Judge John's Training Log -
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Display Name Post: Judge John's Training Log
A 02-16-21 12:45 PM - Post#907886    

  • The Judge Said:
  • Adam S Said:
I hope you feel better. I was looking through your log. You were doing something you referred to as teres major row a while back. Is that the Gironda-style row that Daryl Conant demonstrated on YouTube? (I also have seen a video of Vince himself demonstrating a different version on a video produced by Robert Torres.) And what is a teres minor row, which you also refer to in your log? The teres minor is a very small muscle that is involved in external rotation, but I have never heard of a row specifically for it.

Hi Adam, thanks.

I incorrectly typed teres minor which is a small muscle that can't be exercised directly. It's the teres major, a small triangular muscle next to the lats that the row is hitting as well as the lats. I am not familiar with the youtube you are referring to. The row is basically like a regular seated cable row except that you concentrate on using the scapular to squeeze together to activate the teres.

Thanks, John. Your description of the row makes sense. The teres major attaches to the scapula.
Why are you squatting in the curl rack?
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