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Display Name Post: Visual Body Fat Percentages        (Topic#37000)
Vinny Tanner
Total Posts: 1281
12-03-19 06:02 PM - Post#890992    

Dan, here’s the article you were talking about in the latest Instagram video in case you want to share it.

Our tuition was received in the cold school of experience.

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
12-04-19 11:21 AM - Post#891024    

Thank you, my friend! It's still the very best thing I have seen to explain the reality of body mass. The original ones didn't have good 25% photos (horrible swimsuit) and these are better.

The men's 25% shot is not right (in my experience) but prolly reflects their work.
Daniel John
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Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
12-05-19 09:26 AM - Post#891049    

Interesting photos. I've used calipers for years - and even though the results probably aren't that accurate - they are repeatable. So if I'm happy with whatever number I generate - and I can keep that result over time - I'm satisfied.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
12-05-19 09:58 AM - Post#891051    

They seem to not get 25% though. Josh has extensive work here and 19-24% for women is where most woman seem to look and maintain best.

In my case, the difference between 8% (college) and 19% (today) is so Irish: I'm not sure I could have cuts unless they go full cadaver on me.
Daniel John
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Total Posts: 49
12-05-19 10:15 AM - Post#891053    

I certainly feel that the 25% is a little on the hefty side, is that what you’re alluding to Dan?
Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
12-05-19 11:00 AM - Post#891056    

  • Dan John Said:
They seem to not get 25% though. Josh has extensive work here and 19-24% for women is where most woman seem to look and maintain best.

In my case, the difference between 8% (college) and 19% (today) is so Irish: I'm not sure I could have cuts unless they go full cadaver on me.

Dan - what measurement method was used on your 8% and 19%?
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
12-05-19 11:10 AM - Post#891057    

Water immersion 1979
In-body 2019

I just think the pics they use for 25% don't reflect what I see. Swimsuit models from my youth were probably more like 25...but, I don't know. I just think they use poorer quality shots as the load goes up.

They used to use a woman with a lifeguard bikini for like 35% and she looked excellent. I am wondering if it would be better to have everyone in one pose, one suit.

It's just a small point...
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

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Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
Visual Body Fat Percentages
12-05-19 11:20 AM - Post#891060    

Photographic techniques especially in regards to technical (ie. computer/digital) touch-ups have changed drastically in the past two and half decades. It's hard to trust any visual images anymore unless you're viewing the subject in person, IMHO.

Edited by Mr. Kent on 12-05-19 11:22 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 185
12-05-19 08:37 PM - Post#891071    

My body fat was assessed at 20% via Bod Pod. I look slightly leaner than the picture provided as an example of 20% for men, although I think that the photos are pretty accurate with the exception of the 25%.

Dan, do you still consider yourself a "3" on the Venn diagram provided in "Can You Go?"
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
12-06-19 06:26 AM - Post#891079    

Yes. I'm getting closer to not being a three.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
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