hey Richard! Last week my son went back to work and also to the small gym he frequents before work.
So that's happening again for him!
Lucky Man.

When it comes to lifting at my level, I don't think the "where" is too important really.

It's quite a gift just to be able to do it!

Anyhow, Enjoy Your Home Lifting!
Life's too short to worry about longevity.

Edited by Neander on 06-03-20 01:47 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 1461
06-03-20 06:01 AM - Post#898732    

I ordered a Lifeline chest expander the other day and will be here today.

My apartment building gym is still closed. Me and me wife walk everyday, mostly on a nearby dirt trail that not many know about.

Everyday I've been doing my tai chi forms plus weapons sword and sabre, a little bit of calisthenics.

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Richard Sanchez
Total Posts: 4023
Re: Training is getting more difficult
06-03-20 08:24 PM - Post#898753    

It all reminds me of when I first started to lift everything was up in the air. What equipment? How to exercise? Where? But at least I am enjoying the work from home where I can lift when I want for a little bit of time.


  • Neander Said:
Hey Richard! Last week my son went back to work and also to the small gym he frequents before work.
So that's happening again for him!
Lucky Man.

When it comes to lifting at my level, I don't think the "where" is too important really.

It's quite a gift just to be able to do it!

Anyhow, Enjoy Your Home Lifting!

Wild Saddle™

Richard Sanchez
Total Posts: 4023
06-03-20 08:45 PM - Post#898755    

I also do Walks, and Run PLUS added some finger exercise learning how to play the Banjo.

Keeping it Fun and Healthy.


  • Henry Said:
I ordered a Lifeline chest expander the other day and will be here today.

My apartment building gym is still closed. Me and me wife walk everyday, mostly on a nearby dirt trail that not many know about.

Everyday I've been doing my tai chi forms plus weapons sword and sabre, a little bit of calisthenics.

Wild Saddle™

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