KB Starter Routine - Weight Loss Goal -
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Display Name Post: KB Starter Routine - Weight Loss Goal
A 03-02-21 05:56 AM - Post#908376    

Option A: sign up for a membership at Dan John University here, plug in your numbers and let it generate a program for you. There's also instructional material there you can read and watch. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.

Option B: go check out the Dan Martin Program Minimum (DMPM) on the sticky thread here. Do the original for 4-6 weeks, and then pick another variation for 4-6 weeks. Repeat ad nauseum.

" Warm-Up:
1. Five Minutes Concept 2 Rowing
2. Stoney Stretch ( video example )

1. Goblet Squat x 5 ( video example )
2. Push-Up x 3
3. One KB Two-Hand Swing x 15 ( video example )

1. Brettzel-Stretch ( video example )
2. Suitcase Walk ( video example )

As far as rounds go, less is more. Any
specific number depends on you. While
variety is nice, doing them in straight sets
or in a circuit is what I would limit it to.
Don't over think it, it's not rocket surgery. "

This, too, shall pass
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