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A 04-14-08 11:27 PM - Post#431933    

My history/ age and weight:
0-5 yo normal
5-10 fat (immobile for eight months at 5yo, physical, psychological and social traumas,help, plus my grandma started to cook!)
10-15 slowly back to normal (but high BF)
15yo and onward:
height:163cm = 5,3 feet
weight: 60kg ± 2kg (BF) that is 132 lb

The worst weight gain ever as an adult (one time only): 132-143-154lb (how funny each digit increased plus one unit) and back down again the same leather. Let me tell ya, I do not want to reapeat that, ever again!!
How did I manage? I lived on rice cakes during one winter...blanket over my head.

How did I loose it? I felt uncomfortable and I decided I didn't want it. It then dropped away, no diet, no excercise but I quit the rice cakes. Learn a carb lesson from me here.

body type: gynaeoid/lymphatic combined 50-50%(±10%) up or down on both according to different ways to answer the questionair on

stuff to work with/proportions:
even (somewhat short in my upper body, short neck), straight, thin shoulders, generally thin upper body, more substantial lower body.

Now I saw a photo: moi, three months old, same grim determination in my face, same baby fat on my ankle, some things just never change, or? LOL

The rest of the story: my mother is holding me pointing her index finger straight into the camera lens. I am watching her fingertop with utter concentration, like a cat watches a mouse. I guess I didn't get the lesson of finger pointing to the moon, LOL. Don't look at the finger, look where to it is pointing....

One needs to gain some altitude when viewing the haunting reality.

Hey, let's fly I said. Better late than never, my motto, did I say?

Dream weight: 115 lb (don't ask me why, fiction, who cares?)

Let's speak body composition from now on....:-)

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.
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