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Display Name Post: add balance        (Topic#35646)
Total Posts: 404
09-12-17 08:52 PM - Post#855851    

If you're thinking about adding a few activities to help your balance, here're a few ideas from a Swiss skier's routine:

On on one of the regular trails where I let my dog run is a narrow, slightly bouncy fallen log about 12 feet long. I'd been feeling pretty good that about half the time I can make it across that.
Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
09-26-17 07:29 PM - Post#856346    

Hold my beer!
Total Posts: 1461
01-15-20 07:40 AM - Post#892681    

I go to a Yoga class 3 times a week and have my Tai Chi forms practice.

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 7755
09-03-20 01:47 PM - Post#902010    

  • Chris Rice Said:
Hold my beer!

HAHAHAHA . . . first real laugh of the day award, Chris!
Life's too short to worry about longevity.

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