The trap bar deadlift is a hinge not a squat - home Home
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Display Name Post: The trap bar deadlift is a hinge not a squat
A 10-30-21 12:41 AM - Post#914325    

A taxonomy should, ideally, be something which enhances our understanding of things, not one which confuses it. Any taxonomy is ultimately arbitrary. That's fine, but we shouldn't get too caught up in it.

I've been distance training a young woman who works on a dairy farm and wants to join the army.

Being rural, plus the global supply crunch, she couldn't get herself gym gear. So she used three big milk jugs. One she added a litre of water a week, that was the "heavy" one. The next she added half a litre, that was the "medium" one, and the last she added a cup a time, that was the "light" one.

5 days a week for 3 months, she did this,

  • Set a timer or watch the clock to do one movement on the minute.
  • Heavy milk jug - with the thing lying on its side, pick it up and stand up straight. Put it back down. Do this 10 times, on the minute.
  • Light milk jug, pick it up fast and get it onto your chest. Now put it overhead with both hands. Lower it to the ground. Do this 10 times, on the minute.
  • Medium milk jug, pick it up but fast, and get it onto one shoulder. Walk down your driveway (hers was about 12 yards). Then squat down with it, pause at the bottom, and stand back up. Change shoulders next time. Do this 10 times, on the minute.
  • Go for a run, run for 10 minutes as fast as you can. Stop, turn around and walk back, or run back if you're feeling energetic.

She did this and some dietary stuff for those three months, and without doing any pushups she went from 3 to 38 pushups. But wait... she only did a vertical push, how did her horizontal push get stronger? Her 5km time went from 52' to 27'.

Then in her next 3 months we fiddled a bit and added chinup negatives, and harder and easier days for the runs, and that sort of thing.

And once she could get into a gym, where she's been the last month or so, she easily squatted 75kg for 6, just today she squatted 107.5kg for a double, and did 48 pushups. She also did 5km in 22'10".

Now, was picking up the milk jug a deadlift, or a squat? How about picking it up and putting it on her shoulder, was that a clean, a "continental clean", or a squat and row, or...? God, I don't know, the woman just picked it up. And her first videos were horribly messy, but she did 10 reps 5 days a week for 6 months and somewhere in those 1,300 reps she figured things out somehow...

A taxonomy like DJ's of squat, push, pull, hip hinge and loaded carry can be useful to make sure things are well-covered. But let's not get rabbinical (or Jesuit) about it.

I don't like the trap bar much, myself, but that's more because I have limited space in my garage, so I'm not keen on single-purpose pieces of kit. Give me some more space and I'll put it in there.
Athletic Club East
Strength in numbers
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