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A 07-05-22 07:00 AM - Post#920292    

Thank you JDII.
I am learning a lesson called 'less is more'.

Monday 4thJuly= adjustments in PT gym
Corrections in precision
i.e. when doing sitting leg press he put his fingers under my toes and "I mustn't crush them" (=I learned weight distribution in my foot). Meaning: if I do the exercise correctly with less weight the effect is bigger than if I put on more weight and cheat in form and posture.

Or abs- sitting /obliques: instead of "turning the whole upper body side to side" to put the elbow to the ground on each turn.

Or again: correcting weight distribution between back and front leg in lunges...

Whatever was done yesterday- I feel the effect of it today.

I see that the body has its own way to economize on movements. It doesn't go for the hardest option and over time this 'economy' creates imbalances, weaknesses and pain or even injuries. We sure know that but it just became painfully evident so to speak.

Wrist: he manipulated my left wrist (one bone of 8 was´stuck' not so flexible )and after the release it feels much better and probably will improve in a couple of days.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.
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