Learning Olympic Lifts and Overhead Squat -
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Display Name Post: Learning Olympic Lifts and Overhead Squat
A 01-05-21 04:33 PM - Post#906395    

Thanks, everyone. That blog above resonated - when I squat with a PVC pipe, my arms look weird exactly like the girl in the picture.

Tonight I practiced for ages indoors with the PVC pipe, and managed a few with my 10kg bar with about an inch under the heel. Then with a 2 inch support (heels on a 4x2), I was able to do 20kg a few times; that's the point for me where the weight really needs to be 100% vertical. Upper back working like mad to keep in position.

I moved up to 30kg and managed a few controlled 'negatives', at least getting all the way down slowly and learning to put the bar down in front.

So hopefully I'm "on the way" now and that's my "lockdown project"!
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