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Display Name Post: Ville's Training Log
A 02-19-22 05:42 AM - Post#917269    


A1. FFESS: BW x 10 x 4 (each leg)
A2. Pull-up: BW x 5 x 4

B1. One Arm Press: 16kg x 10, 20kg x 8, 25kg x 8 x 2 (each arm)
B2. GHR: BW x 12 x 4

C. Suitcase Carry: 32kg KB x 40m x 2 (L, R)

D1. Ramp Rollout: BW x 15 x 2
D2. Push-up: BW x 12 x 2

Bird dog, hanging loose, curl-up and stretches.
My workout log
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