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Display Name Post: Strength training for endurance athletes        (Topic#37239)
Total Posts: 709
05-31-20 02:09 PM - Post#898654    

  • Dan John Said:

Great article Dan

I have decided to get back into running after a few weeks working alongside clients (albeit on live calls) and being unable to follow much of a set up just for me.

I am not sure my running is 'slow running' were surprised walkers could pass me, but it is something that my son and I (when out playing in woods etc) call our 'Tribal Trott'.
This is a low impact jog that won't set records but allows for a comfortable distance and without feeling beaten up.

This works well alongside basic and low impact strength movements eg an Easy Strength 5/3/2 approach.

I quite like a couple of basic lifts, bodyweight or band resisted movements:

Prone paddle x 100 (roughly - these can done for high reps).
This could be another gait pattern movement eg crawling, bird dogs, dead bugs as well .... and primes the movement pattern.

Side plank clam 10 - 20 reps a side

Band resisted pushup
DB row.

I know it's lacking on legwork, so feel free to add it in if/when you don't feel like a 'Tribal Trott' and fancy some legwork.

Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
05-31-20 06:03 PM - Post#898656    

We used to say that the slowest runners around are Kenyans on their easy day or their warmup. A bunch of them stay around here in summer for the European circuit. They start with a walk until they get to the park, then amble slowly being overtaken by the joggers.

Annoyingly, they have a few more gears above first.
Adam S
Total Posts: 629
05-31-20 10:35 PM - Post#898660    

  • Dan John Said:

There is a YouTube video--maybe more than one--of Dr. Tanaka (now deceased, sadly) teaching and demonstrating the technique with a European woman who is a member of the Slow Jogging Association in Japan. As I recall, the video is in Japanese, with English subtitles. One key that Dr. Tanaka stresses is using flat sneakers. It is essential for the midfoot strike. I tried the technique as best as I could, but my experiment stopped when I hurt my hamstring (not sure how, but probably on sprints, not slow jogs). I may or may not go back to it if my hamstring ever heals. The reason I might not try it again is that messing with my gait messes with my mind.
Why are you squatting in the curl rack?

Total Posts: 2360
Strength training for endurance athletes
06-01-20 01:11 AM - Post#898662    

This video shows what Niko-Niko running looks like:

By the way, I found John Metcalfe's book Reclaim Your Vitality quite interesting.
"I think we often spend too much time focusing on max fitness
and not nearly enough on maintaining our minimums.
It seems we need to think sustainable rather than obtainable.
Meaning whatever we do today, we can do it again tomorrow.
Never taking so much from ourselves that we can't."

Dan Martin

Edited by iPood on 06-01-20 01:12 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 2191
06-01-20 07:38 AM - Post#898666    

Great thread. The Niko Niko method suggests training at a heart rate of 138 minus half your age, thats 116 for me. My max Maffetone HR is 131. I gave it a try, and at 116 bpm I “run” at 3.8 mph, and at 132 its 4.6mph. Clearly I have lots of work to do, its humbling just plodding along at walking speed.

I’m going to try running at these crazy slow speeds for a few months, and I’ll report back with any improvements. I often pick up lower leg/foot injuries from running, so I’m hoping the lower intensity runs will give them time to adapt, and ultimately it will allow me to run at a decent pace, without feeling like death warmed up.
Owen Brown, a Biomedical Scientist from Pontyclun, Wales.

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