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Display Name Post: BrianBinVA's 2013 Training Log
A 01-03-23 01:53 PM - Post#924118    

January 3, 2022

AM -- clean-grip DL x 5 singles @ 265

PM -- vanity circuit day!

Farmer walk x 150 steps (24k KBs)
Dip x 12
Ab wheel x 5
Bodyweight row x 12
Calf raise x 12 each leg
2-kb shrug x 12 (24k)
Diamond pushup x 12
L-sit x max time (not much)
1-kb row x 12 each arm (24k)
Calf raise x 12 each leg

3 rounds; no real rest -- just walked around my basement between the places where the equipment is located. Like 17-18 minutes to do the 30 sets.

I think I will try 3 x week whole body (KB complexes) and 1 x week this little vanity circuit for a bit. This workout will usually be Sunday but training has been off in terms of timing due to holiday and related obligations and houseguests, but should have a decent 7-week stretch here before a trip to SoCal for the kids' mid-winter school break.
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