Would Larry Scott have charged Consultant fees?? -
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Display Name Post: Would Larry Scott have charged Consultant fees??        (Topic#36180)
Bruce Tackett
Total Posts: 133
07-19-18 05:51 PM - Post#867637    

There is someone elsewhere on the Internet who is claiming that he had two phone conversations with Larry Scott 17 years ago in which they discussed Isometrics, and for which he had paid a consultant fee. Sounds fishy to me.
Sierra Exercise Equipment

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Would Larry Scott have charged Consultant fees??
07-19-18 06:25 PM - Post#867639    

I totally believe that. I think Larry did a lot of phone consultations before he got sick -- in fact, he was early on that, probably started in the '80s.

Total Posts: 798
07-19-18 06:28 PM - Post#867640    

I don't see why not. Larry Scott's bio-phase training program charged monthly fees (after a sizable initial setup cost), and included training/consultation via phone or email.

Today, Frank Zane charges $199 for a one-hour phone consultation, or $119 for half an hour.
FoundationsOfIron.com, an archive of classic strength and physique training

Bruce Tackett
Total Posts: 133
07-19-18 06:58 PM - Post#867644    

Ok. Thank you all for your answers.
Sierra Exercise Equipment

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