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Display Name Post: Vince on Eggs and Finding them
A 05-27-14 03:29 PM - Post#803549    

  • Gabster Said:
The other day was in gym talked to young man who is tall and thin and doing D'L's.
Eggs came up as the perfect food by me and he mentioned only eats the whites...
He is young and needs the whole egg I told him...
Nope he mentions, bad for cholesterol, another myth...

At the moment I feel it should be used in moderation, like everything else. For a number of reasons, some people may have hypercholesterolemia or whatever defects. But yeah I generally go with a couple of whole eggs a day and most people should be fine with that. On the other hand, the dozen to three dozen a day that I heard Vince recommend in SPECIAL cases, I dont think that would be a good idea. At least not for someone who doesnt have the genetic ability to handle it.
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