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Display Name Post: 5x5 question        (Topic#26867)
04-13-11 08:07 AM - Post#686184    

Why only deadlift 1x per week? It says Squat 3x per week, but if recovery is an issue (deadlifting more than 1x) why not deadlift twice per week?

I ask because I need to get my low back stronger and a big pull is a big part of the highland games.
Total Posts: 12495
04-13-11 09:20 AM - Post#686194    

Then do power cleans, and snatch three days a week.
It don't matter

04-13-11 10:09 AM - Post#686206    

Cajun, thanks for answering I was really hoping you would be one of the folks to answer, thank you.

I was concerned with a lack of posterior chain work other than just the deadlift 1x per week.
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5x5 question
04-13-11 03:39 PM - Post#686264    

You could take the program in the wiki and do power cleans instead of rows.
The most important test a lifter has to pass
is the test of time.
-Jon Cole

Total Posts: 38
5x5 question
04-24-11 05:24 AM - Post#687718    

well only 1x a week cos you don't need more when you squat 3x a week. The bar position puts erectors thru a lot of work. and well i ve got 40kg of difference between my squat and deadlift(200kg deadlift/160x3 squat) so doing deadlift more than once a week + squating x3 ...overload. too much. yet when i squat once a week i can deadlift more frequently.
you can always add some hyperextensions before squats (Reg Park style) to builid up your back.

Edited by BSF on 04-24-11 05:27 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 10226
04-29-11 09:46 AM - Post#688396    

If you are really light OK.. otherwise the deadlift is really tough on the bod.. at my age once a week is plenty..
Much depends on your goals as well..
Total Posts: 12495
04-29-11 09:49 AM - Post#688398    

Once a week for me, and this is one of my fav. lifts.
It don't matter

Wicked Willie
Total Posts: 16864
04-29-11 10:02 AM - Post#688402    

Harold Ansorge, (an old timer from Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a bent press and deadlift specialist. He used to follow a progression when training the deadlift...starting with every three days. When the weights got heavier and his recovery affected...he went to every five days. Finally, when nearing PR and record levels...he would train the dead every 7-10 days.

At high levels, the dead takes more out of you than it puts back.

"I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

"Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

Total Posts: 12495
04-29-11 11:53 AM - Post#688429    

  • Wicked Willie Said:
Harold Ansorge, (an old timer from Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a bent press and deadlift specialist. He used to follow a progression when training the deadlift...starting with every three days. When the weights got heavier and his recovery affected...he went to every five days. Finally, when nearing PR and record levels...he would train the dead every 7-10 days.

At high levels, the dead takes more out of you than it puts back.


Yes it do, but if you havn't done deads for a while when you start up again wow does it hurt all over.
It don't matter

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