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Display Name Post: Foam Roller
A 07-24-09 08:18 PM - Post#568869    

  • FoamRoller Said:
i must be somewhat different. when in that position, i can rotate 90 degrees inward, such that my leg is perpendicular to my body, foot resting on other leg.

but my outward rotation is only slightly better than the girl in the video.

i can hardly imagine being able to rotate 90 degrees outward, or even close to it.

as you know, i do all sorts of stretches. but it seems as though i am not doing an outward stretch.

what sort of stretches do people typically do to make that more flexible ?

I think that's pretty common, not so different at all.

Since you spend so much time on rolling, I'm guessing Eric's technique didn't do much for you. You tried it, then testing the rotation again?

If that's the case, it's probably not a tightness issue with you (while it will be for many, if not most). Instead, it's some type of weakness -- you're loose enough to relax into outward rotation, but maybe not "strong" enough on the outer leg muscles to pull. I'm putting the strong in quotes because it may be either lacking in muscular strength, or simple just a weak brain-to-muscle connection. The brain's forgotten how to access the less-often-used muscles at the outside of the hip.
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