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Display Name Post: Training with Dystonia
A 08-03-20 10:43 PM - Post#901010    

  • Volumiza Said:
  • Spiller Said:
Cervical dystonia is pretty rare, and what you describe with the arm symptoms does not fit the classical definition. There are other much-more-common (treatable) conditions that could mimic cervical dystonia or what you describe.

When you say "aggravate her condition", what do you mean? Increased pain, or increase in intensity and frequency of involuntary muscle contractions, or what?

What tests has she had to receive this diagnosis?

She’s been under neurological consultation for over 5 years now. It is a fairly rare condition you’re correct but it has been diagnosed.

When I say aggravated I mean the frequency and intensity of the muscular contractions or involuntary twitches. Her symptoms usually manifest in her right wrist and hand. She has particular difficulty holding and controlling pens.

We’ve found that anything where she has to grip tightly or press has, over time, seemed to make things worse.

Just because it has been diagnosed, doesn't mean that it's correct. Doctors misdiagnose things all the time.

Personally, I would be more interested in treating the condition as best as possible, instead of working around it.

Good luck
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