4 quick workouts -
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Display Name Post: 4 quick workouts        (Topic#24895)
Joe Boucher
Total Posts: 645
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
08-05-10 09:06 AM - Post#638826    

Wow, that is ancient.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Joe Boucher
Total Posts: 645
08-05-10 11:59 AM - Post#638890    

They have tendency to recycle articles for their newsletters and twitter feeds.

I really like the diagram of the swing. May make you swear a little
Total Posts: 482
08-07-10 11:35 PM - Post#639305    

Maybe I'm just being contrary, but I don't think jumping jacks are a good either/or for swings. It is Mens Health, don't know what I was expecting
"Alright men, they're in front of us, behind us, to our left, and to our right...they can't get away this time!" -Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller (USMC)

Total Posts: 5576
10-31-20 05:35 PM - Post#904163    

dead link now
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

03-01-23 07:19 AM - Post#925001    

Workout is very important for men’s health You just have to keep balance in all your routine life.
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