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Display Name Post: Abbreviated Training routine 3-4 exercises keyworker help
A 06-09-20 05:38 PM - Post#898964    

Minimalist lifting, I'd say almost all lifting programs, come down to the basic foundation
once they're looked at closely and cut back to the bare bones.

I look at forming any program from this beginning view, using any sane variation or variations:

One Day -

The Other Day -
Horizontal-ish Press

From there, you can form an incredible number of workouts,
depending on how much time and/or energy you have on that day.

Accessory stuff and all the rest if possible helps in the long run, if you can fit it in.

Sets and reps are the same. Incredible variation available there as well.
When you add heavy and light factors, start looking at sets/reps on each of the movements on different days as "strength", "bodybuilding", or "endurance" there's more variation available.

Quite a lot more.

That same minimalist type of layout can be upgraded to a more complex, much more demanding layout easily with additions.

Two presses and two pulls, more frequent training . . . etc.

You gotta love this game!

Life's too short to worry about longevity.

Edited by Neander on 06-09-20 05:49 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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